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Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

I;m seeing the client with the losses later to go through the various options with him. Hopefully his head won't explode


I had a phone call from someone asking if I knew about the feed in tariff. He was clearly in a call centre as I could hear other voices so I said there was a lot of background noise. He then just rang off without saying anything and didn't ring back. I think this is to do with solar generated energy where excess energy created by your solar panels is sold back to the energy provider thus providing you with some income to offset against the cost of the panels, but it would take years for the full cost to be recovered. I'm not questioning the concept but it doesn't give confidence when callers just ring off and don't bother to ring back.


I haven't had any of these calls yet.

nor me - not interested - someone at work paid ÂĢ4000 for her panels - how long would that take to get back and then make a profit - EL is right

Rocking Ros Rose

Good morning everyone


Cold here and cloudier than yesterday.


Summer, my client doesn't seem to be anxious and is quite level headed. He is bright enough to understand the options. I think he will decide between option 4 where the amount of tax saving is a known amount and option 5 where the amount of tax saving is based on future profits and may be less or may be more. It depends on how much of a gambler he is. That's why it has to be him who makes the decision.


I'm off shortly for a routine 6 monthly dental check up.


El Loro

Ros, with these solar panels and feed in tariffs, much must depend on the householder's age and how many years do they expect to be owning the house. I do have a client who has gone into one of these schemes but they are about 60, live in a village, and are likely to stay there for many years as they are part of the community.

El Loro

I'm back from the dentist checkup and given the all clear


Yogi, even option 4 has some risks as HMRC might question the size of the loss. I don't deal with the partnrship accounts or tax, just this partner's tax return. The other partner deals with that and doesn't use an accountant. I have warned my client that he might have to repay the tax saving and be charged interest.


El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

I'm back from the dentist checkup and given the all clear


Yogi, even option 4 has some risks as HMRC might question the size of the loss. I don't deal with the partnrship accounts or tax, just this partner's tax return. The other partner deals with that and doesn't use an accountant. I have warned my client that he might have to repay the tax saving and be charged interest.


If I were his business partner, that would set alarm bells ringing. 


Yogi, I understand that the other business partner's tax position is very different to my client in that he doesn't have much other income. My client joined that person's existing business. That means that option 5 is in all probabllity his only option and my client has told me that is what he is doing.

As to not using an accountant for the type of business they are in, that in my view is risky but that's their decision. It's not a client I would take on nowadays as would be too large a job.


El Loro

My client has just ring to say he's going for option 4.


Squiggle, for a few years before my parents married, my mother worked and lived in London for the PRS (Performing Rights Society). That collects monies from around the world from music performances etc and passes it on to the composers etc who hold the copyright. She worked in the section dealing with South America and had to calculate how much was due to each person for the country she did. This was in the late 40s to early 1951. There was no such thing as computers in those days.

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

I've had the first enquiry from someone panicking that they have to do their tax return. I don't take on those people as a general rule as I work on the basis that they are so disorganised by leaving it this late that the chances of their paperwork being organised aren't very high.


I can see where you are coming from.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:

Fankoo lubberly peeps 

I am bound to bruise, I always do 

And with two holes in me arm, it's a stone blind certainty 

Have a great evening all  


PS...Have a super day with PB tomorrow Yogi  

Aww, I'm the same Moonie, I bruise really easily.

PB isn't coming until Thursday this week but I'll have a good time with her then.


Edit: did you read the post in the CDWM thread where I said PB was coming tomorrow? That was from last week.

Yep, I did read the CDWM thread Yogi 

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:

Fankoo lubberly peeps 

I am bound to bruise, I always do 

And with two holes in me arm, it's a stone blind certainty 

Have a great evening all  


PS...Have a super day with PB tomorrow Yogi  

Aww, I'm the same Moonie, I bruise really easily.

PB isn't coming until Thursday this week but I'll have a good time with her then.


Edit: did you read the post in the CDWM thread where I said PB was coming tomorrow? That was from last week.

Yep, I did read the CDWM thread Yogi 

I couldn't understand why you thought she was coming today, until EC posted in the CDWM thread and I saw my post from last week.


It has started snowing again up here.

Last edited by Yogi19
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:

Fankoo lubberly peeps 

I am bound to bruise, I always do 

And with two holes in me arm, it's a stone blind certainty 

Have a great evening all  


PS...Have a super day with PB tomorrow Yogi  

Aww, I'm the same Moonie, I bruise really easily.

PB isn't coming until Thursday this week but I'll have a good time with her then.


Edit: did you read the post in the CDWM thread where I said PB was coming tomorrow? That was from last week.

Yep, I did read the CDWM thread Yogi 

I couldn't understand why you thought she was coming today, until EC posted in the CDWM thread and I saw my post from last week.


It has started snowing again up here.

That'll teach me to read thread dates before posting, won't it Yogi? 

We have had snow off and on for the last hour or so but its not accumulating 

And the gritter has been around again too 

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:

Fankoo lubberly peeps 

I am bound to bruise, I always do 

And with two holes in me arm, it's a stone blind certainty 

Have a great evening all  


PS...Have a super day with PB tomorrow Yogi  

Aww, I'm the same Moonie, I bruise really easily.

PB isn't coming until Thursday this week but I'll have a good time with her then.


Edit: did you read the post in the CDWM thread where I said PB was coming tomorrow? That was from last week.

Yep, I did read the CDWM thread Yogi 

I couldn't understand why you thought she was coming today, until EC posted in the CDWM thread and I saw my post from last week.


It has started snowing again up here.

That'll teach me to read thread dates before posting, won't it Yogi? 

We have had snow off and on for the last hour or so but its not accumulating 

And the gritter has been around again too 

 I've done it myself, Moonie.

We still have the snow from the weekend, so the new stuff tonight is going to add to it, and the gritter hasn't been near.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:

Fankoo lubberly peeps 

I am bound to bruise, I always do 

And with two holes in me arm, it's a stone blind certainty 

Have a great evening all  


PS...Have a super day with PB tomorrow Yogi  

Aww, I'm the same Moonie, I bruise really easily.

PB isn't coming until Thursday this week but I'll have a good time with her then.


Edit: did you read the post in the CDWM thread where I said PB was coming tomorrow? That was from last week.

Yep, I did read the CDWM thread Yogi 

I couldn't understand why you thought she was coming today, until EC posted in the CDWM thread and I saw my post from last week.


It has started snowing again up here.

That'll teach me to read thread dates before posting, won't it Yogi? 

We have had snow off and on for the last hour or so but its not accumulating 

And the gritter has been around again too 

 I've done it myself, Moonie.

We still have the snow from the weekend, so the new stuff tonight is going to add to it, and the gritter hasn't been near.

Awwww that's not good news for you Yogi  

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:

Fankoo lubberly peeps 

I am bound to bruise, I always do 

And with two holes in me arm, it's a stone blind certainty 

Have a great evening all  


PS...Have a super day with PB tomorrow Yogi  

Aww, I'm the same Moonie, I bruise really easily.

PB isn't coming until Thursday this week but I'll have a good time with her then.


Edit: did you read the post in the CDWM thread where I said PB was coming tomorrow? That was from last week.

Yep, I did read the CDWM thread Yogi 

I couldn't understand why you thought she was coming today, until EC posted in the CDWM thread and I saw my post from last week.


It has started snowing again up here.

That'll teach me to read thread dates before posting, won't it Yogi? 

We have had snow off and on for the last hour or so but its not accumulating 

And the gritter has been around again too 

 I've done it myself, Moonie.

We still have the snow from the weekend, so the new stuff tonight is going to add to it, and the gritter hasn't been near.

Awwww that's not good news for you Yogi  

No it's not, and I've got a hospital appointment in the morning.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:

Fankoo lubberly peeps 

I am bound to bruise, I always do 

And with two holes in me arm, it's a stone blind certainty 

Have a great evening all  


PS...Have a super day with PB tomorrow Yogi  

Aww, I'm the same Moonie, I bruise really easily.

PB isn't coming until Thursday this week but I'll have a good time with her then.


Edit: did you read the post in the CDWM thread where I said PB was coming tomorrow? That was from last week.

Yep, I did read the CDWM thread Yogi 

I couldn't understand why you thought she was coming today, until EC posted in the CDWM thread and I saw my post from last week.


It has started snowing again up here.

That'll teach me to read thread dates before posting, won't it Yogi? 

We have had snow off and on for the last hour or so but its not accumulating 

And the gritter has been around again too 

 I've done it myself, Moonie.

We still have the snow from the weekend, so the new stuff tonight is going to add to it, and the gritter hasn't been near.

Awwww that's not good news for you Yogi  

No it's not, and I've got a hospital appointment in the morning.

Oh noooo, that's certainly not good for you either 

I hope the appointment goes well for you Yogi 

*night owls* I'm all caught up

Good luck for your appointment yogi, I hope things are looking good

El, I completely understand your decision to not accept disorganised clients- I dare say their books are missing paperwork as well as being a mess. Personally, I couldn't bare it! I'm very organised with mine and submit them swiftly after my year end, I enjoy my bookkeeping too

Squiggle, if your mind is like a butterfly then I would imagine it to be a beautiful and colourful one
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


Cloudy here, rain overnight. No frost though on the cold side. No snow expected in my area for the time being.


Yogi, I'm glad that you should be able to make your hospital appointment and hope that it goes well


Summer, you've got it in one. If people have left it this late for their tax returns their papers are likely to be incomplete and a mess. You are one of those who keep on top of their bookkeeping but many just let the paperwork build up and it then becomes a huge job for them to sort out.


El Loro

Good morning everyone, not quite so cold today I think.  I hope you manage to get to the hospital without problems Yogi and that your visit is helpful.  I am off to have my ear syringed this afternoon and then popping in to visit a friend.  I have found a wonderful source of 'thinking of you' cards with a Christian message and she has a huge circle of people that she likes to write to to encourage them in life's daily struggles.  The cards are wonderful and so cheap, the benefits of the internet which my friend does not have.


What a lovely thing to say Summer, thank you


Enjoy your day everyone


Squiggle, I hope your ear syringing goes well this afternoon. That's very thoughtful of you to find those cards for your friend


People who have no internet access are becoming more and more disadvantaged with businesses and govenment organisations being ever more internet only. The other day I posted about HMRC no longer sending out paper reminders to people to file their tax returns by 31 January. They are working on the basis that people without computer access would have filed their tax returns by post where the deadline was 31 October. HMRC are instead sending email reminders where they have the taxpayers email address. But anyone who doesn't have internet access and uses the likes of internet cafes and public computers in libraries wont' get any reminder at all.

El Loro

Recently one of the accountancy websites has been asking accountants for some of the more unusual payments their clients have claimed for in their expenses. Yoe can't read the article as you have to be a member of the site but here are a few of them.

An artificial leg for a customer of the client where the client was run by an Italian with close ties with his family back in Sicily. The customer had suffered a freak accident with a sledge hammer.


A monthly subscription of ÂĢ20 for a "scientifically proven" deodorant which instantly makes women attracted to you.


A set of false teeth because the old set were ill-fitting and causing a lisp. (HMRC were not convinced)


But my favourite and probably yours was the client who worked from home and was also a delivery driver with his own vehicle. He gave the accountant receipts for vet bills and dog food etc as he believed his dog was principally a guard dog for his home office and the van when out doing his rounds.

Picture of the guard dog on the site:

A miniature Yorkshire terrier


El Loro

Squiggle, I'm sure your friend will be delighted that you've managed to source those cards for her.


El, I can understand that it's cheaper for HMRC to email reminders rather than send out letters. However, if they don't have an email address for someone, it seems unfair that they don't send them a reminder through the post.

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Recently one of the accountancy websites has been asking accountants for some of the more unusual payments their clients have claimed for in their expenses. Yoe can't read the article as you have to be a member of the site but here are a few of them.

An artificial leg for a customer of the client where the client was run by an Italian with close ties with his family back in Sicily. The customer had suffered a freak accident with a sledge hammer.


A monthly subscription of ÂĢ20 for a "scientifically proven" deodorant which instantly makes women attracted to you.


A set of false teeth because the old set were ill-fitting and causing a lisp. (HMRC were not convinced)


But my favourite and probably yours was the client who worked from home and was also a delivery driver with his own vehicle. He gave the accountant receipts for vet bills and dog food etc as he believed his dog was principally a guard dog for his home office and the van when out doing his rounds.

Picture of the guard dog on the site:

A miniature Yorkshire terrier


 What a bunch of chancers!

Originally Posted by Yogi19:


El, I can understand that it's cheaper for HMRC to email reminders rather than send out letters. However, if they don't have an email address for someone, it seems unfair that they don't send them a reminder through the post.

It wouldn't surprise me if a higher proportion of people miss the deadline this year as a result. I think it very unlikely that HMRC would regard that as an acceptable reason for not filing on time.


El Loro
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