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Good morning everyone, I think Bertha arrived.  I vaguely remember hearing thunder and we had so much rain the pond is overflowing but for the moment it's stopped.  I'm glad we all survived


I am very impressed with you making your own pickets for the fence moonie, well done.  I bet the roast chicken dinner was delicious, my favourite, but I don't like chicken skin.  I have never had duck either moonie.


More rain is forecast later for here anyway so stay warm and dry peeps, have a great day - lovely photo to follow


Aaaaaw what a cute baby elephant! I want to tickle his ears

Afternoon all
Bramble decided to get me up early, which turned out to be a good thing. I've walked her while it was dry and now the rain has arrived. I've got the floors mopped and now I'm going to take care of some paperwork and then relax like the rest if you

El, moonie & squiggle, I'm really glad Bertha wasn't too tough on you
~Sparkling Summer~

I'm back from church having survived Bertha

First hymn contained the words "The storm may roar without me, my heart may low be laid, but God is round about me, and can I be dismayed?" and later "bright skies will soon be o'er me, where the dark cluds have been."

Second hymn started with "Jesus call us o'er the tumult of our life's wild restless sea".

Just a coincidence that on the same day as Bertha as the gospel was where the disciples were in a boat when there was a storm and they see Jesus walking towards them walking on the lake. Peter decides to get out of the boat and starts walking towards him when he becomes scared and starts sinking. He cries out "Lord, save me!" and Jesus reaches out his hand, catches him saying "You of little faith, why did you doubt?" They get into the boat and the wind stops.


El Loro

I've seen that a film is being made from the old television series The Man from U.N.C.L.E. Henry Cavill as Napoleon Solo & Armie Hammer (don't know anything of him) as Ilya Kuryakin. But when I see that Hugh Grant is Mr Waverly I can't see him as an adequate replacement to Leo G Carroll. No mention of Robert Vaughan or David McCallum in any cameo roles.


When I see that Guy Ritchie is directing it, my heart sinks.

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

I'm back from church having survived Bertha

First hymn contained the words "The storm may roar without me, my heart may low be laid, but God is round about me, and can I be dismayed?" and later "bright skies will soon be o'er me, where the dark cluds have been."

Second hymn started with "Jesus call us o'er the tumult of our life's wild restless sea".

Just a coincidence that on the same day as Bertha as the gospel was where the disciples were in a boat when there was a storm and they see Jesus walking towards them walking on the lake. Peter decides to get out of the boat and starts walking towards him when he becomes scared and starts sinking. He cries out "Lord, save me!" and Jesus reaches out his hand, catches him saying "You of little faith, why did you doubt?" They get into the boat and the wind stops.


There is no such thing as a coincidence with God EL It sounds a lovely service, I wish we still had traditional hymns like this but we seem to have been 'modernised' and get songs nowadays with hardly any real meaning to them sadly



Last edited by squiggle

Squiggle, in our church we have a mix of hymns, some old and some more recent. The last hymn we had was "At the name of Jesus" to the music called Evelyns. It may have been written back in the 1870s but I find that tune banal.


I'm sorry, but I don't agree with the content of your link as I cannot believe that God would have sent the wind to save those people in Israel from that rocket but let the civilians in the 2 UN school shelters in Gaza perish.

I hope and pray that a pemanent and just peace can be found for all those there and in all the other ongoing conflcts around the world.


El Loro

EL I decided to delete the link as you seemed to think it wrong that God should intervene.  I personally thought it was quite cheering to hear of some lives being saved amidst all the horrible bloodshed taking place in that whole area.  I am sure we both trust in God to care for all His children, wherever they are. God Bless.

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:






for anyone who doesn't like it

Back later


Oooh, thank you, Moonie.  

Most welcome Yogi

Thank you. I'm tempted to have a slice of cake and a scone.

Feel free



How has your day been? Mine has been lazy.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:






for anyone who doesn't like it

Back later


Oooh, thank you, Moonie.  

Most welcome Yogi

Thank you. I'm tempted to have a slice of cake and a scone.

Feel free



How has your day been? Mine has been lazy.

My day has been good fankoo. Done a bit of work on me old shed. The window was hanging out so I have made and put a new frame in. Got to glaze it tomorrow. Nothing worth nicking in there any way but the window will keep the rain out

Lazy is good

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:






for anyone who doesn't like it

Back later


Oooh, thank you, Moonie.  

Most welcome Yogi

Thank you. I'm tempted to have a slice of cake and a scone.

Feel free



How has your day been? Mine has been lazy.

My day has been good fankoo. Done a bit of work on me old shed. The window was hanging out so I have made and put a new frame in. Got to glaze it tomorrow. Nothing worth nicking in there any way but the window will keep the rain out

Lazy is good

The shed will definitely be better with a window in place.

You are very handy, Moonie.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:






for anyone who doesn't like it

Back later


Oooh, thank you, Moonie.  

Most welcome Yogi

Thank you. I'm tempted to have a slice of cake and a scone.

Feel free



How has your day been? Mine has been lazy.

My day has been good fankoo. Done a bit of work on me old shed. The window was hanging out so I have made and put a new frame in. Got to glaze it tomorrow. Nothing worth nicking in there any way but the window will keep the rain out

Lazy is good

The shed will definitely be better with a window in place.

You are very handy, Moonie.

Yep, it certainly will

You wouldn't think so if you could see it but hey, if works, its ok in my eyes

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:






for anyone who doesn't like it

Back later


Oooh, thank you, Moonie.  

Most welcome Yogi

Thank you. I'm tempted to have a slice of cake and a scone.

Feel free



How has your day been? Mine has been lazy.

My day has been good fankoo. Done a bit of work on me old shed. The window was hanging out so I have made and put a new frame in. Got to glaze it tomorrow. Nothing worth nicking in there any way but the window will keep the rain out

Lazy is good

The shed will definitely be better with a window in place.

You are very handy, Moonie.

Yep, it certainly will

You wouldn't think so if you could see it but hey, if works, its ok in my eyes

 That's a good attitude to have.

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Squiggle, I believe that God does intervene. Maybe God did intervene by sending that wind but I was uneasy by the inclusion of the advert asking for donations which raised questions in my mind.

God bless

I didn't even notice the advert EL


We have just had a hail storm, didn't last long though and it's lovely and sunny again now.  I was hoping for a rainbow but no such luck.


Ooh the cake looks delicious - it all looks very moreish - and zero calories, thank you very much that will do nicely


Moonie you are very handy, I can't even saw properly and sadly cannot even seem to knock a nail in, it always goes wonky

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Squiggle, I believe that God does intervene. Maybe God did intervene by sending that wind but I was uneasy by the inclusion of the advert asking for donations which raised questions in my mind.

God bless

I didn't even notice the advert EL


We have just had a hail storm, didn't last long though and it's lovely and sunny again now.  I was hoping for a rainbow but no such luck.


Ooh the cake looks delicious - it all looks very moreish - and zero calories, thank you very much that will do nicely


Moonie you are very handy, I can't even saw properly and sadly cannot even seem to knock a nail in, it always goes wonky

Squiggle, you should see some of my sawing and nails after I have knocked em in...and pulled em out and...well you get the gist

I have a chop saw. The only time the cuts are square is when I use that

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Squiggle, I believe that God does intervene. Maybe God did intervene by sending that wind but I was uneasy by the inclusion of the advert asking for donations which raised questions in my mind.

God bless

I didn't even notice the advert EL


We have just had a hail storm, didn't last long though and it's lovely and sunny again now.  I was hoping for a rainbow but no such luck.


Ooh the cake looks delicious - it all looks very moreish - and zero calories, thank you very much that will do nicely


Moonie you are very handy, I can't even saw properly and sadly cannot even seem to knock a nail in, it always goes wonky

Mr Yogi is the same, Squiggle. When he hammered a nail into a floorboard on the upstairs landing, he burst a pipe and we ended up with water pouring into our livingroom. Nowadays, sons don't tend to let him help with anything DIY related.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Squiggle, I believe that God does intervene. Maybe God did intervene by sending that wind but I was uneasy by the inclusion of the advert asking for donations which raised questions in my mind.

God bless

I didn't even notice the advert EL


We have just had a hail storm, didn't last long though and it's lovely and sunny again now.  I was hoping for a rainbow but no such luck.


Ooh the cake looks delicious - it all looks very moreish - and zero calories, thank you very much that will do nicely


Moonie you are very handy, I can't even saw properly and sadly cannot even seem to knock a nail in, it always goes wonky

Mr Yogi is the same, Squiggle. When he hammered a nail into a floorboard on the upstairs landing, he burst a pipe and we ended up with water pouring into our livingroom. Nowadays, sons don't tend to let him help with anything DIY related.

I have never done that Yogi but then I have never nailed floorboards down

A lot of mine squeak

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Squiggle, I believe that God does intervene. Maybe God did intervene by sending that wind but I was uneasy by the inclusion of the advert asking for donations which raised questions in my mind.

God bless

I didn't even notice the advert EL


We have just had a hail storm, didn't last long though and it's lovely and sunny again now.  I was hoping for a rainbow but no such luck.


Ooh the cake looks delicious - it all looks very moreish - and zero calories, thank you very much that will do nicely


Moonie you are very handy, I can't even saw properly and sadly cannot even seem to knock a nail in, it always goes wonky

Mr Yogi is the same, Squiggle. When he hammered a nail into a floorboard on the upstairs landing, he burst a pipe and we ended up with water pouring into our livingroom. Nowadays, sons don't tend to let him help with anything DIY related.

I have never done that Yogi but then I have never nailed floorboards down

A lot of mine squeak

It would have been better for us if hubby had left our floorboards squeaky.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Squiggle, I believe that God does intervene. Maybe God did intervene by sending that wind but I was uneasy by the inclusion of the advert asking for donations which raised questions in my mind.

God bless

I didn't even notice the advert EL


We have just had a hail storm, didn't last long though and it's lovely and sunny again now.  I was hoping for a rainbow but no such luck.


Ooh the cake looks delicious - it all looks very moreish - and zero calories, thank you very much that will do nicely


Moonie you are very handy, I can't even saw properly and sadly cannot even seem to knock a nail in, it always goes wonky

Mr Yogi is the same, Squiggle. When he hammered a nail into a floorboard on the upstairs landing, he burst a pipe and we ended up with water pouring into our livingroom. Nowadays, sons don't tend to let him help with anything DIY related.

I have never done that Yogi but then I have never nailed floorboards down

A lot of mine squeak

It would have been better for us if hubby had left our floorboards squeaky.

sounds like it Yogi

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Last time we were decorating the hall and stairs, the boys told him he wasn't allowed to help - they said that having him help was worse than being a man down.

bet he was secretly pleased though

 Maybe he does it on purpose?

Seems like a good excuse valid reason to me

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Last time we were decorating the hall and stairs, the boys told him he wasn't allowed to help - they said that having him help was worse than being a man down.

bet he was secretly pleased though

 Maybe he does it on purpose?

Seems like a good excuse valid reason to me

 It has certainly worked well for him over the years

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Last time we were decorating the hall and stairs, the boys told him he wasn't allowed to help - they said that having him help was worse than being a man down.

bet he was secretly pleased though

 Maybe he does it on purpose?

Seems like a good excuse valid reason to me

 It has certainly worked well for him over the years

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I'm going to get off to bed. I had a nightmare last night and woke at 3am, then couldn't get back to sleep, so I'm wilting now.

Goodnight and sweet dreams, Moonie (and Summer, if you night owl).

Awww sorry to hear of your bad night Yogi. I hope tonight is a better one for you
Nite nite. Sleep well and have happy sweet dreams tonight

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