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Evening all.


Summer, that's a lovely idea to give your dad's watch to your sister.


Squiggle, good luck with buying a car to suit you.


El, the idea of the fairy doors was sweet but I can understand why they want to curb it now.


Velvet, hope all is well with you, the boss and four paws.


Moonie, good to see you. I hope you are taking good care of yourself.


Hubby and I are going away for a few days next week and Keira is staying with my mum and dad when we go away (no more kennels after the "teeth" incident).

Since I was going over to my mum's today, she suggested I bring Keira over and save another trip at the weekend. My house feels really empty without her!



Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

Evening Yogi  


Yeah it will but it beats the kennels ten times over and she is in trusted hands      Wee break sounds good - hope you both have a lovely time. Nice time of year for an escape  

Absolutely right, Velvet.

She loves being at my mum and dad's, and they both love her to bits. My dad is still quite fit for his age and will take her on plenty of walks too, but I hate my house when she isn't here. 

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Dreamer~:
How tiny?

Was Kiera alright when you left her? Do you think your parents will enjoy having some furry company?

Not very big at all! 


Keira was fine, she was dancing with excitement as she waited on my dad to get his jacket on, to take her a walk. She loves my dad and he loves her.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Dreamer~:
That would be a bonus, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. Is the good nice there?

Did you mean 'food'? 

If so, yes we found some nice places to eat. We have breakfast in the hotel (going back to the same one) and it was delicious too.

Would you really expect Mr Yogi to go somewhere where the food wasn't plentiful and good?


Morning everyone 

Cant believe its Friday already, what a quick week its been ! 
Hope you have a lovely time Yogi x
Got some shopping to do, must remember to get light bulbs, 3 popped yesterday, one after the other. No electrical problems i must have have changed them around the same time before. 
Have a good day all 

Originally Posted by El Loro:


The supply of low energy lightbulbs that I got sent free when they came in 2009 was large enough that I've still got some. They do last a lot longer than the old ones.

Can' remember the last time I changed a light bulb. Even when we had a water leak and the water ran down the light cable and over the light bulb, last year. Everything was replaced by an electrician, re the wiring and the bulb put back in. Still working now 

Originally Posted by moonie:

Well done for putting Sweet's typo right El

She would have been mortified to see it 

The only reason I mentioned it is that my user name gets shown as having edited the post and she might wonder why my name was appearing, otherwsie I would have just edited the post and said nothing as the typo was obviously not intended.


El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by moonie:

Well done for putting Sweet's typo right El

She would have been mortified to see it 

The only reason I mentioned it is that my user name gets shown as having edited the post and she might wonder why my name was appearing, otherwsie I would have just edited the post and said nothing as the typo was obviously not intended.




Re light bulbs, here's a little brain teaser for you:


There are 100 light bulbs lined up in a row in a long room. Each bulb has its own switch and is currently switched off. The room has an entry door and an exit door. There are 100 people lined up outside the entry door. Each bulb is numbered consecutively from 1 to 100. So is each person.

Person No. 1 enters the room, switches on every bulb, and exits. Person No. 2 enters and flips the switch on every second bulb (turning off bulbs 2, 4, 6...). Person No. 3 enters and flips the switch on every third bulb (changing the state on bulbs 3, 6, 9...). This continues until all 100 people have passed through the room.

What is the final state of bulb No. 64? And how many of the light bulbs are illuminated after the 100th person has passed through the room?


The answer is shown here:


With a bit of logical thinking and mental arithmetic it is possible to work this out without using a calculator or computer.


El Loro

Skylark, I have some bulbs in my front room on the back wall which are screwed in. They are in metal casing which is so close to the bulb that it is impossible to uncrew them. I don't ever use them as there's an ordinary light on the ceiling and they are the same bulbs as when I bought the house over 20 years ago.


El Loro
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Dreamer~:
Afternoon everyone
Windy and cold here, but dry and fairly bright

Lol moonie, it's true, I like my grammar & spelling to be correct hope you're ok
Thank you for editing El

My spelling is good most of the time Sweet, predictive text allowing 

Breezy but sunny too. Quite a warm sunshine  

Originally Posted by Skylark:

Back from shopping. Got the bulbs i needed, small candle ones that screw in. I have those energy ones on the main lights but they dont fit my wall lights and lamp.

Thats a brain teaser. EL. my mental arithmetic isnt so good these days, but will give it a go later 
Hi Summer, and moonie x

Hi Skylark 

My mental arithmetic is virtually none existent 




Good afternoon everyone.


I've taken Mr Yogi for his Diabetic Retinal Scan. He didn't need to have any drops, so could actually have driven himself, but no problem anyway.


El, I'd have a go at the puzzle, but logical thinking and Yogi don't go together.


Squiggle, I agree it's more complicated buying bulbs nowadays, and Skylark, I also find that bulbs seem to blow around the same time.


Summer, your typo made me laugh, because I knew it was completely unintentional.


Good to see you, Moonie. I hope this visit means you're on the mend?


I am missing my dog. The next time we are going away, she isn't going over to my parents' until the night before!

Originally Posted by squiggle:

Good afternoon everyone My goodness I wonder why Mr Yogi didn't need any drops for the retinal scan.  That is definitely the worst part, they really sting.

They said he didn't need the drops because the pictures were clear enough without them. He's had to have the drops before, so I think he was just lucky this time.


Hi Yogi, oh thats good, with Mr Yogi,  you can go away without that worry. Keira will be fine, i know she is a miss when you dont have her xx

Yes squiggle, too many light bulbs to look thru these days!
Forgot to say, GD was dressed as Alice, at Book day. Easy , a bit lazy but....
Now we have red for Comic Relief, she wearing red Christmas jumper with red nose on Rudolph! A lovely lady with 4 kids at school nearly cracking up, it never ends!

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Good afternoon everyone.


I've taken Mr Yogi for his Diabetic Retinal Scan. He didn't need to have any drops, so could actually have driven himself, but no problem anyway.


El, I'd have a go at the puzzle, but logical thinking and Yogi don't go together.


Squiggle, I agree it's more complicated buying bulbs nowadays, and Skylark, I also find that bulbs seem to blow around the same time.


Summer, your typo made me laugh, because I knew it was completely unintentional.


Good to see you, Moonie. I hope this visit means you're on the mend?


I am missing my dog. The next time we are going away, she isn't going over to my parents' until the night before!

Awww  but  too 

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