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Afternoon all I hope you've all got your errands done ok

I've had quite a morning! I drove to work but stopped at a local shop for a few bits, when I came out the car wouldn't start! I called RAC who said the starter motor needed replacing, so they push started me and directed me to a local garage, then dropped me off at work. Then, I got a lift to pick up my fixed car during my lunch break!
Thank goodness for wonderful colleagues and good timing on the car's behalf
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

Afternoon troops 


Quite a good weekend. Saturday night blasted the 60's/70's lounge music to trivial pursuit.


Thought the objector to the Bishop sounded like Starkey. Surely not?


Hope we're all fine and dandy   

 Hi Velvet. 

That sounds like a good Saturday night.

I haven't seen the news yet today - surely not Starkey!

I'm fine and hope you are too.

It sounded like him but probs wrong - not for the last time  


As long as you are fine Yogi I'm fine. Am though!     



 You never know, it might have been him.


I am fine and I'm glad you're fine. 

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~:
Afternoon all I hope you've all got your errands done ok

I've had quite a morning! I drove to work but stopped at a local shop for a few bits, when I came out the car wouldn't start! I called RAC who said the starter motor needed replacing, so they push started me and directed me to a local garage, then dropped me off at work. Then, I got a lift to pick up my fixed car during my lunch break!
Thank goodness for wonderful colleagues and good timing on the car's behalf

Bad luck about the starter motor but the RAC guy sounded helpful, and  to your helpful work colleagues.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

It was the Revd Paul Williamson who made the protest.

The same man lodged an official objection at the civic offices at Windsor back in 2005 as an attempt to prevent the wedding of Prince Charles and Camilla.


Likes a bit of a protest, does he?

He doth protest too much, methinks,

(apolgies to william Shakespeare)


El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

It was the Revd Paul Williamson who made the protest.

The same man lodged an official objection at the civic offices at Windsor back in 2005 as an attempt to prevent the wedding of Prince Charles and Camilla.


Likes a bit of a protest, does he?

He doth protest too much, methinks,

(apolgies to william Shakespeare)


Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~:
Afternoon all I hope you've all got your errands done ok

I've had quite a morning! I drove to work but stopped at a local shop for a few bits, when I came out the car wouldn't start! I called RAC who said the starter motor needed replacing, so they push started me and directed me to a local garage, then dropped me off at work. Then, I got a lift to pick up my fixed car during my lunch break!
Thank goodness for wonderful colleagues and good timing on the car's behalf

Sweet, one of my dreams last night was of someone continually trying to start a car (mine and not me)   


Glad you got it sorted so speedily  


Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Good morning everyone.


Sorry I missed you last night, Moonie.

Summer, I'm glad you had a nice tea and enjoyed your pancake dessert.


Weather is damp and rather chilly this morning.


Got to nip to the chemist, post office and tip later this morning - exciting!


Have a good day everyone.

No probs Yogi. I was a little late  

Originally Posted by moonie:

And good afternoon peeps   

Shopping done and food bought 

Dull and cool here today 

I hope it's better where you are  

Well done. I've done my shopping too and been to the tip. Off to prep tonight's dinner.


You have been busy I see 

Prep well  

Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by moonie:

 A bit of a fracas at the first ordination of a woman bishop 

The radio said someone was ejected 

A man did step forward during the service saying that it wasn't in the Bible (ordination of women as bishops). It was expected that something like that would happen. Archbishop of York Dr John Sentamu asked the congregation if it was their will that Mrs Lane should be ordained.

The man asked to speak to Dr Sentamu about the "absolute impediment" before walking off.

And the service continued.


Yep, no charges where instgated I see

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

The snow storm forecast for New York is not coming this way - could be 70cm there. Snow is forecast in the UK later this week, possibly 10cm on the hills in Scotland but could snow anywhere.

Hubby asked me yesterday if I thought we'd seen the last of the snow (no idea why he thought I would know) but it looks like the answer is no.


Chicken curry is simmering away.

*sniffs air*  I can smell it cooking from here 

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~:
Afternoon all I hope you've all got your errands done ok

I've had quite a morning! I drove to work but stopped at a local shop for a few bits, when I came out the car wouldn't start! I called RAC who said the starter motor needed replacing, so they push started me and directed me to a local garage, then dropped me off at work. Then, I got a lift to pick up my fixed car during my lunch break!
Thank goodness for wonderful colleagues and good timing on the car's behalf

Hi Sweet  

You have had a traumatic day 

Thank goodness for the RAC and helpful colleagues 

Originally Posted by squiggle:

I am glad it all worked out so well Summer, thank goodness for helpful RAC man and wonderful colleagues


There were all sorts of doom and gloom forecasts for worldwide weather earlier, I hope the snowstorm in New York doesn't turn out as badly as predicted, and for us too obviously.

*decides to do some maintenance on sled and get huskies back from their winter hols*...Just in case 

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

You will notice soon i have left the forum. This is because of family issues and i am not in a very good place just now. 
No problems with anyone . 
I have enjoyed every moment with you all. I may be back in a few months, maybe not.

No drama. 
Take care everyone 

 I will miss you and I hope you can come back and join us at some time in the future. Take good care of yourself.


Good morning everyone, I am so glad you slept better Yogi, it really pulls you down when you don't sleep   I love the jim jams but would you feel hungry wearing them?


We have very similar weather to yours EL, I am not looking forward to it getting colder again and I hope those of you who live further north don't get lots of snow which disrupts life too much.


Enjoy your day everyone

Originally Posted by squiggle:

Good morning everyone, I am so glad you slept better Yogi, it really pulls you down when you don't sleep   I@ love the jim jams but would you feel hungry wearing them?


We have very similar weather to yours EL, I am not looking forward to it getting colder again and I hope those of you who live further north don't get lots of snow which disrupts life too much.


Enjoy your day everyone

lol I can imagine me wearing those PJs - hubby would be off to make a bacon sandwich straight away.


Squiggle, I'm not looking forward to it getting cold either, and this time it will remain cold for at least a week. I hope it doesn't cause problems for people where it snows.

The Met Office in their blog say that the reports in the media of a polar vortex are not wholly accurate as the polar vortex is displaced towards Russia so is not directly repsonsible for the change to cold weather. They say that the northerly winds forecast are not unusual for winter.


El Loro
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

Good morning everyone, I am so glad you slept better Yogi, it really pulls you down when you don't sleep   I@ love the jim jams but would you feel hungry wearing them?


We have very similar weather to yours EL, I am not looking forward to it getting colder again and I hope those of you who live further north don't get lots of snow which disrupts life too much.


Enjoy your day everyone

lol I can imagine me wearing those PJs - hubby would be off to make a bacon sandwich straight away.

And quite right too 

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