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Ooh lovely, what designs?! I bet PB will like those

Yes I am, I've stuffed & finished the first one but just concentrated in the sewing machine work on some of the others while it was daylight, I can carry them around with me and get little bits sewn by hand if I get a spare minute.

How was your son?
The cogs are testing aren't they, I don't blame moonie for taking the night off
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Please do especially how the food is lol

Not yet but once I start feeling sleepy I know it won't be long. I was hoping to stay up until mr summer gets home but it's looking unlikely

Will do - they both like their food, so I'm sure they'll be able to tell you what it's like.

I need to be up early tomorrow for PB, but I'm not tired yet.


Good morning everyone


Fairly cloudy and showers are forecast.


Yogi, I hope your day with PB is a good one


I wasn't too late getting back yesterday evening so was able to have my rea at the normal time.


The owner of the house, where the Banksy artwork is, is under police invesyigation for a possible criminal offence for carrying out unauthorised work inside the property which is a listed building.



El Loro

Good morning everyone, definitely a chill in the air this morning.  Enjoy your day with PB Yogi.  I have always fancied Portugal too, I hope they both have a lovely time.


I am glad your meeting didn't go on too long EL and you were back in time for your meal.


Your first stocking looks great Summer, I can just picture the garland now, great idea.  My goodness Yogi you are organised, I will have to give it some thought.  I discovered a great new card shop fairly near to me and what is great also, from my point of view, is that they have a wonderful range of Christian cards. I do like to support a charity when buying my Christmas cards though, still I must check out their stock they might do charity cards.


Have a great day everyone

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Good afternoon all it's been fine all morning but is currently raining heavily with occasional lightening flashes!

The plot thickens El that house is quite famous now isn't it

Squiggle, is your car running ok since your blip last week?

Moonie I'm really pleased your mobile app is behaving again

The whole mobile stopped working Sweet not just the app

And fankoo
I hope your day is going well

Last edited by Moonie
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Summer, it would be interesting to know what Banksy thought of what has been going on in Cheltenham, not that we will ever know.



I find the whole Banksy saga perplexing El...

what started as a lighthearted local news story has become a rather depressing story and a poor reflection on Cheltenham.

El Loro
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Good afternoon all it's been fine all morning but is currently raining heavily with occasional lightening flashes!

The plot thickens El that house is quite famous now isn't it

Squiggle, is your car running ok since your blip last week?

Moonie I'm really pleased your mobile app is behaving again

Yes thanks Summer, I just went out to start the car to make sure I can get to the hairdressers this time and so far so good.  Moonie I am glad your mobile app is working again, there is a fault on my mobile phone network but it doesn't bother me as I use the landline except for getting through to the family.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

I wouldn't think so EL, the problem seems to have been fixed now anyway, I think probably damage to the phone mast due to the wind.


Velvet I am told my car is a classic now, I feel quite posh

And talking of classics. They are gonna start building the E-Type Jaguar again in Birmingham only a hundred yard from where they built the original one

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Evening all. Had a great day with PB. She managed to charm the customers and staff in Asda.


Hi Yogi
Awwwwwwwwwww glad you had a such a lovely day with PB

And how could the customers and staff not be charmed by her

Did she feed the birds too?

Hi Moonie.

Oh yes, she fed her blackbirds. There is also a little robin which has noticed us putting raisins onto the window ledge, and he comes over and eats any that the blackbirds leave behind.

I bought a toy blackbird for her. It sings (like a blackbird)'when you press its tummy - she loves it.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Evening all. Had a great day with PB. She managed to charm the customers and staff in Asda.


Hi Yogi
Awwwwwwwwwww glad you had a such a lovely day with PB

And how could the customers and staff not be charmed by her

Did she feed the birds too?

Hi Moonie.

Oh yes, she fed her blackbirds. There is also a little robin which has noticed us putting raisins onto the window ledge, and he comes over and eats any that the blackbirds leave behind.

I bought a toy blackbird for her. It sings (like a blackbird)'when you press its tummy - she loves it.

Hi Yogi, sorry for the late reply

Awwwwwwwwwww @ the ickle robin and and the toy blackbird. I'm glad she likes it too


Nite nite Yogi, sleep well and have sweet dreams. I'm really please you and PB had such great day together

Last edited by Moonie
*night owls* aaaaw PB! I'm glad you've had a lovely day yogi and that blackbird toy sounds super
I love that you have a robin too

Haha thanks Fremsley! Captain Phil is glad to be back and chauffeuring me around again

Squiggle I'm glad your car is fine again and I hope you managed to get your hair done

El, I hope you've had an earlier finish than last night

Moonie I'm glad you got a new sim alright, I always feel uneasy if my phone isn't working.
If you're still up, I'll be in the beehive

Leaving goodnight hugs for you all and an extra one for our absent friend
~Sparkling Summer~
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