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Yes I like Stacey, always have done.  People thinks she's false but she is shy and that's why she talks like she does.  I have a lot of sympathy for Nigel though, I know he wasn't everyone's cup of tea but he's an intelligent guy and for that reason I think he found it so hard, he was bored out of his skull.  As for Gillian, well let's just say I know the type and I think I would find it hard to endure being in her company, she's more attention-seeking than a spoilt 3 year old.
Reference: skylark
not understanding how i got 50.000 points ???
Good morning everyone

Yogi is right in that you get points based on your activity. I did ask Lori some time ago if she knew how the points were calculated, but she did't know herself. It must be based on a mix of time spent here, number of posts, lengths of posts, and possibly creating a new thread. I assume, but don't know that PMs wouldn't be included as that is done on the Livecloud site, rather than the Gagajoyjoy site.

And of course, as this forum doesn't use stars for progress, the number of forum points doesn't make any difference.
El Loro
Having just come back from a client and saw your post squiggle which althought posted before mine, wasn't there while I was doing my post, so I wasn't ignoring you, not that you thought I was, and not that I would ever ignore you.

As Yogi says, lovely swans, though I hope I never see a pink one in real life.

I assume we have all received this email. Firstly this is as much news to me as it is to you. It has nothing to do with my PM to you, though I suppose the changes in that may be done at the same time.

Reading the email makes me this that this applies to the livecloud site rather than this gagajoyjoy forum, so I don't know that we will see any of these changes on this forum. The main changes seem to be when you go to your profile and wall pages as those are on the Livecloud site. The other main changes seem to relate to other channels besides Gagajoyjoy, the best known here being The Sinking Ship channel.It looks as if you will have to log on to such channels directly rather than through Livecloud, and that may include Gagajoyjoy though that already has its own web address. But it may be worth you making a note of and putting it in your Favourites (IE) or Bookmarks (Firefox).

You'll be able to log in with your Facebook login if you wish, but as I'm not on Facebook, not much relevance to me.

At present, I don't really know what these changes will mean to this site if anything, but I'm not expecting anything dramatic.

They say that Livecloud will be down for 8 hours during the upgrade, so that presumably means Seattle daytime, say somewhere between our 4pm to past midnight, but as Gagajoy is on a different web address, I don't know if this will affect this site.

If I find out anything more, I'll let you know.
El Loro
Hi Joyron

Re that email - see my posting of 11.23 this morning.

The main way in which we will be affected is that the Channels listed if you use the Channels option from the Explore function that this will no longer be there. I do not know if the Your Channels from the Explore function will still be there.

So my advice is that before the 28th, if you haven't already done so, add this to your Favourites (for IE users) or Bookmarks (for Firefox users) (or the equivalent for other browsers)  This is the front page of this forum. As far as I know this address will not be changed.

If you use any of the other channels, then go to this page which lists all the channels

Look up the channel you want (which includes the gagajoyjoy one as shown above). Click on the channel you want to go to.
Once at the front page of that channel, add that to your Favourites/Bookmarks.
Note that the address where it refers to Livecloud will change from to but we are told that using the livecloud address will still work.
El Loro
This is a copy of a post I've made on that Livecloud update thread.

Since I made those postings earlier on today, I realised that the page which lists all the channels will disappear on the 28th. So for anyone who tends to use the list of channels to access channels could be a bit stuck.

So I have just created an archival copy of the list of channels and put it in the Community Announcments forum, so that people can still access those channels from Gagajoyjoy in future.

You can reach it here

I have asked Lori to put a sticky on that thread just over in Community Announcments so that it doesn't get lost.

Rosemary O'Neill has already spotted my post and says that a lot of these channels are driftwood, but she hopes to be able to get some sort of promotion in place, so that users of such channels should get in touch with her if they wish this for their channel.
El Loro
Just to let you know that Lori has confirmed that Gagajoyjoy will be down during the update - she will post a warning closer to the time.

Also she has confirmed that not only will the Explore Channels option will go, but so will the Your Channels option which you see when you point over the Livecloud logo.

This makes it even more important to bookmark each channel you use before the 28th. Or use that thread which I have created over in Community Announcments which Lori has now put a sticky on.
El Loro
Good afternoon

It's obviously colder today than it has been, and I think we are in for quite a long cold spell. The unreliable weather site I sometimes refer to shows different forecasts each time it updates, particularly for the further away dates. The early morning forecast, although very cold, contained only a small amount of snow. The one now shows that there will be snow in Gloucester Monday evening, then substantial snow next Tuesday and Wednesday. That's not really much use to anyone - I think they are just guessing for over 5 days.
El Loro
The one now shows that there will be snow in Gloucester Monday evening, then substantial snow next Tuesday and Wednesday. That's not really much use to anyone - I think they are just guessing for over 5 days.
Hang on I'll just run outside with a bunch of seaweed   Sometimes you think it might be just as good as them.
I've just sent my Buddies a personal PM.
Just replied El Loro.  

To all my other buddies, sorry I've not been about recently but I've had problems in real life with fradulent credit card use!!!  Hopefully things are sorted now but you never know.  I've received the email from Lori today.  If I had not felt reassured by El Loro's comments I might be more concerned.  However IF after the change over we all disappear into the "ether" and I cannot get back into this site then "it's been lovely knowing you all".  I know that may sound a little depressive but I'm afraid that's just about how I feel at the moment.  Love you all. 
Good morning everyone

I've had a better night's sleep and have sent another PM

Love your group hug squiggle.

Joyron, I don't think you need to worry about not being able to get back on here as you have bookmarked this site and you should be fine. Just remember that Gagajoyjoy will be off air for 8 hours, I think roughly from 4 in the afternoon to just past midnight, so if you try coming on here during that time, don't panic if nothing happens. I have mentioned about the credit card business in my PM.

Yesterday I sent a query to Lori and she has replied. I don't know if you ever use the search facility from the Explore menu. If you do, you will know that the replies cover all channels so that you can get lots of irrelevant replies. Lori confirms that as the channels are going their separate ways that with this update, we will still be able to search on comments, but that the replies will just be for Gagajoyjoy. I reckon that will be a big improvement
El Loro
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