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Good morning everyone, a little rainy here.  Yogi I hope you have a great day with PB and your visitors.


I hope your clients will manage to get organised so that you don't have a last minute rush EL.  I couldn't see myself wearing a nose warmer somehow but it's interesting that colds don't like warm noses.  I spotted this one which of course is very Christmassy


Enjoy your day everyone


Each year HMRC gives a list of the 10 worst excuses given by taxpayers for filing their tax return late. This is this year's list:


  1. Topping the list, is "my pet dog ate my tax returnâ€Ķand all the reminders." 
  2. Second, the very odd "I was up a mountain in Wales, and couldn’t find a postbox or get an internet signal."
  3. The poor taxpayer at number three "fell in with the wrong crowd."
  4. A Jason Bourne sound-alike can't escape HMRC... "I’ve been travelling the world, trying to escape from a foreign intelligence agency.
  5. Four has a very famous accountant indeed: "Barack Obama is in charge of my finances."
  6. Five is busy building a menagerie: "I’ve been busy looking after a flock of escaped parrots and some fox cubs."
  7. Six is the type to let their friends copy their homework: "A work colleague borrowed my tax return, to photocopy it, and didn’t give it back."
  8. "I live in a camper van in a supermarket car park," hasn't ever heard of wi-fi or postboxes 
  9. Nine has more pressing matters: "My girlfriend’s pregnant."
  10. And the final excuse was living it up: "I was in Australia."


El Loro

You are right, 8, not 9.

They are being shown daily, yesterday was the first, I think there are only 2 complete episodes still exisiting from the very first series. Honor Blackman didn't start until the second series so I guess we don't get to see her in tonight's episode but then do from tomorrow. Unless some more have been found.



El Loro
Last edited by El Loro

Velvet, the information on the electronic programme guide for the Avengers is wrong as it mentions David Keel who was the character played by Ian Hendry which is why I assumed they were going right back to the start. I've just checked the first episode which I recorded and it's the first episode of series 4 which is where Diana Rigg takes over from Honor Blackman.


El Loro

I thought Honor Blackman was in it from the start, how the memory plays tricks.  Enjoy both of you


I've just seen your other post EL, Diana Rigg was also good and velvet I agree, it's like having a window on the past, I love to see how it used to be.  Whenever there's a film posted from some years back it's so nostalgic to remember.

Last edited by squiggle
Originally Posted by Rosgirl:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Popping in to say goodnight and sweet dreams to everyone.

Hugs for our lovely night owls.


Edit: Ros, I hope your back has been less painful today.

night yogi and thank you - still painful TBH 

Sorry to hear that Ros. I can't tolerate strong painkillers and found Voltarol helped with the pain on the two occasions my back "went".

Good morning very windy here today

Sorry I didn't get back on here yesterday, my cough is relentless and driving me mad- I even threw up in the night
I've checked the nhs website and it looks like I just have to wait for it to go away, I don't feel unwell and have all the recommended remedies to hand.

Lol at the nose warmer! the festive one would be perfect for me
I didn't know that heat theory but oddly, I do tuck my face under my duvet when I catch a cold

Yogi, how was PB? and what's the latest with your car?
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~:
Good morning very windy here today

Sorry I didn't get back on here yesterday, my cough is relentless and driving me mad- I even threw up in the night
I've checked the nhs website and it looks like I just have to wait for it to go away, I don't feel unwell and have all the recommended remedies to hand.

Lol at the nose warmer! the festive one would be perfect for me
I didn't know that heat theory but oddly, I do tuck my face under my duvet when I catch a cold

Yogi, how was PB? and what's the latest with your car?

Aww Summer, I hate those persistent coughs - and they always seem worse at night. I hope it runs its course and you feel better soon.


PB was on great form, she is such a funny, happy wee character.

She loved meeting youngest son's cat yesterday. She loves animals almost as much as birds.


The insurance repair people phoned yesterday to say they have ordered a new bumper/spoiler for my car, and the wing and wheel have been sorted. Hopefully it shouldn't be too long now.

The courtesy car people were so pernickety when they dropped it off, I'm half afraid to use it in case a feather lands on it and marks it! lol


Good morning everyone.  Summer that cough sounds awful I hope it will settle down soon.  I hope your back pain will ease off soon Ros, a bad back makes life so difficult


Heavy rain is forecast all day today and for quite a few days ahead.  I rushed out to fill up the bird feeder as it might be my last chance to do it in the dry.


PB sounds such a sweetheart Yogi I am sure you relish every minute in her company.  As EL says they obviously have a problem with careless drivers and careful drivers like you have to put up with the resulting severe attitude.  We had a Motability car because of my husband's stroke and you get some money back after the 3 years (the length of each hire period) if there was no damage.  They didn't take any notice of normal wear and tear which in their book included such things as being grazed by a supermarket trolley in a car park. 


Enjoy your day everyone


El, I'm sure some people take no care with the courtesy cars, and I can understand why they check and double check everything. TBH, I can't say I blame them but it does make me wary about driving the car. I've been parking a foot from the kerb and looking for spaces in carparks with no other cars around, so there's no chance of scraped alloys or dents from careless drivers who throw open their car doors.

Squiggle, PB is a complete sweetheart, she has such a nice nature and a well developed sense of fun. I particularly like her midweek visits when I tend to have her all to myself!

Skylark, what sort of cake is your son having? Were you tempted to buy one of those cakes where they put a baby photo on it?


Good morning Skylark I hope it goes well for getting your son's birthday cake


Squiggle, it just to show how easy it is for the forecasters to get it wrong both for your area and mine


Yogi, you'll be glad when you get your own car back. In the meantime, when you park in a car park make sure there are no elephants flying overhead as if one of them came down on the courtesy car it wouldn't do the car much good

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Good morning Skylark I hope it goes well for getting your son's birthday cake


Squiggle, it just to show how easy it is for the forecasters to get it wrong both for your area and mine


Yogi, you'll be glad when you get your own car back. In the meantime, when you park in a car park make sure there are no elephants flying overhead as if one of them came down on the courtesy car it wouldn't do the car much good

 I'll keep an eye out for flying Dumbos!


Ordered cake,  Yogi, no decided not to have a pic of his bare baby bum on it  . A football shape, green and white with the Hibernian badge on . Lovely to hear PB is doing well, such a delight at that age xx
Sorry to hear you still unwell, Summer, if it persists do make an appointment with your GP x
I must take my Christmas tree down ......

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Ordered cake,  Yogi, no decided not to have a pic of his bare baby bum on it  . A football shape, green and white with the Hibernian badge on . Lovely to hear PB is doing well, such a delight at that age xx
Sorry to hear you still unwell, Summer, if it persists do make an appointment with your GP x
I must take my Christmas tree down ......

 Bet you were tempted! 


I'm impressed that they've started painting the post boxes again EL.  You might remember that my hubby used to be a postie and he was told that there used to be a department that maintained them but they had given up doing it.  I am pleased they have started again, they are part of our landscape and our history.  To think that you can still find boxes with the arms of bygone kings.


Just had a marketing call saying that if I paid bank charges I could make a claim and get ÂĢ4k back. Sounds to me that the PPI claim companies are moving over to this. I wouldn't be surprised if the claim companies get a fee for those who try to make a claim.

Or you could just read this article and realise that it's still going through the courts, doesn't apply to people other than when charges have snowballed, and in any case you can make a claim yourself for no fee.

El Loro
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~:
There's something charming about a good old fashioned post box, I'm pleased they're painting them

This country would have been somewhat different if it hadn't been for Anthony Trollope who wrote the Barchester Chronicles. He worked for the Post Office and was the preson responsible for the introduction of post boxes around the country. (Joanna is of the same family but not a direct descendant)


El Loro
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