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Good morning everyone, the weather seems to have calmed right down here, it was very windy last night but I gather that was the storm front that was pushing the snow ahead of it.  We even have a bit of blue sky.


I am glad you were able to have a lovely relaxing day yesterday Summer.  I hope your quiet day turns out to be an equally lovely relaxing day for you Yogi.  I hope all went well with Skylark's family day yesterday too.  EL have you finally managed to shake off that blessed flu bug?  Now to look forward to a lovely get-together with your brother at the end of January.


Enjoy your day everyone

Last edited by squiggle

Squiggle, I think I've recovered from that bug and don't think I'm infectious anymore Yes, I have the get-together with my brother to look forward to.


Yogi, how is Mr Yogi today? I hope he's recovering from his bug.


M&S food shelves were somewhat deplenished this morning and they didn't have any thai curries of any colour. May be next week

El Loro
Originally Posted by squiggle:

Good morning everyone, the weather seems to have calmed right down here, it was very windy last night but I gather that was the storm front that was pushing the snow ahead of it.  We even have a bit of blue sky.


I am glad you were able to have a lovely relaxing day yesterday Summer.  I hope your quiet day turns out to be an equally lovely relaxing day for you Yogi.  I hope all went well with Skylark's family day yesterday too.  EL have you finally managed to shake off that blessed flu bug?  Now to look forward to a lovely get-together with your brother at the end of January.


Enjoy your day everyone

Some blue sky and sunshine up here atm.

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Squiggle, I think I've recovered from that bug and don't think I'm infectious anymore Yes, I have the get-together with my brother to look forward to.


Yogi, how is Mr Yogi today? I hope he's recovering from his bug.


M&S food shelves were somewhat deplenished this morning and they didn't have any thai curries of any colour. May be next week

Maybe we should put in a cutomer request?


It was Mr Summer who was poorly, El.

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Yogi, you are right, it was Mr Summer


Somehow I don't think M&S would do a blue thai curry if we put in a customer request.

If I do a Google image search for "blue curry", the results aren't very appetising so I won't post one here. You can get them in Japan but...

*wonders whether to Google blue curry*

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Yogi, you are right, it was Mr Summer


Somehow I don't think M&S would do a blue thai curry if we put in a customer request.

If I do a Google image search for "blue curry", the results aren't very appetising so I won't post one here. You can get them in Japan but...

*wonders whether to Google blue curry*

not before you are about to eat

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Yogi, you are right, it was Mr Summer


Somehow I don't think M&S would do a blue thai curry if we put in a customer request.

If I do a Google image search for "blue curry", the results aren't very appetising so I won't post one here. You can get them in Japan but...

*wonders whether to Google blue curry*

not before you are about to eat

That bad?!

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Yogi, you are right, it was Mr Summer


Somehow I don't think M&S would do a blue thai curry if we put in a customer request.

If I do a Google image search for "blue curry", the results aren't very appetising so I won't post one here. You can get them in Japan but...

*wonders whether to Google blue curry*

not before you are about to eat

That bad?!

They were very blue as in and looked very unreal. Possibly suitable for those who are colour blind or want to be able to claim that they've eaten it.


El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Yogi, you are right, it was Mr Summer


Somehow I don't think M&S would do a blue thai curry if we put in a customer request.

If I do a Google image search for "blue curry", the results aren't very appetising so I won't post one here. You can get them in Japan but...

*wonders whether to Google blue curry*

not before you are about to eat

That bad?!

They were very blue as in and looked very unreal. Possibly suitable for those who are colour blind or want to be able to claim that they've eaten it.


 I'm not colour blind, so I'll give it a miss.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~:
Bridget Jones made blue soup, although unintentionally

Evening all my mum has gone home now, we had a lovely couple of days with her here

El I'm pleased to see you are feeling better

I can't believe christmas has been! How long until pancake day?

 You need to wait a little while until Pancake Day.


I'm glad you had a nice time with your mum.


Good morning everyone, no frost here but a few grey clouds drifting by.  No rain forecast for days though, which makes a pleasant change.


You must definitely have needed that sleep Yogi.  On Monday when we had our Christmas meal, even though I don't do anywhere near what I used to do, the family all muck in, I couldn't keep my eyes open past 9.20 and struggled to wake up the next morning at 8.20


Poor Summer, did you forget to put your sheet in the dryer?


Enjoy your day everyone

Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

Afternoon all   


Glorious but frosty! Had to open the drivers door from the inside today and then it wouldn't close    so I had the hairdryer out on an extension lead. Had no idea what I was doing of course but it seemed to work and my hairs never looked better.


Dog walked and supplies in so it's the telly from here on in.


Hope everyone's having a pleasant afternoon and moonie - thinking of you  


Hi velvet


I'm glad it's a lovely day EL


Velvet, I remember the day (23 December 2010) when I needed to fill up with petrol only to find that the cap lock had frozen. I went home and did the same as you and it worked so I was able to go back to the filling station and refuel. That week was one of the coldest on record with the nightime temperature getting down to -17.


El Loro

Hi all x
Hope you all well. Thats it over, thank goodness!! Granddaughter has had a ball, thats what matters 
No snow here, a bit of a fluttering, but nothing to speak of. Very cold today tho. My son happy now that the PlayStation hacking fiasco has been sorted!
Glad you got things sorted Velvet! 
Hope moonie ok 
Have a good afternoon all 


skylark, I'm glad your granddaughter has had a good Christmas. That Playstaion/Xbox hacking must have upset a lot of people wanting to play new games over Christmas. The hackers must think they are very clever but they are sad people to do this. I'm glad it seems to be getting sorted but I think your sone should change his password in case the hackers have got his details.


El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

skylark, I'm glad your granddaughter has had a good Christmas. That Playstaion/Xbox hacking must have upset a lot of people wanting to play new games over Christmas. The hackers must think they are very clever but they are sad people to do this. I'm glad it seems to be getting sorted but I think your sone should change his password in case the hackers have got his details.


Hi El, thanks x  Yes very sad people to do that over Christmas. My son says Sony may employ them now!!!   Yes he changing his details. Worrying because of bank details etc x


Yogi, a group of hackers calling themselves the Lizard Squad claimed to be responsible for hacking into the online services run by Sony for its Playstation and Microsoft for its Xbox on Christmas Day. The result was that people who had new consoles or games as Christmas presents were unable to register the consoles or play games. They said they did it to show that they hacked the sites to so that they could.

El Loro

Hi Yogi x
Yes as El says. The hackers took over and the Playstations/ Xboxes were shut down completely . Playstation only back a few hours ago. The hackers were making a point, apparently...not sure what it is...but now my son saying Sony are realising how easy it is to hack , so instead of prosecuting the hackers they may employ them them to stop further attacks from other hackers  
What a crazy world we live in! As my son says lots of crying and arguments on Christmas Day , with the kids stuff not working . Hope they feel good with themselves 


Been out with Granddaughter and her new roller skates. Nana got her head, knee, and arm bands  I had my skates when i was little, had a few bumps and grazes , she will learn too. Sorry but not into this crazy health and safety nonsense , if she falls, she falls . Its all part of growing up, isnt it. Dont want her falling of course, but.................
Off now for tea, busy , busy 

Goodnight all xxx

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Been out with Granddaughter and her new roller skates. Nana got her head, knee, and arm bands  I had my skates when i was little, had a few bumps and grazes , she will learn too. Sorry but not into this crazy health and safety nonsense , if she falls, she falls . Its all part of growing up, isnt it. Dont want her falling of course, but.................
Off now for tea, busy , busy 

Goodnight all xxx

I know what you mean about this "wrap them up in cotton wool" attitude that is around nowadays.

Goodnight Skylark.


Hope you've all had a relaxing day

Skylark I hope you thoroughly enjoyed your cider, and I'm glad GD has enjoyed her christmas.
In Danny Magaskill's toy box film, his mum says how kids are far too wrapped up in cotton wool these days and that they should be allowed out to play..

Velvet, I had trouble with a frozen lock a few years ago too, someone told me to spray a load of WD40 in it- it really helped!

El, I remember the 2010 winter too; my car got broken in to and I had to drive to auto glass without a driver's door window, in -11 degrees, it was bitter

Yogi & squiggle, I hope you're all caught up on sleep now and had nice dreams
~Sparkling Summer~

God morning everyone.  Guess who conked out early (again) last night!


Weather is very frosty!  *sings, 'on a cold and frosty morning'*


Summer, you must have been freezing, having to drive your car without a driver's side window in -11 degrees!


PB day today, but I'll try to pop in when she has a nap.


Have a good day everyone.


Good morning everyone


Cold, sunny and frosty here (-3 outside).


Skylark, as you say there's too much health & safety rules nowadays.

Pear cider can be powerful stuff so I'm not surprised it made your head spin. Ir's associated with Gloucestershire, Herefordshire & Worcestershire. I would call it perry (which is equivalent to scrumpy for cider).


Yogi, I hope you have a nice time with PB

El Loro
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