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Good morning everyone

Update on the weather forecast is that in Gloucester, the chance of snow has reduced over the next 2 weeks but that the forecast temperature in the second weeks is now even lower with much of the time zero or a few degrees below.

However the weather forecast site that I get the forecast for the 2 weeks one for Gloucester is based on an altitude of 75m. This is wrong for most of Gloucester. Where I live is only 15m above sea level, though the centre is around 25m. However although that may mean it's a bit warmer in Gloucester than forecast, Gloucester is not representative as it is effectively a coastal city.

If you want to explore your area from an altitude (& other things) to exactly where you live, explore this site  It also has a satellite map which is sufficiently detailed so that you can see your own house from above, though I can tell that it is not upto date as it shows my house before the flat roof work was done. And this site covers the whole world. It doesn't replace Google Maps, but is worth exploring.
El Loro
Yogi, my late mother came from Montrose, she came out with some words i cant even spell! I was up there a few months back and spent most of my time saying, sorry, pardon....they speak at such a speed with their own words. But i just love the lilt and all the "fitting" and "fatting" and "ginging"
We lived in a wee village outside Peterhead for a couple of years, and most of the time I didn't have a clue what the locals were on about.
I remember a clip from a dear old Aberdonian who was interviewed by a roving reporter some while back and for a while used to pop up on those TV clips shows.  The reporter listened as this fellow went on very passionately, and then turned to the camera and it was obvious that he hadn't understood a word, and neither had the viewing audience despite trying desperately to find the odd word we recognised
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