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Good morning everyone, nice big fluffy clouds this morning and a bit of a breeze but not a bad morning all told.


Those stockings look great Summer, you are very clever I am having my hair done tomorrow, the only appointment I could get, so it's 7 weeks now since I had my hair cut but it's been OK this week.  I hope your busy day goes well.


I had a bit of a lie in and wouldn't you know it the window cleaners turned up while I was still in my nightie oh well I was decent


Enjoy your day everyone

Originally Posted by squiggle:

Good morning everyone, nice big fluffy clouds this morning and a bit of a breeze but not a bad morning all told.


Those stockings look great Summer, you are very clever I am having my hair done tomorrow, the only appointment I could get, so it's 7 weeks now since I had my hair cut but it's been OK this week.  I hope your busy day goes well.


I had a bit of a lie in and wouldn't you know it the window cleaners turned up while I was still in my nightie oh well I was decent


Enjoy your day everyone

 My poor postie regularly sees my in my PJs, poor lad is probably scarred for life!


I was due to go for my MRI scan today but the machine has broken down and it's been postponed.

I must admit to being quite pleased as I hate going into the scanner because I am claustrophobic and there is an optical illusion that it is closing up around your feet!  Also, they need me to drink 1.5 - 2litres of yucky liquid before I get the scan, and I can hardly manage to drink a full can of coke! Then they want me to lie on my stomach in the scanner, but due to the narrowing I have, all the liquid stays in my stomach for ages so it makes me sick if I lie on my stomach - and the liquid has a laxative effect which is a Crohn's patients worst nightmare. Is it any wonder I don't want to go?


Hi Yogi
I'm both sad and pleased about your scan for the reason you have stated
I have had scans for various things and nasty liquids that do nasty things to you too(won't go into it now though) you will be pleased to know


As for the MRI scan. I too am claustrophobic and couldn't go into one of those round MRI scanners. Nooooo wayyyyyyyy!!!
So they managed to get me into a hospital that had a scanner that had 2 doughnut like rings, one top and one bottom so you slid in between them. You could see all round. I was looking at the operator whilst having mine and was so relieved when it was done, even in that scanner


Originally Posted by moonie:

Hi Yogi
I'm both sad and pleased about your scan for the reason you have stated
I have had scans for various things and nasty liquids that do nasty things to you too(won't go into it now though) you will be pleased to know


As for the MRI scan. I too am claustrophobic and couldn't go into one of those round MRI scanners. Nooooo wayyyyyyyy!!!
So they managed to get me into a hospital that had a scanner that had 2 doughnut like rings, one top and one bottom so you slid in between them. You could see all round. I was looking at the operator whilst having mine and was so relieved when it was done, even in that scanner


That sounds much better, Moonie. 

The first time they tried to put me into the tube style scanner, I freaked out and they had to bring me back out. Then one of the radiographers suggested I close my eyes before I went in, and kept them closed throughout. She also showed me that the scanner is open at both ends so that I knew I wasn't enclosed at either end. Eventually, when I had calmed down, I was able to go in - but my heart still races like mad.


That does sound uncomfortable Yogi, you have my sympathies, I don't think I could drink that much either and the thought of it in there is not pleasant


The first time they tried to put my hubby through an MRI scanner he hopped straight off and refused to go in.  He was claustrophobic too.  In the end, later on in his series of illnesses, they had to anaesthetise him to go through one.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:

Hi Yogi
I'm both sad and pleased about your scan for the reason you have stated
I have had scans for various things and nasty liquids that do nasty things to you too(won't go into it now though) you will be pleased to know


As for the MRI scan. I too am claustrophobic and couldn't go into one of those round MRI scanners. Nooooo wayyyyyyyy!!!
So they managed to get me into a hospital that had a scanner that had 2 doughnut like rings, one top and one bottom so you slid in between them. You could see all round. I was looking at the operator whilst having mine and was so relieved when it was done, even in that scanner


That sounds much better, Moonie. 

The first time they tried to put me into the tube style scanner, I freaked out and they had to bring me back out. Then one of the radiographers suggested I close my eyes before I went in, and kept them closed throughout. She also showed me that the scanner is open at both ends so that I knew I wasn't enclosed at either end. Eventually, when I had calmed down, I was able to go in - but my heart still races like mad.

I know what you mean Yogi. They tried every way to get me into a round scanner. I just 'lost it' I couldn't do it no matter how and what they tried. I know they try to help but cause it has an entrance and an exit doesn't make it and less frightening

So you certainly have my sympathy

Originally Posted by squiggle:

That does sound uncomfortable Yogi, you have my sympathies, I don't think I could drink that much either and the thought of it in there is not pleasant


The first time they tried to put my hubby through an MRI scanner he hopped straight off and refused to go in.  He was claustrophobic too.  In the end, later on in his series of illnesses, they had to anaesthetise him to go through one.

They asked me have that too Squiggle. I refused. I want to know what's going on no matter how unpleasant it may or seem to be


Warning...don't read if you are having lunch...


We have a young cat who roams around our garden. Sweet little thing. Obviously owned because it has a collar on. I was just outside and it wanders past me. Pooed in my garden border and scraped & covered it

Its is current playing 'try to catch the insects' bouncing all over the place

Originally Posted by squiggle:

That does sound uncomfortable Yogi, you have my sympathies, I don't think I could drink that much either and the thought of it in there is not pleasant


The first time they tried to put my hubby through an MRI scanner he hopped straight off and refused to go in.  He was claustrophobic too.  In the end, later on in his series of illnesses, they had to anaesthetise him to go through one.

Your poor hubby, I can understand why he hopped straight off.

I'd be quite happy if they knocked me out before they stuck me in the scanner.

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:

Hi Yogi
I'm both sad and pleased about your scan for the reason you have stated
I have had scans for various things and nasty liquids that do nasty things to you too(won't go into it now though) you will be pleased to know


As for the MRI scan. I too am claustrophobic and couldn't go into one of those round MRI scanners. Nooooo wayyyyyyyy!!!
So they managed to get me into a hospital that had a scanner that had 2 doughnut like rings, one top and one bottom so you slid in between them. You could see all round. I was looking at the operator whilst having mine and was so relieved when it was done, even in that scanner


That sounds much better, Moonie. 

The first time they tried to put me into the tube style scanner, I freaked out and they had to bring me back out. Then one of the radiographers suggested I close my eyes before I went in, and kept them closed throughout. She also showed me that the scanner is open at both ends so that I knew I wasn't enclosed at either end. Eventually, when I had calmed down, I was able to go in - but my heart still races like mad.

I know what you mean Yogi. They tried every way to get me into a round scanner. I just 'lost it' I couldn't do it no matter how and what they tried. I know they try to help but cause it has an entrance and an exit doesn't make it and less frightening

So you certainly have my sympathy

I think it's hard for people who aren't claustrophobic to understand how scary it is for us. 

Originally Posted by moonie:

Warning...don't read if you are having lunch...


We have a young cat who roams around our garden. Sweet little thing. Obviously owned because it has a collar on. I was just outside and it wanders past me. Pooed in my garden border and scraped & covered it

Its is current playing 'try to catch the insects' bouncing all over the place

Put loads of pepper around the area where it pooed, and it should discourage it from returning. Doesn't work unless the weather is dry though.

Originally Posted by fremsley:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

Good morning everyone, nice big fluffy clouds this morning and a bit of a breeze but not a bad morning all told.


Those stockings look great Summer, you are very clever I am having my hair done tomorrow, the only appointment I could get, so it's 7 weeks now since I had my hair cut but it's been OK this week.  I hope your busy day goes well.


I had a bit of a lie in and wouldn't you know it the window cleaners turned up while I was still in my nightie oh well I was decent


Enjoy your day everyone

 My poor postie regularly sees my in my PJs, poor lad is probably scarred for life!


I was due to go for my MRI scan today but the machine has broken down and it's been postponed.

I must admit to being quite pleased as I hate going into the scanner because I am claustrophobic and there is an optical illusion that it is closing up around your feet!  Also, they need me to drink 1.5 - 2litres of yucky liquid before I get the scan, and I can hardly manage to drink a full can of coke! Then they want me to lie on my stomach in the scanner, but due to the narrowing I have, all the liquid stays in my stomach for ages so it makes me sick if I lie on my stomach - and the liquid has a laxative effect which is a Crohn's patients worst nightmare. Is it any wonder I don't want to go?

Thanks for the hug, Fremsley.  Hope all is well with you?

Originally Posted by fremsley:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by fremsley:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

Good morning everyone, nice big fluffy clouds this morning and a bit of a breeze but not a bad morning all told.


Those stockings look great Summer, you are very clever I am having my hair done tomorrow, the only appointment I could get, so it's 7 weeks now since I had my hair cut but it's been OK this week.  I hope your busy day goes well.


I had a bit of a lie in and wouldn't you know it the window cleaners turned up while I was still in my nightie oh well I was decent


Enjoy your day everyone

 My poor postie regularly sees my in my PJs, poor lad is probably scarred for life!


I was due to go for my MRI scan today but the machine has broken down and it's been postponed.

I must admit to being quite pleased as I hate going into the scanner because I am claustrophobic and there is an optical illusion that it is closing up around your feet!  Also, they need me to drink 1.5 - 2litres of yucky liquid before I get the scan, and I can hardly manage to drink a full can of coke! Then they want me to lie on my stomach in the scanner, but due to the narrowing I have, all the liquid stays in my stomach for ages so it makes me sick if I lie on my stomach - and the liquid has a laxative effect which is a Crohn's patients worst nightmare. Is it any wonder I don't want to go?

Thanks for the hug, Fremsley.  Hope all is well with you?

I hope so too   


Love you whatever 

 Back at you.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Evening Moonie. How's your day been?

Hi Yogi
My day has been good fankoo Washed & dried and no rain either

How has your day?

It was quite relaxed. Hubby had the day off and we just chilled out - and ate cakes from Greggs.

Awww glad you had relaxing day with Mr Y
*looks around for my cake*

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Evening Moonie. How's your day been?

Hi Yogi
My day has been good fankoo Washed & dried and no rain either

How has your day?

It was quite relaxed. Hubby had the day off and we just chilled out - and ate cakes from Greggs.

Awww glad you had relaxing day with Mr Y
*looks around for my cake*

 Help yourself.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Evening Moonie. How's your day been?

Hi Yogi
My day has been good fankoo Washed & dried and no rain either

How has your day?

It was quite relaxed. Hubby had the day off and we just chilled out - and ate cakes from Greggs.

Awww glad you had relaxing day with Mr Y
*looks around for my cake*

 Help yourself.

*dives in before Sweet gets here*


Last edited by Moonie
*night owls*

Aw poor you yogi I don't know what's worse, anticipation is awful so even though you didn't get the scan today, we know you'll have to go through all that again if I win the lottery tonight I'll buy your hospital an open scanner

Squiggle I'm glad your car is running again and that your hair is sorted out- 7 weeks is a long time when you're usually more frequent isn't it! I usually string mine out as long as possible (thank god for dry shampoo) before actually getting it done lol

I wonder if banksy will paint johnny depp anywhere local

Much hugs for you all sweet dreams

Moonie, I'm buzzing over to the hive
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
*night owls*

Aw poor you yogi I don't know what's worse, anticipation is awful so even though you didn't get the scan today, we know you'll have to go through all that again if I win the lottery tonight I'll buy your hospital an open scanner

Squiggle I'm glad your car is running again and that your hair is sorted out- 7 weeks is a long time when you're usually more frequent isn't it! I usually string mine out as long as possible (thank god for dry shampoo) before actually getting it done lol

I wonder if banksy will paint johnny depp anywhere local

Much hugs for you all sweet dreams

Moonie, I'm buzzing over to the hive

^^^^You are a darling, Summer.


Good morning everyone.

Weather is wet and windy.

Middle son and DiL are visiting later today. 

Catch up later, have a good day everyone.


Or even EL (if Johnny Depp does appear on a building somewhere) that Banksy is Summer!!!


Aww Summer I hope the day flies by and you will soon be home and enjoying your weekend.


Yogi I hope you slept better, I will be glad when this MRI scan is over and done with and you don't have to worry any more


Moonie I see it's an important footy day so I hope you enjoy it and a quick hello to EL and Velvet.


A bit nippy and breezy here, hope my new haircut don't get rained on   Enjoy your day everyone

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