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Originally Posted by ~Sweet Pea~:
Sometimes I wonder if I could possibly cram anything else in moonie, or when it's ever going to slow down! I really don't know how people have time for children as well!

I'm glad you've had a good day, has it been less active because you're saving strength for the World Cup?

Fankoo muchly and yep

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

*phew* I'm back, but I don't know how long I'll be here. Blooming internet!

WB Yogi
The forum is playing up too Yogi

The internet and the forum are in it together. It's a conspiracy.

Its a disgrace

They are ganging up on us.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Pea~:
I don't blame you, it has turned a lot cooler hasn't it!
Bramble is laying by my feet, I think i would be a lot colder if she weren't in here

Harvey is also a very good foot warmer.

you have a living foot warmer too Yogi

They are the best kind. You never need to reheat the water

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

*phew* I'm back, but I don't know how long I'll be here. Blooming internet!

WB Yogi
The forum is playing up too Yogi

The internet and the forum are in it together. It's a conspiracy.

Its a disgrace

They are ganging up on us.

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Pea~:
I don't blame you, it has turned a lot cooler hasn't it!
Bramble is laying by my feet, I think i would be a lot colder if she weren't in here

Harvey is also a very good foot warmer.

you have a living foot warmer too Yogi

They are the best kind. You never need to reheat the water


Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:

*wonders if Sweet has nodded off and Yogi is having internet problems*

Summer went off to brush her teeth. I'm still here - hanging on by the skin of my teeth.

Sweet went off aaaaaaaages ago
Keep hanging in there

 Do you think Summer is still brushing her teeth - or has she conked out?

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:

*wonders if Sweet has nodded off and Yogi is having internet problems*

Summer went off to brush her teeth. I'm still here - hanging on by the skin of my teeth.

Sweet went off aaaaaaaages ago
Keep hanging in there

 Do you think Summer is still brushing her teeth - or has she conked out?

My guess is, she has fallen asleep with white froth in her mouth


Good morning everyone. It's raining, up here.

Apologies for disappearing last night, Moonie. My stupid internet crashed again and, no matter how many times I reset it, it wouldn't work.

I think Summer must have churchilled.

Squiggle, I hope the engineer gets the boiler installed for you today.

I'm going grocery shopping today. Some cakes might fall into my trolley.

Have a good day everyone, see you later.



Good morning everyone, cold and drizzly here with plenty more rain on the way.  Nearly time for flaming June, bit of a damp squib by the looks of it.


The boiler engineer is back and working hard - I have the gas fire on as it is definitely parky.


Ooh lucky son Yogi, I have definite fish tank envy


Enjoy your day everyone, I wonder what cakes might drop into Yogi's trolley?


Morning Buddies

Wet here. The gas engineer is due between 12 noon and 6pm today to do the annual service for the council. That's my afternoon sorted


Yogi, no apologies needed. You can't help if your internet is playing up As you are going food shopping, a jam doughnut would be nice Whistling Smiley


El, Will Robinson is becoming my most hated character I hope you get a break in your weather soon Erm...btw 'motning'?? 


Squiggle, I hope your boiler engineer is back nice and early so your 'boiler soap opera' will come to a satisfactory conclusion


Sweet, I hope all is well with you






A client rang me the other day to say that he was acting as a guarantor for his son to rent a property and the letting agency had asked him for my details. Late yesterday I received an email from the letting agency asking for their attached accountants reference form to be completed by return as urgently required.

The only snag being that they required the form to be faxed back to them (I don't have a fax machine as it would be rare that I would use it) or emailed back to them.

As they would require a signature on the form I decided that the only option was to go and buy a 3 in 1 printer to be able to scan the form on to my computer. So that's what I've been doing this morning. It's a HP 6520 and seems to be an OK machine if noisier than my exisitng printer which I've had for over 10 years. I've done the scanning and emailed the scan back to the letting agency.


El Loro
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