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There is an ongoing petition to deny permission to a bar in London where owls will be on display and customers able to stroke them. Please support this petition.


There's an article in the Telegraph about the bar.

At the end of the article it says that all profits from ticket sales will be donated to the Gloucester Barn Owl Centre’s new conservation project.

That is a lie. The Barn Owl Centre has not agreed to accept such money and is on public record saying that:



El Loro
Last edited by El Loro
Originally Posted by moonie:

Sounds like a bit of a con/scam going on there then El 

It seems that the bar owners contacted the owl centre about giving them the profits, the centre hasn't replied, and the next thing they know is the bar getting into the national press and the centre getting attacked by animal rights activists.

El Loro

I see that the weather forecast site Metcheck has just changed the format of its forecast pages for this week and the following week.

It now shows the percentage likelyhood of snow. Appaerently there's a 90% chance of snow on Monday afternoon in the Gloucester area though the temperature is forecast at 6 C. On the following week page there's a 35% chance of snow on the afternoon of Saturday 7th with a temperature of 12 C.

Something not quite right about that

(Note that the page does change so if you look at the link, the figures may have changed)


El Loro
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Washine machine has arrived and been fitted. First load already in.

PB due any minute, catch up later.

Well done Mr Washing and instellation man  

*passes bag of bird feed for PB to feed the birds 

It was Mr Yogi who "installed it".


The blackbirds (and PB) have had lots of raisins.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Washine machine has arrived and been fitted. First load already in.

PB due any minute, catch up later.

Well done Mr Washing and instellation man  

*passes bag of bird feed for PB to feed the birds 

It was Mr Yogi who "installed it".


The blackbirds (and PB) have had lots of raisins.

Well done Mr Yogi  I hope 

Sounds like PB and the blackbirds had a good day then 

And I know you did too  

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Washine machine has arrived and been fitted. First load already in.

PB due any minute, catch up later.

Well done Mr Washing and instellation man  

*passes bag of bird feed for PB to feed the birds 

It was Mr Yogi who "installed it".


The blackbirds (and PB) have had lots of raisins.

Well done Mr Yogi  I hope 

Sounds like PB and the blackbirds had a good day then 

And I know you did too  

The kitchen floor isn't flooded....yet!

Yes, we all had a good day. 

How was your day?


Good morning everyone


The cake is yummy


Cloudy and there's the threat of rain here but I think the heaviest rain is this evening.

Yogi, I'm glad the wetness is outside for you rather than the kitchen floor


11,694 signatories to that owl petition so far. It would be good if that can be doubled so that it would then exceed the number of people who have expresses an interest in going to the bar.


El Loro

Good morning everyone, I think we have a similar weather forecast to yours EL, heavy rain later on.  I hope the weekend is going well


I love to hear the dawn chorus too, I do hope we can get enough signatures on that petition to stop this idea in its tracks.  Have a great day with PB Yogi and I am glad the new washing machine is safely installed and working well.


Originally Posted by ~Sweet Dreamer~:
I thought so, but I'm daft so could have been wrong lol

Did you play games today?

We did lots of puzzles, looked at lots of photos and read lots of books. She also played with her dolls and pram. One of her doll's has a dodgy eye which stays shut and PB calls her "wonky eye". She also does an imitation of wonky eye, and she winks.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Dreamer~:
Hehe! She sounds so funny, I bet your ribs and cheeks ache from laughing sometimes

How are you getting on with your jigsaw?

She makes us laugh all the time. She has a wicked sense of humour and loves fun.

My jigsaw is about two thirds done.


Have you had a busy day at work?

Last edited by Yogi19
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