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*night owls*
Yet another busy day- what's going on!

Oh no Squiggle I know how much you love that car. You're a wonderful car owner though and I think you deserve a new one

Yogi well done on finishing the jigsaw will you do another?

Aw moonie I suspected that was the case, I hope you feel brighter soon

El, I hope you're enjoying this calmer season at work, you've earned yourself s good rest

Skylark I hope you have fun with your visitors

Velvet, nics to see you back
Sweet dreams to all
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone, what a beautiful morning it is too, with a real promise of spring.  I know that I am not the only one in this thread longing for spring to come.


I hope it's a happy day with PB Yogi and I hope the tax course goes well and proves a bit more interesting than it may look to be EL.


Whatever everyone is up to today, I hope it goes smoothly

Good morning! the sky is blue, the sun is shining and the birds are singing bramble and I are sunbathing on my bed, the window is open. We are stuck in today waiting for 2 parcels, it's the perfect excuse I need to tidy up and relax

Yogi I hope you have a lovely day with PB
El, good luck with your course

Squiggle, what are you up to today?
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning Summer I was hoping for a lovely family day for my daughter to meet her grandson for the first time but as my car is not back it's made it a little difficult.  So we are scrabbling around to try to rearrange things, I am sure we will get something sorted.


Do you have good weather where you are too and will you be able to get out and enjoy your day off?


I found this fascinating, like Street View for the 17th Century, the City of London including Pudding Lane where the Great Fire started.  Created by six students from De Montfort University




Hope things work out, squiggle xx Cant view just now, plug in carry on again.....

Hope you all having a good day. Was at the library and lots of children making a right old noise. Nice to see them using the library , of course but perhaps the teachers could have told them to shush! In my day we got a right old telling off for even breathing loudly!

Have fun with PB Yogi, and hope El, is enjoying his course 
Hi Velvet, yes thanks had a good evening, no Kim and Aggie tho 
Hope you chilling out, Summer x


That's so interesting squiggle, I often wonder what it would be like to step back in time
I've had to stay in today, so have a beef casserole in the slow cooker and have done a yoga DVD
I've also booked flights to go see my sister and spoken to several people on the phone already this morning

Skylark I hope GD enjoyed the library, is she dressing up for world book day?
~Sparkling Summer~

I'm back from that course, some interesting bits, some of little relevance.


Squiggle, that's a facsinating clip of old London. As the clip shows, many of the streets were very narrow which is why the Great Fire was able to spread so easily (and because of the use of timber in buildings). There is a similar very narrow alleyway in the centre of Gloucester which is very old. Hardly anyone knows of its existence and it is not accessible as the entrances are blocked off.

El Loro

Hi Summer, good to hear you have got things sorted to see your sister xx

It wasnt Granddaughters school who were at the library, she doesnt attend school near us, its a distance away. I popped in to change my books but got the wrong day for a bit of quiet! Bless them tho, lovely to see libraries still open. 
Yes GD will be wearing something for World Book Day, not got it sorted yet...
Beef stew sounds delicious , my mouth watering! Son having pork steaks, GD having lasagne, i am having salad.  I should open a cafe   

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Dreamer~:
In that case, put me down for chicken fajitas please Skylark

Did you find a new book to read?

Sorry for delay, madam, cant get the staff these days 
Image result for chicken fajitas

Yes was looking for a book, first part of a trilogy by Diana Gabaldon. I read the 2nd one first! Got it ordered. Lovely story, a bit a of mystical love affair at the time of the Battle of Culloden in 1746. Its a good read x

Hi El, x


Hi El, totally agree. If i have done something right with GD, i hope i have instilled in her the love of books. I loathe the new technology with kids reading from ipads/Kindles   . 
Searching thru dressing up stuff i real book this year. Last year was easy with Harry Potter ..
Goodnight all, have a good evening 


Summer, I hope your parcels arrived.

You must be excited about visiting your sister soon.

What a coincidence, I made beef stew for dinner tonight - PB enjoys it too.


Squiggle, I hope you've manage to rearrange things for the family get together.

I loved the video clip of old London.


Skylark, I agree that encouraging a love of books is a good thing.


El, I'm glad the course was of some use and had some intresting stuff included.


Velvet, does the cold weather make your mum's arthitis worse?  I know my hip always seems worse in the winter.






Good morning everyone, not a bad morning, a little cloudy.  I am glad you had a good day with PB yesterday Yogi, I knew you would.  It looks like the course was useful EL


Some really cute costumes on the BBC breakfast show for World Book Day


I hope the warmer weather soon will relieve the boss's arthritis.  How exciting Summer, when will you be travelling?


Enjoy your day everyone


It was so cute EL, just trying to think.  There were sisters dressed as the witch from Room on the Broom and The Gruffalo.  A Harry Potter, a little family with the baby dressed as The Very Hungry Caterpillar and the middle girl as Tinkerbelle, I am racking my brain to think what the eldest one wore but its gone, there were lots more but I just can't recall, sorry.  I remember a very clever costume of a big silver box with a little boy's face peering through a grill but I never got what character he was, and I remember a little boy with saucepans dangling, he was saucepan man I think from The Magic Faraway Tree.  They were all brilliant.

Good morning all sorry I didn't make it back last night, my phone kept ringing and then Mr summer got home and I fell asleep while we was talking to me!

Velvet, bramble is highly entertaining lately I'm glad your furry friend is doing well too, what breed is he?

Squiggle, how goes the car situation?

I too saw some costumes for world book day, this morning. Mostly princesses, but all very cute

Yogi, what's pb's latest news?
~Sparkling Summer~

Hi Summer, I should be getting my car back later today.  I have had to move the test drive to Monday as the sales guy isn't in tomorrow and I didn't want to go in on Saturday.  I have asked my grandson to pick me up a copy of the local paper to have a good look for any likely contenders.  I would love to find a second hand Astra at a good price if the test drive shows that the Alto doesn't suit me, I loved driving the Astra.


Update on that driver charged with dangerous driving on the bypass between Gloucester and Cheltenham. This is from today's local news site. Potentially a landmark legal case for drivers - is speeding at 120 mph dangerous (possible prison sentence) or careless (no prison sentence).


Defence lawyers are challenging whether driving at 120mph along the A40 Golden Valley bypass between Gloucester and Cheltenham can be legally classed as dangerous

Michael Oliver, 24, of Lambert Gardens, Shurdington, is alleged to have reached that speed on the bypass on August 14 last year in a VW Golf.

He appeared before Gloucester Crown Court today to face a charge of dangerous driving but Judge Jamie Tabor QC said the defence will be making an application to dismiss on the grounds that speed alone does not constitute the offence.

Prosecutor Janine Wood said it was about 1.30am when police followed Mr Oliver's VW from Cheltenham towards Gloucester. At the Elmbridge roundabout the car went back onto the bypass and returned to Cheltenham.

"The police say he was reaching a speed of 120mph," she said. "The police car speedometer was showing 110mph and the car was going away from them.

"He was then said to be doing 80mph along the road past GCHQ which has a 40mph limit. "

Oliver's defence said he would be willing to admit a charge of careless driving but not dangerous.

Judge Tabor adjourned the case until May 22 for the legal argument over whether the dangerous driving charge can be justified in law.

El Loro
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Dreamer~:
I'm going at the end of May, Squiggle I'm excited and nervous at the same time. I'm going to give her an old pocket watch that belonged to our dad

Hi moonie we miss you, I hope you're taking good care of yourself

That's so lovely giving her that pocket watch.


It's lovely to see you moonie, as Summer says take good care of yourself.

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