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I had other fish to fry Joyron the doorbell rang this afternoon and when I opened the door there were guys from BT Openreach here to change my bracket with a cherry picker reversing down my driveway putting all my shrubs in severe peril.  Shortly after that my internet connection packed up and I have just got back, trauma , first badgers, now cherry pickers, I may have to go and lie down with cold compresses on my eyes (shades of Ben!!)
Good morning everyone, we can't win, either its cold or wet or both I have a heady mixture of the two this morning, plus another nighttime saunter by my friendly local badger.  I wish he would seek pastures new. 

Yogi I really don't think there's anything I can do to stop him.  My garden backs on to farmland and there's usually sheep and always horses in it, plus my garden has all sorts of birds from pheasants down visiting it so no chemicals or sonic devices, I wouldn't know what sort of effect they would have on other wildlife.  No I think its just the old backfilling for me, if I can get the flap of grass put back in place it grows again.  Thank you for trying to help though
Reference: Squiggle
. My garden backs on to farmland and there's usually sheep and always horses in it, plus my garden has all sorts of birds from pheasants down visiting it so no chemicals or sonic devices, I wouldn't know what sort of effect they would have on other wildlife.

That makes it a very difficult to deal with.
Good evening everyone.    Sorry I've not been about today.  Busy, busy, busy that's all my time seems to be at present!!!

Sorry to hear about all your problems Sqiuggle.  Quite a lot to contend with at one time.  Great to hear the news of your new clients El Loro.

It's been dull, wet and miserable here most of the day.  I SO want spring to arrive. 
Good morning everyone

The sale of my parents' house is now progressing at a much faster rate than anticipated. Good news, but it means that I will have to speed up my looking through their books etc. Luckily the buyers who I know are happy to deal with the general clearance themselves. More importantly, they will pass the books I leave behind to charity shops - my fear was that they would have just thrown them away which would be the last thing my parents would want.
El Loro
Good morning everyone.
Reference: El Loro
The sale of my parents' house is now progressing at a much faster rate than anticipated. Good news, but it means that I will have to speed up my looking through their books etc. Luckily the buyers who I know are happy to deal with the general clearance themselves. More importantly, they will pass the books I leave behind to charity shops - my fear was that they would have just thrown them away which would be the last thing my parents would want.

Good news on the house sale, El.
I have loved books all of my life and can never bear to throw them away.  Any books I no longer want are either passed on to friends and family, or handed in to the charity shops. I'm glad your parents books aren't going to be thrown away.

It's pouring down here, so that umbrella you gave me will be very useful today.
Good morning everyone.
It is very windy and there's a fine layer of snow on the ground.
Skylark, sorry I missed you last night, I was visiting my mum and dad. When we were driving home, it was really windy and there were big hailstones, then sleet and snow.
At one point, visibility was so bad, I thought I was going to have to pull over.
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