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Good morning everyone.    Very dark and dismal here today.  Think we are expecting rain later, which may turn to snow.  Seems more likely we will get some snow on Saturday.

My hairdresser is due around lunchtime to cut and colour my hair.  Glad the weather has not turned nasty yet.  Don't want that appointment cancelled!!

Love the picture Squiggle.  Speak again later. 
Good afternoon everyone

I thought I'd play safe and went out to do my shopping this morning (normally I do most on Saturday), so am now stocked up for the next 7 days. At present it's very cloudy and windy, but only a few spots of rain so far.

I've just received a phone call from possibly the most incompetent salesman I've ever experienced. I don't know what accent he had, but it made him sound as if he was drunk (of course maybe he was)

He gave his first name, then said he was ringing from an outfit which I knew do fee protection insurance for clients of accountants. (the idea is that it gives clients insurance cover for their accountant's fees should the Revenue investifate their tax affairs - it does not cover any tax which might arise.)

Having announced himself, he then said that they provided fee protection insurance. I said that I was aware of his outfit. He then said:

"Thank you, good bye" and put the phone down

I can see he's really going to stand out in the salesmen's target results with a great big zero sales results.

(Fee protection insurance isn't a requirement for me to provide - so I don't, as if you think of an insurance scheme as a pool of premiums collected which is used to pay out claims, overheads and the balance is profit to the insurance company, so it follows that the average client in such a scheme would pay more in premiums over a period of time than they would receive in claims)

And the rain has just started.
El Loro
I pity anybody who's caught outside in the weather in Gloucester at this present moment in time as the rain has turned to sleet and the gusts of wind make the sleet almost horizontal would make umbrellas useless. I'm glad I'm indoors and did my shopping this morning.

It's just as well that I got my flat roof sorted out and the boiler replaced earlier this year.
El Loro
Afternoon everyone.    The weather has turned really cold here, as the forecasters said it would.  Plenty of rain today but no snow (yet).  Bet the roads will be rather slippery this evening.

I'm sure you must be feeling really good having got your shopping sorted out early El Loro.  I did that yesterday so don't need to go out again until next week!!

Hairdresser arrived okay so I'm all set for the Christmas season now. 
Earlier this afternoon, I posted a comment on the Social Strata help forum pages about the quoting problems many of us are having. And I have had a reply from one of their software engineers. They are working on revamping the posting reply function for the next upgrade. I have sent back a query for some more info as to what they intend and when we can expect this.

When I hear more, I will let you know. But it's good to know that they are working on this.
El Loro
Evening all.
No more snow since this morning. It's freezing cold now and very slippy underfoot.
I decided I had better take the bull by the horns and get out to the shops, in case we get snowed in, later this week. I have completed my gift buying (bar a couple of minor bits and pieces, which aren't essential), and I did the weekly grocery shopping, too.
I am shattered now, but very relieved that everything is (more or less) sorted.

El Loro, that salesman who called you, ought to consider a career change.

It's good to know that Seattle are working on the "quote" problem. I'm on Mozilla FF and don't have any problems but I know that others, on IE, are finding it very frustrating.
Ooh that Skylark and her webcam, don't look my way Skylark my hair's a mess I've been working outside (and in ) today.  Do you ever work so hard you feel as if you can't do any more and there is still loads and loads to do .  I sat down once and then thought 'that was a mistake' I had to force myself to get up and start again.
Good morning everyone

In Gloucester, the latest weather forecasts seem to show a less worse position for the next few days compated to yesterday's forecast. Still some snow but not at the depth. Also one of the longer range forecasts (a slightly more reliable one than the silly one I sometimes refer to) seems to think that the cold snap in Gloucester will last until next Thursday, but that the temperatures recover a bit on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
El Loro
Morning  It was snowing here when i went to bed, i was scared to look out the window this morning! But it was just a flurry, but unfortuntely has frozen and it is sooo coooolllllldddd !  Son txd this morning to say he fell on his bum on the way to college, he is ok just embarressed , as he fell infront of some girls who roared with laughter
Back on main computer now (rather than laptop which seems to lose our little emotions).  These little     and     are for Squiggle for posting such a lovely card.  No.1 son and grandchildren will be about over most of the weekend so I may not be about until next week.  Will pop in if I get the chance.  Hope all my lovely buddies have a great weekend, whatever you get up to.  Love you all. 
Skylark, I hope your son is okay.  Giggling girls don't realise the damage they can do to teenage, male pride.

Joyron, enjoy your weekend with the family - and don't work too hard.

Squiggle, the card is really lovely, thank you.

El, glad to see you returned safely from your meeting. The roads and pavements, up here, are so slippy ATM.
Thanks Yogi . At this stage, the roads in Gloucester are free of snow, though now the sun has gone down there is a bit of ice, but not much.

The meeting I was at this afternoon was the big one where I introduced the new accountant who has brought the practice from my late colleague to the client that I have been doing the work for my late colleague for years. But the meeting seemed to go well, so that hopefully the client is happy, the new accountant is happy, and I'm happy.

And because of all the extra work that I have put in this year, the new accountant volunteered that he would be happy for me to bill him extra on top of what I've already billed and been paid for. And I've just popped my bill in the post to him, whilst it's fresh in his mind.
El Loro
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