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Is this one okay?

Some woman from Market Research phoned me (on behalf of my bank) and asked if it was convenient to answer some questions about the bank's customer service. I said I'd just sat down to eat dinner, hoping she'd say "Oh, I won't bother you then", but she said "I'll phone you back in 15 minutes". So if I disappear again, you know where I am.
Good morning everyone.
My kitchen cupboards are in pristine condition, in readiness for the planner/designer guy's visit this morning. He better say "Ooh missus, what a tidy kitchen!" or I'll be very diasppointed.
Hubby thinks I am totally bonkers - "Why are you Spring cleaning a kitchen we are just about to pull out?". I suppose he does have a point.
Good afternoon everyone.    Grey and cold here today.  Supposed to get colder too!!

Yogi, you have been busy.  Hope the kitchen planner notices all your hard work.

El Loro, I never watched Luther or 24.  It sounds as though Kidnap and Ransom is probably not going to be my sort of programme, but I look forward to hearing your final verdict after tonight's final episode.

No.1 son assures me he has set his Sky+ box to record Roman Holiday and Pillow Talk for me, although he says he has already downloaded a copy of Roman Holiday.  The recording tonight is just as a back up in case the download is no good.

Hairdresser due around 1.30 pm to cut my hair.  Will be back later. 
Joyron, I'm far from certain that you would enjoy Kidnap and Ransom. I've had a look to see what else Patrick Harbinson has written and he wrote some of the Wire in the Blood episodes (Robson Green). Although they are different, I would guess that if you watched and liked those you would like this. I'm a bit wary of saying don't watch something as everybody has different tastes. I can't go into specifics without giving away plot details.
El Loro
Reference: El Loro
Particularly as we are still in winter
Positive thinking El, it will soon be spring (I hope).

Reference: Skylark
 @Yogi, i used to have Terry nappies for my daughter and no washing machine, so i used to wash them out before i went to the launderette! Very apt pics El ! Off to my friends for a couple of hours for a natter, take care
Skylark, we're a pair of maddies.
Enjoy your evening with your friends.

Joyron, I have been watching Kidnap and Ransom. I am not enjoying it as much as Wire In The Blood, or Waking The Dead, but it does have the benefit of Trevor eve in the lead role.

Back home in the warm again, its a very cold wind today and is even trying (half-heartedly) to send a little flurry of sleet.

Oh no Squiggle, we don't need any more white stuff.
You are certainly not alone Skylark, hubby and me used to own a launderette and there was one guy came in for a service wash every week and he used to handwash it all before he brought it and there was the guy who every week without fail used to wait for the light to come on to add fabric softener, then he would step up to the machine and add more soap  (hubby tried over and over again to explain why this was not a good idea ), oh yes and the lady who was convinced that if she left a sock out she could poke it through the soap slot in the top and it would go into the drum! We had quite a laugh in that place.
Good afternoon everyone.    It's bitterly cold here today but we have had a little sunshine.  I heard from my penfriend in America and they had another 17 inches of snow overnight Wednesday into Thursday.  They are due another 3 or 4 inches tomorrow and another big storm is forecast for next Tuesday, AND they still get towork on time!! 

Yogi, hope you enjoy your lunch date with hubby.  Squiggle, you certainly should consider writing a book about all the "goings on" when you ran the laundrette!!  El Loro, I look forward to seeing if I can quote once the next update comes around.

El Loro and Yogi, was the ending of "Kidnap and Ransom" a good ending or not?  I cannot stand wading through a very long programme only to find the ending really rubbish!!  Trevor Eve is great to watch but only if the programme lives up to expectation too.

Hope to be back later. 
Afternoon everyone.
We didn't have any breakfast, so we went early to lunch. It was lovely but I am absolutely stuffed now.
Joyron, I would say Kidnap and Ranson is worth watching, if you are fed up and there's not a lot else on TV. It was okay but I wouldn't be in a rush to watch it again. That's just my opinion. Trevor Eve is nice to look at though.
Glad you enjoyed your lunch Yogi.  It's great when you don't have to cook, or do the washing up!!

Thanks for your comments about "Kidnap and Ransom".  As I said to El Loro yesterday I will keep the recordings as long as I have space and, as you suggest, watch it if there's nothing else on.  I just didn't want to watch it if the ending was not as you would expect. 
Squiggle, I agree that Gregory Peck was very nice to look at.
We had garlic mushrooms (not the breaded kind). They were sauteed in a garlic and cream sauce and had a light cheese topping - very nice. Then I had roast beef, roast turkey and gammon with mashed potatoes, roast potatoes and a selection of vegetables. Hubby said it was a glorified Sunday dinner, which I suppose it was. But I never really enjoy Sunday dinner because I am so busy cooking, clearing up and washing up.
So, as Joyron said, the real joy is having a nice meal cooked for you and no washing up afterwards. We were both too full for dessert, just had a cup of coffee.
Good evening all.  Thank you for remembering me Skylark.   

That sounds like an awesome meal Yogi  .  Don't think I could have coped with all that you had, although I WOULD have given it a good try!  I like mushrooms, although most definitely not garlic mushrooms.  I really, really don't like cooked cheese either.    However the roast meats sound absolutely wonderful!!!

Signing out for the night.  Hope to catch up with you all over the weekend as and when I can. 
Hi Yogi I am sitting with my feet in a foot spa, not a good look
I used to have one of those, until we emptied the loft - now it's in the tip recycling centre.
I tried watching the cast list for Corrie to see who the actor was, playing the solicitor who was looking for Colin Fishwick - but the graphics were so small, I couldn't read them.
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