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Originally Posted by ~Sweet Pea~:
I hope someone is fixing it ASAP moonie, or I'll send baz round to sort them out!

I'm heading off to snoozeville, sweet dreams have a lovely Easter Sunday and hopefully I'll see you all tomorrow night

They would be 'very scared' of Bazzy

Nite nite Sweet. Sleep well and stay safe tomorrow. Happy Easter Sunday to you too. Sweet dreams


Good morning everyone, it's going to rain later too, I wonder whether I will beat the showers and get home from church before they start, I think I will take an umbrella to be on the safe side.


Awful news moonie, I hope you can get it all fixed very soon.  Why do these things always happen on a Bank Holiday weekend?


Enjoy your Easter Eggs everyone, and have a great Easter Day.



EL I think you especially will be interested in this


Has anyone with an iPhone or Android phone discovered QuizUp yet?  I downloaded it yesterday and it is addictive!  Loads of quiz subjects played against people from all around the world.  Each time just 7 questions, quite a quick pace and such fun.  I've just scratched the surface but there are quiz questions on anything and everything.  I really recommend it, it seems to be completely free.  You can also play with friends through FB etc.


Wow, that egg is huge!

Middle son and DiL, and youngest son and his GF, heard that were were having a PB visit today, so they came to visit too. Everyone has gone home now and the dishwasher is stacked, so I'm going to settle down and watch Endeavour before bed.

I hope everyone has had a good Easter.

Goodnight and sweet dreams to Summer, Moonie and Ros.


Happy Easter my lovely friends I hope you've had a lovely day

We've had a wonderful day out walking, the weather was very good (but windy at times) and we're now laying on the sofas waiting for a pizza delivery

Yogi I hope you enjoy your early night and that you've all enjoyed Easter with PB

Squiggle, I'm about to go check out that quiz app

Moonie I hope your boiler hasn't caused problems today
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Wow, that egg is huge!

Middle son and DiL, and youngest son and his GF, heard that were were having a PB visit today, so they came to visit too. Everyone has gone home now and the dishwasher is stacked, so I'm going to settle down and watch Endeavour before bed.

I hope everyone has had a good Easter.

Goodnight and sweet dreams to Summer, Moonie and Ros.

Sounds like you had a lovely day with the family Yogi and a PB visit too Did she have some Easter eggs and if she did, did she like them?


Enjoy Endeavour. I have set it to record

Nite nite. Sleep well later and have sweet dreams

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Pea~:

Happy Easter my lovely friends I hope you've had a lovely day

We've had a wonderful day out walking, the weather was very good (but windy at times) and we're now laying on the sofas waiting for a pizza delivery

Yogi I hope you enjoy your early night and that you've all enjoyed Easter with PB

Squiggle, I'm about to go check out that quiz app

Moonie I hope your boiler hasn't caused problems today

Evening Sweet
A happy Easter to you too

I'm really glad you had a nice time walking today and that the weather was good too Did Bramble go with you?

The boiler has been okay, just no heat or hot water

What variety of pizza are you having?

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Pea~:
no heat or hot water?
They surely have to get out to see to it within 24 hours?!

Bramble did, she did great she's now asleep bless her

They have been out Sweet, three times, different departments but they have to order a part which they cant do until the council are back at work on Tuesday

Awww glad she enjoyed herself

*listens to snores*


Good morning, everyone.

Weather is cloudy atm, and is meant to brighten up later.

El, I hope the giant egg raised lots of money for the charity.

For the third day in a row, I will attempt to go to the garden centre. With a bit of luck, I might actually get there today.

Squiggle, have you planted out the shrubs you bought recently or are you still trying to decide the best positions for them?

Moonie, will the engineers be back today to fix your boiler or will you have to wait until tomorrow?

Summer, I'm glad you enjoyed your walk yesterday and hope your muscles aren't aching too much today.

Have a good day, everyone.




Good morning everyone.


Yogi I am keeping the shrubs watered every day and busy planning the best locations but it is my gardener who will actually plant them.  The slope is very steep and I can't even get down there and my grandson doesn't have the necessary expertise to be able to plant them.  He will prepare the ground with the manure and compost though, leaving the gardener to finish off and mulch with the remaining rose, tree and shrub compost or manure or maybe a mix of both.  I hope you manage to get to the garden centre today.


Have a good day everyone

Good morning
I'm having a nice long lay in I have a little muscle ache but am not too bad all in all thank you

Moonie I hope you're alright, I worry about you being cold

Yogi I hope you get to the garden centre at last

Squiggle I hope you have a relaxing day ahead

El, I hope you can enjoy your food again now and have something tasty to treat yourself to today
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by squiggle:

Good morning everyone.


Yogi I am keeping the shrubs watered every day and busy planning the best locations but it is my gardener who will actually plant them.  The slope is very steep and I can't even get down there and my grandson doesn't have the necessary expertise to be able to plant them.  He will prepare the ground with the manure and compost though, leaving the gardener to finish off and mulch with the remaining rose, tree and shrub compost or manure or maybe a mix of both.  I hope you manage to get to the garden centre today.


Have a good day everyone

That sounds like good team work. I'm sure they will look lovely once they are in position.

I'm going to head off to the garden centre soon.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Pea~:
Good morning
I'm having a nice long lay in I have a little muscle ache but am not too bad all in all thank you

Moonie I hope you're alright, I worry about you being cold

Yogi I hope you get to the garden centre at last

Squiggle I hope you have a relaxing day ahead

El, I hope you can enjoy your food again now and have something tasty to treat yourself to today

I hope you have a relaxing day planned and give your muscles a rest.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Pea~:
Sorry moonie, I ran off to see the delivery in. Pizza was alright but nothing special- I should have gone with curry!

I can't believe you're stuck without heating, do you have a little electric fan heater?
Wrap up in lots of blankies, I hope you soo warm up

That's okay Sweet I'm sorry I did too

I was like a bit of toast under me duvet


Last edited by Moonie
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Good morning, everyone.

Weather is cloudy atm, and is meant to brighten up later.

El, I hope the giant egg raised lots of money for the charity.

For the third day in a row, I will attempt to go to the garden centre. With a bit of luck, I might actually get there today.

Squiggle, have you planted out the shrubs you bought recently or are you still trying to decide the best positions for them?

Moonie, will the engineers be back today to fix your boiler or will you have to wait until tomorrow?

Summer, I'm glad you enjoyed your walk yesterday and hope your muscles aren't aching too much today.

Have a good day, everyone.



Hi Yogi Nope, the engineers can't order the part until Tuesday because that's when the council are back at work

The various people that have been are 'emergency call outs'

My guess is minimum Wednesday but probably later. I shall be on to them tomorrow to 'shake them up'

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Pea~:
Good morning
I'm having a nice long lay in I have a little muscle ache but am not too bad all in all thank you

Moonie I hope you're alright, I worry about you being cold

Yogi I hope you get to the garden centre at last

Squiggle I hope you have a relaxing day ahead

El, I hope you can enjoy your food again now and have something tasty to treat yourself to today

Awww fanks Sweet

I was okay under me duvet and it seems a little warmer here today

I'm glad you were warm last night moonie, thank goodness for duvets!
Several years ago we had a boiler breakdown and we were living in a cold, damp house. I lit as many tea light candles as I could fit on the coffee table & other surfaces and shut all the doors, it's surprising how much they warmed the room up after a while!

I'm watching the king and I it's been a long time since I last saw it and can't even remember how it ends

El, I'm very glad you're enjoying that cake
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Pea~:
I'm glad you were warm last night moonie, thank goodness for duvets!
Several years ago we had a boiler breakdown and we were living in a cold, damp house. I lit as many tea light candles as I could fit on the coffee table & other surfaces and shut all the doors, it's surprising how much they warmed the room up after a while!

I'm watching the king and I it's been a long time since I last saw it and can't even remember how it ends

El, I'm very glad you're enjoying that cake

Fankoo and yes indeed what would we do without all those feathers

yeah that's a good idea Sweet


Awww, I hope you are enjoying the film

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Pea~:
Spur of the moment change of plan- sofa day has ended and we're heading out to SIL's to meet the puppies and go for dinner

Have a lovely afternoon all and sweet dreams to any who turn in before I get back

Have a lovely time at your SiL's. I have puppy envy!


Moonie, I think a phone call to the council to "shake them up" is a very good idea. Stay warm under your duvet until it's all sorted.


El, thanks for the heads up, I shall record The Artist.


I finally managed to get to the garden centre. It was incredibly busy, so I got what I wanted and left. No time for browsing, which meant I probably saved myself some money. I have dug over the raised bed and added some new compost. Hopefully, it won't be too long before I can start planting in it.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Pea~:
Squiggle, I am officially rubbish at general knowledge! But not too bad at Disney trivia

I haven't tried Disney trivia, I think I was fairly rubbish at general knowledge too.  I have done Harry Potter, grammar, spelling, Discworld - which I am hopeless at but it's fun, I had a go at History, there are so many to choose from and if you come up against an opponent you are equally matched with they often request a rematch.  Great fun.  Enjoy your outing.  I haven't seen the King and I for ages, I like the Deborah Kerr one.  I've been watching Rome Adventure which I have on DVD - very good I enjoyed it.

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