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Originally Posted by El Loro:

Good morning everyone


Cold here and there's been a tiny amount of snow overnight. Bot not enough even for this:

 Is that a Borrowers' snowman, El?


Good morning everyone.


No change in the weather up here. Freezing cold and snow still lying. 


Keira is going to the groomer this afternoon - she won't be happy!


Have a good day everyone.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

Good morning everyone, what a cute little snowman


Does Keira like it when she is looking all well-groomed afterwards?  We had a Scotty when I was growing up and he hated the groomers and used to get out and roll in the mud as soon as he could


Enjoy your day everyone

 Naughty Scotty! 

Keira is always very happy when we pick her up but I think that's more relief at getting out of the groomers, rather than liking her new look.


The biggest publishing news story of the year has just been announced:

An unpublished novel by Harper Lee is to finally see the light of day, 60 years after the US author put it aside to write To Kill a Mockingbird.

Go Set a Watchman, which features the character of Scout as an adult, will be released on 14 July.

Lee wrote it in the mid-1950s but put it aside on the advice of her editor.

"I thought it a pretty decent effort." said Lee in a statement. "I am humbled and amazed that this will now be published after all these years."

Set in the fictional southern town of Maycomb during the mid-1950s, Go Set a Watchman sees Scout return from New York to visit her father, the lawyer Atticus Finch.

According to the publisher's announcement: "She is forced to grapple with issues both personal and political as she tries to understand her father's attitude toward society, and her own feelings about the place where she was born and spent her childhood."


El Loro
Last edited by El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Afternoon Velvet

The highlight of my afternoon was buying a large envelope. It's far to large to go through a letter box. I need to send 2 lever arch files full of papers back to a client and the envelope is just big enought to put them in.

That must be some envelope surely it must be padded otherwise it wouldn't be strong enough.

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Afternoon Velvet

The highlight of my afternoon was buying a large envelope. It's far to large to go through a letter box. I need to send 2 lever arch files full of papers back to a client and the envelope is just big enought to put them in.

That must be some envelope surely it must be padded otherwise it wouldn't be strong enough.

Yes, it's a Jiffy bag size L.

El Loro

Good mornng everyone


Coldish but dry here, no frost this morning.


Summer, I dropped my brother off at the railway station Sunday afternoon, so, hopefully he's back home by now


I got an email from one of my clients this morning. She and her family have been in holiday in Istanbul but they were held up at gun point, and all cash credit cards and phone were stolen. She received a deep cut on her forehead in the incident. The embassy and police haven't been much help. Their flight back home is leaving soon and the hotel manager won't let them leave without paying their hotel bill. Can I lend her some money which she'll repay as soon as she gets back.


This is a scam. I've done a Google search which does suggest this and I noted that it seems to be from yahoo email addresses. I also noticed that although the email is shown as coming from my client's email address, the reply email address is almost the same but slightly different. Obviously I rang my client to let her know and sent her an email.


She's just rung me back to confirm that this is a scam and it has been sent to everyone of her contacts. She now has the job of getting this sorted out and letting all her contacts know so that they don't get taken in.


El Loro

Good morning everyone, a nice bright morning, and there was such a beautiful full moon last night, it was peeping in my bedroom window first thing this morning.


Well done EL on spotting that scam, I would definitely have fallen for that one, so plausible.


Enjoy your day with PB Yogi, plenty cuddles coming up


Enjoy your day everyone

Crikey that's a clever scam! I thought it odd that she would ask her accountant for money rather than her family, but still didn't suspect a scam. That's rotten! Well done for being vigilant and helping her spread the word.

I've been at the dentist an hour and am numb but have had no work done yet. Someone has messed up the appointment and booked me in for a check up instead of a filling. My requested dentist hasn't got time to do it so I'm waiting for a colleague of his to become available. I'm not happy about it but the tooth needs fixing so I have no choice but to wait.
I'm kicking myself for not bringing my book!
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~:
Crikey that's a clever scam! I thought it odd that she would ask her accountant for money rather than her family, but still didn't suspect a scam. That's rotten! Well done for being vigilant and helping her spread the word.

I've been at the dentist an hour and am numb but have had no work done yet. Someone has messed up the appointment and booked me in for a check up instead of a filling. My requested dentist hasn't got time to do it so I'm waiting for a colleague of his to become available. I'm not happy about it but the tooth needs fixing so I have no choice but to wait.
I'm kicking myself for not bringing my book!

Oh no! That's awful, when you have got yourself all ready for a filling and now you have to hang about, I hope it doesn't take much longer and that all will be well


Afternoon Velvet


That scam does seem cleverer than some and it did seem quite convincing to me.


I've been to the post office with that huge jiffy bag. While I was there they got a phone call and the cashier said they hoped it wasn't another one of those PPI claim calls. So I told her about this morning's email. The more people who know about it the better.


El Loro
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