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Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
gorgeous doggy pictures here today

Afternoon all it's cold, wet & grey here today

Moonie I hope you wrapped up warm to go out and were soon home & dry again

Squiggle- very exciting

Hi Sweet  

I hope your day goes well 

I managed to avoid the showers, some of which where hail

The sky is clearing now and the sun has just peeped out 


Love that last piccie El 

Last edited by Moonie
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

Afternoon troops  


Hope everyone's okay     I shall vote for the Blackbird - the closest to an English speaking feathered "friend" as you can get: "We can see you, we can speak to you"  

Afternoon Velvet.


I was torn between the robin and the blckbird, but opted for the robin.

Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

Afternoon troops  


Hope everyone's okay     I shall vote for the Blackbird - the closest to an English speaking feathered "friend" as you can get: "We can see you, we can speak to you"  

Afternoon Velvet.


I was torn between the robin and the blckbird, but opted for the robin.

Afternoon Yogi   


Yeah, I'm almost fluent in Robin too. There's more to this game than meets the eye as El's Daily Mail link to gifting crows a few days ago indicates   


Hope all is well   

I like the phrase "gifting crows".

All is well, thanks, and I hope it is with you too.

Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

Afternoon troops  


Hope everyone's okay     I shall vote for the Blackbird - the closest to an English speaking feathered "friend" as you can get: "We can see you, we can speak to you"  

Afternoon Velvet 

Hope your day goes well 

Hi moons  


Chores done - footie tonight  

Sounds good to me Velvet 

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

Afternoon troops  


Hope everyone's okay     I shall vote for the Blackbird - the closest to an English speaking feathered "friend" as you can get: "We can see you, we can speak to you"  

Afternoon Velvet.


I was torn between the robin and the blckbird, but opted for the robin.

Me tooooooo  

Originally Posted by squiggle:

I'm torn between the robin and the blackbird too, I love the robin he's so friendly and cheeky but I love the song of the blackbird, especially on a Spring or Summer morning and before nightfall.  But I love the wren too, I see them such a lot and they are so quick and beautiful.

Love that smiley Squiggle 

*night owls*

Aw night Ros

The workmen turned up late (traffic), mr summer walked bramble and cooked tea while I constructed and decorated a spring/easter gingerbread house for my BIL, who's birthday dinner we're going out for tomorrow night he's done some special favours for mr summer lately so we wanted an extra gift to say thank you.

Moonie & velvet, I hope you boys enjoyed the football tonight

Speaking of blackbirds.. We have one that sits on our roof most mornings, in full song and I saw a curlew yesterday, that sang beautifully too

Sweet dreams yogi, I hope you've had a nice evening

Sweet dreams everyone else
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone.


A cloudy start to the day.


Summer, I've been reading back because I thought I'd missed your original post about the workman, but couldn't find it in here. Then it finally dawned on me that you had probably mentioned it in the Darnies thread.


I'm sure your BiL will love his gingerbread house.


Happy St Patrick's Day!


Have a good day everyone.

Aaaaaw that's so so cute!! I want to tickle his ears

Good morning all I hope you've all slept well

Sorry, I thought I had mentioned the workmen coming in this thread too. There's some work needing doing at work, but I had to hang around to let them in to assess for a quote, and arrange when the actual work can be done. I ended up an hour and a half later home than normal.

Happy St. Patrick's day everyone!
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by squiggle:

Good morning everyone, I was the same Yogi, trawling back trying to find the post from Summer that I had missed


How lovely seeing a curlew and hearing its call, I had no idea they had a beautiful song.


Aww how cute is this?



Enjoy your day everyone

lol Squiggle, I'm glad I wasn't the only one!


What a sweet puppy!


Spend most of the morning trying to fix my ancient laptop. First of all, it switched on but wouldn't load up - black screen! Managed to do a startup repair and got it working again but then it wouldn't connect to the internet as the wilan was disabled, and I couldn't enable it. Lots of googling and a hundred 'solutions' later, I somehow managed to sort it myself - have no idea how I did it!


Edit: but now Firefox isn't loading and I'm getting an error message!

Last edited by Yogi19

Yogi, sounds as if you've got problems. Looks as if the laptop isn't getting connected with the internet. One way to check is to see if you are able to get emails. If not, it' could be some setting that you need to tweak but it's probably easier for a technician actually there to try and work out what to do.

The Firefox problem could be unrelated. If you can get emails but can't get into Firefox first check that Internet Explorer browser is working. If that is but Firefox isn't, if you are able to get to the Firefox bowser page go to Help and select Restart with Add ons disabled. If that doesn't work, go to Help, Troubleshooting Information and click on the Refresh Firefox button at the top right of the page.

El Loro
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