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Good morning everyone

Yogi, yes I returned from my trip safely . On the way back, I did see what could have been breath coming from my ice dragons, but I suspect it was more likely to be car exhaust fumes

Still very cold here in Gloucester, but the freezing fog has gone , and although there is still considerable frost from yesterday, there is none on the car today.
El Loro
Good morning everyone.    Sorry I didn't get back yesterday but hubby came home earlier than expected!!

Another very frosty day here but I'm sure it's almost tropical compared to what Yogi and Skylark are getting.

Got on okay in my little care yesterday but I'm staying in the warm today and, yes El Loro, I do have my heating on now (as you asked a long way back and I forgot to respond).  I had to order another 1000 litres of oil yesterday and that came to just under ÂĢ700.00, so perhaps you can undertsnad my desire to keep the heating off as much as possible. 
I do have my heating on now (as you asked a long way back and I forgot to respond). I had to order another 1000 litres of oil yesterday and that came to just under ÂĢ700.00, so perhaps you can undertsnad my desire to keep the heating off as much as possible
I thought you probably had had to by now. ÂĢ700 is a lot to have to pay out at one go, but it really depends as to how long 1000 litres will last you. My current annual bill for gas and electricity is ÂĢ708, but that is for a 3 bedroom semi with a fair amount of insulation, cavity wall & double glazing throughout.
El Loro
Sorry to say this but 1000 litres of oil delivered before Christmas will probably last us until the end of February, if we are lucky!!  I did tell you we have a very large house and although we turn the heating almost off in those rooms we don't use the tank empties very quickly.

El Loro did ask about our heating system some time ago and I can confirm the boiler is almost new and is regularly serviced.  The house is doubled glazed, cavity wall insulated and the roof has more insulation than you can imagine.  I don't think there is a lot more we can do.  Unfortunately oil is very dear at the moment and we have no mains gas.

Perhaps now you an understand why the heating is off as much as possible.  We do have a wood burner in the sitting room which is a light most weekends but it's a bit much for me to cope with in the week. 
Hi all, glad you all ok. getting very tired of this weather now, the streets here are just like skating rinks. Feel sorry for the older ones, a lot of Christmas activities have had to be cancelled. The council says it was taken by surprise by the weather    Thank goodness the colour has changed, last night,s was dire to say the least !
I never saw last night's theme, but it sounds as if I was lucky. I got the impression that no-one liked it, so they had to put this clover leaf theme on in haste (that's what I've seen some call it, though it could be spinach leaves ). There's no mention of it in the themes listed over in Livecloud, so it could be anything.

I have seen on the weather forecast, that there could be quite a rapid thaw in Scotland tomorrow during the daytime, but that at night, it will freeze over, so if that happens, things could be treacherous, both on pavement and road. So Yogi and Skylark in particular, you and your families are really going to have to watch out if you have to venture out at night, whilst it's like that.
El Loro
Reference: El Loro
I have seen on the weather forecast, that there could be quite a rapid thaw in Scotland tomorrow during the daytime, but that at night, it will freeze over, so if that happens, things could be treacherous, both on pavement and road. So Yogi and Skylark in particular, you and your families are really going to have to watch out if you have to venture out at night, whilst it's like that.

There are some enormous icicles hanging from the rooves. When the thaw starts, the icicles will drop down like icy spears. I hope I'm not underneath when it happens.

Reference: Skylark
. The council says it was taken by surprise by the weather
There was a story on BBC breakfast news, that Edinburgh Council were thinking of bringing in the Army to help clear the roads.

Reference: Joyron
Sorry to say this but 1000 litres of oil delivered before Christmas will probably last us until the end of February, if we are lucky!!
Joyron, that's expensive if it only last a couple of months.
Back home again, been helping the husband of a friend with their computer.  They didn't know how to defrag it so it was cluttered up and very slow.  I downloaded Spybot for them and it is searching for downloaded 'nasties' and it had found over 130 various bits of spyware when I had to leave (the roads get icy later on in the day) including 21 Trojans and less than a third of the way through.

He does have a working antivirus and firewall so it goes to show what can still get through.  Hopefully this will sort it out and then he will be able to check ever so often.  A return visit is called for though when the Spybot has finished its job because his anti virus is preventing the downloading of Adobe Flash Player (he wants to install the BBC IPlayer).  I found it impossible to do much else while the Spybot is doing its check. Poor loves don't even know how to check their emails, but at least we got the Media Player up and running today, so we are making progress.

Isn't this weather just dragging on?  I do hope nobody is around when those icicles fall.

Joyron have you looked into using halogen heaters for backing up your central heating?  They are cheap to buy and incredibly cheap to run (from 5p per hour).  I have my central heating on for a while in the morning and an hour and a half in the afternoon but the halogen heaters keep the place cosy in between the heating being on.

I have thought about halogen heaters Squiggle, and have even tried to buy a couple online twice.  Each time I put the order through I've got a message back saying the items is out of stock at the moment, despite the site saying they are in stock!!  Most annoying.  Now that you have said how cheap they are to run I will have to make more of an effort to get hold of a couple. 

Poor loves don't even know how to check their emails,

My grandson isn't three until Christmas day - he came today and I was on my lap top so he went into the other room and asked me to turn the PC on. I told him that he didn't need the computer (he likes to play on C Beebies) - he told me in no uncertain terms

'Nanny - I need to check my e mails'.
Soozy Woo
'Nanny - I need to check my e mails'.
I just love that Satsoomawoo not yet three

Joyron Amazon is a good place to look, I recently bought one on eBay and one on Amazon, about ÂĢ30-ÂĢ35 each, I got free postage with the Amazon one.  Igenix is the make I go for, they last for quite a while, some other brands the bulbs can go quite quickly.  I understand you can replace the bulbs but at ÂĢ10 per bulb its probably not worth it.   The one in my living room at the moment is about 2 years old.
Good morning everyone.No more snow to report, still lots lying on the roads and pavements.

Reference: Squiggle
Yogi those heaters that Joyron found are a real bargain at the moment, is there a way your mum's friend could get some of those to tide her over? You can even pick up from store on Tesco Direct.

I'll mention it to my mum, Squiggle, thanks. I know my mum and dad have lent her a calor gas heater and she has another little heater too. Her big worry is that she might get frozen/burst pipes.
Reference: El Loro.
Yogi, what a bad time for your mum's friend's boiler to pack up . It's good that your parents are able to help her out. Maybe, the boiler can be patched up quickly to give her time whilst the new one is fitted.
Good morning El Loro. I think the boiler is beyond repair but hopefully she'll get her new one fitted soon.
Good morning all  Just to say i have 2 of those hallagen heaters, got them from Poundstretchers,  last year, they are great. the strong light takes a bit of getting used to, you dont need a lamp on in the evening !  Think they were ÂĢ12.99 each, definately a bargain.
We now have the army in Edinburgh hacking thru the compacted ice, as you say Yogi, those huge icicles are dangerous   
Soozy...that gave me a laugh....Lord Sugar look out
Good morning Skylark. With a bit of luck, the army will help to get things moving again.
Those blooming icicles are scary. I have to pass underneath them to get to my garage (tumble dryer is in there). Now the thaw has started, I keep expecting one of them to drop on my head.

Are you having problems getting petrol? I managed to get some in the garage in the village, this morning. I noticed I had only done half my normal mileage but used the same amount of petrol. I guess I must have used it up by running the engine for ages, whilst trying to defrost the car.
Last edited by Yogi19
Hi Yogi, be careful that sounds very scary  A bit of a thaw starting here, a load of snow just fell off a house across the way!  Now going out , not just worrying about keeping upright, worrying about whats going to come crashing down    Have to go out, what a thought, just waiting to see Stacey on This Morning first !
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