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Edinburgh has come to a standstill Yogi. Schools, nurseries closed. Buses stopped running yesterday and i beleive the airport was closed for a bit. The snow is very thick and just about impossible to walk on. On the outskirts i beleive people are snowed in. It isnt cold tho, so hopefully we may have a thaw. If it freezes tonight we are all doomed
And although I'm nowhere near in the position of those up North, we have had a bit of snow here in Gloucester, so I suspect the entire country is snow covered now. I did a bit of local shopping, and guess what, I came home with some Cup-a-soups in case I felt like one , so there's a definite soupy feeling going round today.
El Loro
El Loro, I have replied to your PM.  I did this using my new laptop but for some reason it won't let me post in the thread so I'm back on the old PC now!!  Obviously there must be a gremlin in the laptop, which hopefully No.1 son will be able to sort out the weekend.

As an aside the colourings of the forum look much nicer on my laptop; a nice slate blue/grey and not the dark black and white I have on my PC. 
And I've sent a PM as well.

I saw on television yesterday the main reason for this particularly cold weather. I said before about high pressure to the left of use forcing wind to come down from the North over us. I hadn't realised then that the reason why there is this high pressure is because of the Gulf Stream. At this time it should be coming over the Atlantic roughly from West to East so that the weather comes from the West. For some reason it has developed a kink which pushes it up North towards Greenland, then comes back down from there over us bringing the weather from the North instead of the West.

Until that kink straightens out, which it wil do some time, we are stuck with this cold weather. I have seen on an article on the BBC website about the Gulf Stream, that it has the effect of making London about 5 degrees warmer in December than it is without the Gulf Stream.

The Gulf Stream will straighten out when it wants to, but I doubt if the forecasters can forecast when, just that when it does, it will take a couple of days before we notice it.
El Loro
I saw on television yesterday the main reason for this particularly cold weather. I said before about high pressure to the left of use forcing wind to come down from the North over us. I hadn't realised then that the reason why there is this high pressure is because of the Gulf Stream. At this time it should be coming over the Atlantic roughly from West to East so that the weather comes from the West. For some reason it has developed a kink which pushes it up North towards Greenland, then comes back down from there over us bringing the weather from the North instead of the West. Until that kink straightens out, which it wil do some time, we are stuck with this cold weather. I have seen on an article on the BBC website about the Gulf Stream, that it has the effect of making London about 5 degrees warmer in December than it is without the Gulf Stream.

I saw this on our local weather forecast about 10 days ago.  It looked like a giant horseshoe, it was quite fascinating but it was like having a giant fan blowing Arctic winds down upon us.
I see from elsewhere that Seattle are trying out different backgrounds on a daily basis over the next week. At the end, they will do a poll to see which is the most popular. Somehow I on't think this one will do too well. By the way this theme is called Dark Dots. If you go to the Livecloud site, then from Your Site, select Control Panel. Then from the resulting menu on the left, select Themes. You get a choice of 14 themes which you can select for your personal site (won't have any effect over in this forum). But you can try them out to see what they look like.
El Loro
Good morning everyone

Not such a downbeat background here today, I wonder how many complaints there will be today about this

I must be the only one on this thread where there isn't a weather warning for the area. No fresh snow and none forecast for today here. Still very cold though. I see from the latest forecast that the temperature may start to lift a bit in the south on Saturday, though precipitation is expected - will almost certainly start as snow, turning to sleet and for squiggle rain.
El Loro
Good morning Yogi

I saw your post over in Feedback and I posted back that I don't think the other themes do have spots, some are plain, some have patterns. But as they can create themes, anything could happen. Yesterday I thought that one of the themes was like yesterday's apart from they used orange instead of black, but I can't see that one today.
El Loro
I posted back that I don't think the other themes do have spots, some are plain, some have patterns

I saw your post EL, thank you. I'm glad the all of the colour choices aren't spotty.

Good morning Squiggle, I love your little pic.

My middle son has phoned to say his bus journey to work took 1 hour and 40 minutes, instead of the usual 30 minutes.
Good morning everyone.    Love the picture Squiggle.  I look forward to seeing what you post each day.

We had quite a lot more snow overnight but it's not snowing at the moment.  I believe we may get another load later today.  It's bitterly cold and the wind is much stronger.

I prefer the colours we have on the forum today.  It will be nice to see all the different colours and patterns.

Speak again later. 
Thanks for your replies on the PM

I've just returned from delivering our church magazine in a nearby road. I normally do it first thing in the morning, but decided I'd wait until the temperature reached the dizzy heights of zero. I saw in the luchtime forecast that on Thursday night, parts of north east Scotland could break the UK record for lowest ever recorded temperature and could be as low as -30 C. I think that may be places like Aviemore rather than Scotland generally. But I think that temperatures will start to slightly recover after Friday.
El Loro
Evening all.    Hope you are keeping safe and warm.

I've just finished watching the re-run of "The Onedin Line" on Yesterday, which I've been following for several months (with the exception of the two weeks we were away).  SO nice to have a series that has a happy ending for once!! 

Will try and get back later.  If not will catch up with you all tomorrow. 
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