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Good morning everyone, a grey sort of day, weatherwise of course because in our family it is a day filled with sunshine  I have seen some pictures Yogi and not only is he totally gorgeous he is the spitting image of his daddy at the same age.  I dug out some pictures because one picture in particular was reminding me and I laughed out loud at the similarity.  Wow so far he is a peaceful little chap, totally relaxed.  I have never seen a caesarean baby and he certainly looks very peaceful, it was his daddy who looked a little nervous, well at first


Very interesting about the solar eclipse -


Eclipses in 2015
March 20: Total solar eclipse
April 4: Total lunar eclipse
September 13: Partial solar eclipse
September 28: Total lunar eclipse

Eclipses in 2016
March 9: Total solar eclipse
March 23: Penumbral lunar eclipse
September 1: Annular solar eclipse
September 16: penumbral lunar eclipse


Fortnight (approximate two-week) separation between solar and lunar eclipses. A solar eclipse always takes place within one fortnight of any lunar eclipse. For instance, in 2015, the total solar eclipse on March 20 comes one fortnight before the Blood Moon total lunar eclipse of April 4. The partial solar eclipse on September 13 occurs one fortnight before the Blood Moon total lunar eclipse of September 28. In 2016, the total solar eclipse of March 9 happens one fortnight before the penumbral lunar eclipse of March 23; and the September 1 annular solar eclipse takes place one fortnight before the September 16 penumbral lunar eclipse.


Composite total eclipse


Lunar eclipse (blood moon)


Enjoy your day everyone


On my local news website today this misleading news story:


THE paper driving licence will be abolished this summer, the DVLA has announced.

From June 8, the counterpart will not be valid and will no longer be issued by the Swansea-based agency.

And motorists are being warned of the move well in advance that it must be destroyed from this date.

Drivers, however, will still need to keep their current photo card licence.


The article is wrong as this only applies where you have a photo card licence and a paper counterpart. For anyone who has just a paper licence (those issued before 1998), those remain valid and should not be destroyed. Next time you need to update it, then a photo card licence will be issued.

El Loro
Originally Posted by squiggle:

Good morning everyone, a grey sort of day, weatherwise of course because in our family it is a day filled with sunshine  I have seen some pictures Yogi and not only is he totally gorgeous he is the spitting image of his daddy at the same age.  I dug out some pictures because one picture in particular was reminding me and I laughed out loud at the similarity.  Wow so far he is a peaceful little chap, totally relaxed.  I have never seen a caesarean baby and he certainly looks very peaceful, it was his daddy who looked a little nervous, well at first






Aww, I bet you can't wait to get a snuggle with him.


Here is a gem from my local council...


Down the road there are a set of traffic lights on the main road. Running parallel to the main is another road. Between the two roads just before the traffic lights, there was a piece of derelict land.


The council decided to make this derelict land into a pay and display(P&D) car park. As the main road is lower than the other road, a ramp was required. In their infinite wisdom the council then decided the make the other road a one-way system. Fair enough.


Well, when the local car driving fraternity discovered that a clever idea of avoiding waiting at the traffic lights was to use the ramp and P&D as a bypass. The council came up,with another plan. They decided to install bollards on the other road exit, thereby stopping the P&D being used as a traffic lights bypass. 


I have to chuckle every time I see a car come speeding up the ramp only to discover the exit has been blocked and have to turn around and go wait at the traffic lights again   


Sorry about the essay. Couldn't think of a way of shortening it  


Moonie, Llanthony Road in Gloucester used to be used by drivers wanting to take a short cut. It goes over the Gloucester Docks and there's a swing bridge which is raised when boats need to get through. Most of the time the bridge is lowered.

The local council made it into a bus, taxi and cycle only road and installed a CCTV camera to catch drivers still crossing over the bridge. The council did have clear warning signs on the road but drivers ignored the warnings. Well over 10,000 drivers were issued with penalty notices having been caught by the camera, and it was a nice little earner for the council.


I've just used Google Maps street view just to check that the warnings are obvious. Oddly enough I can Google-drive over the bridge. I wonder if the driver of the Google vehicle which took the street view images got issued with a penalty notice

El Loro
*night owls*

That's a lovely song El, thank you
I chose the name because I keep falling asleep as soon as I get here lately
I like the art work too, it's very peaceful

Squiggle, what a lovely thing the baby looks like his daddy and isn't it wonderful when pictures are replicated after all those years. I hope your nerves were down to excitement/adrenaline, and they didn't last long. You're a wonderful grandmother

Moonie, I would have to giggle at that sight too serves them right for cheating!

Sweet dreams yogi hope you enjoy your early night
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone, very wet here too but forecast to dry up later, I do hope so as it's housegroup Thursday.


Yes thanks, I have had a lovely cuddle, he is so beautiful and so far a very contented baby. Yes thank you Summer the nerves have settled down now, it's just nerve racking waiting for a new addition to the family.


What a sweet story EL.


Enjoy your day everyone


I've just taken in a small package from Amazon for my neighbour. The person who "delivered" it had just put it on the ground by their front door in the rain. I just happened to spot it. Hopefully the contents will be in cellophane (I think that's likely to be something like a DVD box set). The cardboard packaging is very damp, I've dried it a bit with a cloth.


El Loro
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Moonie, it's one of those days where it was warmest first thing this morning and is steadily getting colder throughout the day.

Ahh well, it will soon be Spring El

True, I tend to think of St Patrick's Day (March 17) as the day winter comes to an end and spring starts in my area. In recent years, spring seems to have started earlier than that, The forsythia bush in my garden currently shows no sign of buds so it's looking as if the start of spring will be closer to the 17th.


El Loro
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Dreamer~:
Good afternoon

A drizzly start here but now bright & sunny

El, that was kind of you, it's irresponsible of the postman to have left the parcel out like that

Squiggle, did he have that new baby smell?


Originally Posted by Skylark:

Hope you all well. Sunshine here, chilly still though. 
Many congratulations to you and the family , squiggle 

Like the new name, Summer   Will still call you Summer, if thats ok 

  to all

No real baby smell yet Summer, I expect when he's a little older and can stay awake for more than a few seconds.  He was so sleepy yesterday too tired to want any more milk.  He has gone home with his mum today so that will be nice for them all to bond.


Thanks Skylark, good luck with the collecting.

Originally Posted by moonie:

Image result for Spring


Image result for Spring


Image result for Spring



Lubs the last piccie  

Those pictures are just what we need to remind ourselves that winter is coming to an end moonie, thanks for posting.  February seems to have lasted for ever, and it's the shortest month!  I love the wisteria in the end picture, I believe they are a little tricky to grow and that display must have taken some skill to achieve.

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