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Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~:
Thanks moonie I let myself eat chocolate fudge cake lol

Hi yogi how's the snow tonight?
I had sizzling steak with garlic prawns

I hope you have doggy bags with some steak and chocolate fudge cake for us?


Snow is still here but it has frozen, so it's crunchy and icy now.

Unfortunately I can't eat tonight now. Fasting blood test at 9-15 tomorrow 

On the other hand, there is always after 

I can eat yours if you want?

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~:
Here's your doggy bags

That's a big 'un!! thanks. I will eat it when I come back fankoo 

I was trying to save you from yourself.

Erm...I don't need saving, fankoo muchly 

 If you say so.


Going to turn in now, goodnight and sweet dreams, Moonie and Summer.

Hugs for the night owls.

Nite nite Yogi, sleep well and have sweet dreams  


Good morning everyone, very cold but no snow and no frost either, there was frost in the field below the house but none here.


Yogi we shall all be worrying until your home safely, take great care and Summer please drive carefully, I hope all the roads that you have to drive on have been gritted.


I hope everyone else is feeling OK and managing to stay warm.  Moonie I hope the blood test went well and now you can indulge a little


Enjoy your day everyone





I mentioned a few months ago about my brother wary about walking when it's icy conditions. I don't think it's like that at present where he lives, but if the pavements were like those in your area, he would be anxious about going out. He told me some time ago that he wouldn't go to where he does voluntary work in icy conditions.

El Loro
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Thanks Summer and Squiggle, I'm about to head out and I will take care. I do have previous for falling over when it's icy, but I usually land on my bum and the padding tends to ensure minimal damage.


* leaves food parcel for Moonie's return  * Hope all went well with the blood test Moonie.

Fankoo Yogi and everyone. Tucks into goodies. Leave some for anyone who care to help themselves 

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Moonie, the nurses at my surgery are experienced at taking blood samples so it's unlikely that they would have to make a second attempt. Sounds as if yours needs to go on a phlebotomist's training course. Phlebotomy is the medical term for taking blood.

Probably a pneumatic drill would work better El 

In fairness to the nurse, that's only the second time in many many years she has had to have more than one go. So I wasn't doing her justice  

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Moonie, the nurses at my surgery are experienced at taking blood samples so it's unlikely that they would have to make a second attempt. Sounds as if yours needs to go on a phlebotomist's training course. Phlebotomy is the medical term for taking blood.

Probably a pneumatic drill would work better El 

In fairness to the nurse, that's only the second time in many many years she has had to have more than one go. So I wasn't doing her justice  

Of course, I was forgetting that moons are rocky

El Loro

I'm back and I didn't fall over. I had to walk on the road at times as the pavements were so icy.

El, I don't blame your brother for trying to avoid going out when it's icy. I've seen a few people get quite nasty injuries when they've fallen over.


Moonie, I hope you don't get a bruise. And you can have something to eat now.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~:
Oh no moonie, I bet you'll get a bruise I'm glad you're back home and can relax, I hope the blood results are in quickly and are helpful

I hope your poor arm heals quickly moonie and that you are able to have some delicious nosh to make up for the ordeal

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I'm back and I didn't fall over. I had to walk on the road at times as the pavements were so icy.

El, I don't blame your brother for trying to avoid going out when it's icy. I've seen a few people get quite nasty injuries when they've fallen over.


Moonie, I hope you don't get a bruise. And you can have something to eat now.

Well done on making it back safely, pictures of Scotland on the news look very pretty but slipping on ice is no joke


I;m seeing the client with the losses later to go through the various options with him. Hopefully his head won't explode


I had a phone call from someone asking if I knew about the feed in tariff. He was clearly in a call centre as I could hear other voices so I said there was a lot of background noise. He then just rang off without saying anything and didn't ring back. I think this is to do with solar generated energy where excess energy created by your solar panels is sold back to the energy provider thus providing you with some income to offset against the cost of the panels, but it would take years for the full cost to be recovered. I'm not questioning the concept but it doesn't give confidence when callers just ring off and don't bother to ring back.


El Loro

News today that British Has are reducing their gas prices by 5% from 27 February. Their present variable rate for my area is 4.33p per kWh before VAT. So reducing that by 5% would come to 4.11p.

I'm currently on a fixed rate tariff. I'm paying 3.70p. That's 10% cheaper than what their new variable rate will be. I'll have to look around when the fixed rate tariff comes to an end.


El Loro

I've been getting those calls too EL, I am not interested and I make that clear.


Interesting item on the local news later, someone whose child did not attend a birthday party has received an invoice from the parents of the child whose birthday it was - for ÂĢ15 - non-attendance fee, the mum said the child not attending had left her out of pocket - the mind boggles.

Originally Posted by moonie:

Fankoo lubberly peeps 

I am bound to bruise, I always do 

And with two holes in me arm, it's a stone blind certainty 

Have a great evening all  


PS...Have a super day with PB tomorrow Yogi  

Aww, I'm the same Moonie, I bruise really easily.

PB isn't coming until Thursday this week but I'll have a good time with her then.


Edit: did you read the post in the CDWM thread where I said PB was coming tomorrow? That was from last week.

Last edited by Yogi19
Originally Posted by El Loro:

I;m seeing the client with the losses later to go through the various options with him. Hopefully his head won't explode


I had a phone call from someone asking if I knew about the feed in tariff. He was clearly in a call centre as I could hear other voices so I said there was a lot of background noise. He then just rang off without saying anything and didn't ring back. I think this is to do with solar generated energy where excess energy created by your solar panels is sold back to the energy provider thus providing you with some income to offset against the cost of the panels, but it would take years for the full cost to be recovered. I'm not questioning the concept but it doesn't give confidence when callers just ring off and don't bother to ring back.


I haven't had any of these calls yet.

*night owls*

Yogi I'm glad you didn't slip on the ice earlier I hope the snow isn't still falling
I've spent the evening shovelling our street, it was rather slushy but I knew if it froze (as predicted tonight) that it would be so much more hassle tomorrow. I met some very chatty local kids who had build snowmen and were then creating a fort, I let them have the snow I took off the road and I oveheard them discussing how nice I was one of them couldn't tie his shoe laces yet so I did them for him when he politely asked. It's nice to see kids out playing instead sitting playing on the Xbox all the time

El, I hope your client is feeling less anxious about the options regarding their losses now I thank my lucky stars each day when we turn a profit, and for having the good sense to save a bit back for the rare occasions when we don't
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~:
*night owls*

Yogi I'm glad you didn't slip on the ice earlier I hope the snow isn't still falling
I've spent the evening shovelling our street, it was rather slushy but I knew if it froze (as predicted tonight) that it would be so much more hassle tomorrow. I met some very chatty local kids who had build snowmen and were then creating a fort, I let them have the snow I took off the road and I oveheard them discussing how nice I was one of them couldn't tie his shoe laces yet so I did them for him when he politely asked. It's nice to see kids out playing instead sitting playing on the Xbox all the time

El, I hope your client is feeling less anxious about the options regarding their losses now I thank my lucky stars each day when we turn a profit, and for having the good sense to save a bit back for the rare occasions when we don't

They sound like nice kids, Summer.

No more snow up here, but no thaw either so the icy snow is still lying around.


Must go now, I'm nodding off.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

I've been getting those calls too EL, I am not interested and I make that clear.


Interesting item on the local news later, someone whose child did not attend a birthday party has received an invoice from the parents of the child whose birthday it was - for ÂĢ15 - non-attendance fee, the mum said the child not attending had left her out of pocket - the mind boggles.

thought that was awful - wouldn't dream of it - think it happened to us when we had parties in various venues for son

Rocking Ros Rose
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