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Good afternoon

After a very sunny bit cold morning, it has clouded over, but I don't think any snow is expected in Gloucester today.Locally, I think the riskiest day is next Tuesday.

From what I've seen, I think this cold snap will be around for about 2 weeks, then starts getting a bit warmer. I hope none of you are being snowed in yet, or if so, that you are OK.
El Loro
Good morning everyone

Yes, I got some sleep overnight, so feel less tired than yesterday

If anyone gets lost over Monday, we'll send out the sniffer dogs

So far, no snow in Gloucester, but looking at the forecasts, I can expect some as from Sunday night. I think that everyone here will get snow at some point in time over the next few days. I don't mind snow provided I don't have to go out in it, but obviously I will need to, but I am lucky as I work from home, so don't have to commute. I hope all of you are coping.
El Loro
Good morning to (as Tommy Trinder used to say) you lovely people.  EL I am glad you slept better, its amazing what a difference a good night's sleep makes.  There is something nice about being inside warm and toasty when its bitter outside and you don't need to go there.  Yogi I applaud your supervisory role, after all its one of the perks of getting older isn't it.  I hope that Joyron you are feeling just that little bit better today, but don't worry if you're not, there's always tomorrow, and Skylark have a hug because I haven't spoken to you in ages .  I am going to try to upload that little present for my friend in EL's PM later, hope you all like it.
Good morning everyone

After a fair night, this morning I opened my curtains to see that there has been a little bit of snow overnight. Looking at the forecasts I think I may escape the worst of the snow, but it is going to stay this cold for quite some time. It seems that there is a big area of high pressure over the Atlantic. So if you can imagine that the air currents round an area of high pressure seem to go in a clockwise way, that means that as we are to the right of this area, the air current comes from the North moving to the South, hence the cold weather. I think that until that area goes, we are stuck with the cold.

Metereological lesson over .
El Loro
Good afternoon everyone

What snow I did have has just about gone by now, so I have escaped lightly - so far

The silly forecast site I mention suggests that the cold snap will come to an end Wednesday week, and that I at least won't get a huge amount of snow until then. And the snow threat to squiggle's area s for the next few days seems to have reduced after today. I wish I could say the same for the others, but at least it could be worse. The silly site first thing this morning (but doesn't now) said that the atmospheric pressure in Gloucester would be 2 rather than the average 1000.  I think they should get someone to check their programming
El Loro
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