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Good morning everyone.  Another great picture Squiggle.  Hope you are all keeping safe and warm inside.

It snowed here again in the night and started again around 6.00 am, and it's not stopped since!!  We've had about 8 inches now.  Living in the country we never get our roads gritted and it will take ages for the road to clear even when the snow stops.

Hope you have a successful shopping session if you do get out Yogi.  Speak later. 
Just to let you know that as our old PMs are no longer accessible from Gagajoyjoy (though they are from Livecloud), I have created a new PM here, really for anything which we don't want others to see. It's not intended to be a substitute for Ben's Buddies.

Ooooh what sort of things do you not want others to see then? 
I'm a right nosy cow  
Afternoon everyone.    It has not stopped snowing here all day and we now have about a foot of snow on the ground.  Looks lovely but will take an age to disappear when the thaw finally arrives.

Glad to hear you had a successful shopping trip Yogi.  Don't suppose I will go near the shops until someone takes me at the weekend.

It seems our little "oasis" is proving of interest.  I bet people will be wondering what we post in there!!

Hubby is on his way home so I won't be back again tonight.  Will talk to you all again tomorrow. 
I must be one of the few people not snowed in (yet).

Joyron, I meant to ask - have you turned on your heating yet, I sincerely hope you have otherwise you must be freezing.

My brother may be coming here from London tomorrow, so as he stays in the parents' old house, I turned the heating up from minimal yesterday to warm the house up in case he comes, otherwise he could land up by getting hypothermia. He would be coming by train from Paddington, so as far as I know that line is not affected anything like as much as the lines south of London. He'll ring me this evening. I have told him not to come if it looks dodgy as he'll be coming again over Christmas.

Glad you've been able to do your shopping Yogi, but where is Skylark? Has she been able to get back home after her shopping or do we need to send huskies and a St Bernard to look for her.
El Loro
And just like that - we are now in the Spring Flowers theme. It's easy on the eye, and a bit more attractive than some, though I'm sure there will be those who say it's too girly. Of the three we've had so far, I liked the first least, and can live with either the second or this one. I prefer this one because on the second one, if you had looked at someone's profile for some reason, their name appeared yellow which on some of the posts made it almost unreadable, but there is no such problem with this one.
El Loro
Good morning everyone

We're on to Grey Squares today. I suspect that so far this one may be seen as a compromise solution as it may satisfy those who prefer less intrusive themes, isn't seen as girly, is easy on the eyes, easy to read, and isn't as depressing as the Dark Dots one.

My brother rang me yesterday evening as promised. Unfortunately, he had a fall on the ice and has badly bruised an arm. He needs to rest his arm as much as possible, so I agreed with him that he shouldn't come here for the weekend, as he doesn't want to be carrying anything. Anyway, he's coming here in three weeks time for Christmas.

I have my electrician coming to replace some faulty lighting shortly, so see you later.
El Loro
Good morning everyone, sorry to hear about your brother EL but he is wise to rest and he should be fully recovered to enjoy the Christmas visit.  I don't like these dark themes myself, they are a bit depressing.  I quite liked the flowery one but then I am girly   I suppose the best one to suit us all might be that plain blue one.  Hope all goes well with the electrician EL, speak to you all later

Thanks for your replies re my brother. Luckily he had done his shopping earlier this week as he knew the weather was dodgy, so he's well stocked

My electrician came on time and has replaced the bathroom and the downstairs hall lighting. The existing fittings were old, and I never liked them. The main problem was that changing the bulbs, particularly the bathroom was virtually impossible. In fact even the electrician was unable to change the bathroom bulb, it was that bad.

I've now got ones which use low energy tubes. They do provide light almost immediately and should last many years.

I think it's fair to say that whatever theme is eventually brought in, it won't please everyone. What I wonder will be next. Seattle are clearly creating new themes on a daily basis to try them out on us, as when I looked at the themes available today, there were several changes to those listed yesterday. Of the 4 we've had so far, only the first one is too dark and oppressive for me. I know this one is dark, but it doesn't have the same impact as that one.
El Loro
Afternoon everyone.    Lovely picture again Squiggle.  Sorry to hear about your brother's accident El Loro.  Hope he makes a speedy recovery.

No more snow here overnight or this morning, I'm pleased to say.  No.1 son and the grandchildren are about to descend on me for the weekend so I won't be about much, if at all, until next week.  Take care of yourselves and keep warm.  Much love. 
Simply delicious toasted teacakes,

I never buy toasted tea cakes but yesterday I managed to get out to the shops to stock up. I got my mum some bits and pieces too - bought her some tea cakes and they were on buy one get one free so I kept a pack for us.

mmmmmmmmm ........really enjoyed my toasted tea cake and a cuppa - something about this weather makes us turn to comfort food.
Soozy Woo
I've just returned from seeing a book-keeper at a client. She is so snowed under (no pun intended) with work being piled on her that she is on the verge of cracking under the strain and is looking for another job. The accounts department has been cut from 3 and a part-timer to just two - her and her daughter. I've had to give a warning to her boss that she is under too much pressure (didn't mention she is looking elsewhere as that wouldn't help), I'm hoping that they take someone on to help her as I doubt if anyone could cope with her workload, and if she goes, I suspect that the business would go under as no-one could just step in and hold things together.

I have told her that I told her boss as they may take note of what I say. She accepts that my duty lies with the directors/owners rather than her.
El Loro
Good morning everyone

Here we've had quite a lot of rain, so although it's still cold, what snow we had, has gone. The main risk for here now is icy roads - not bad here, but may be a bit worse in Cheltenham where I'm going to soon, as that is a bit higher than where I am. Shouldn't be a problem though.

Skylark, I hope your weather situation improves soon
El Loro
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