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Good morning everyone

At least it's drier than yesterday here, though I know there's still some rain down in Cornwall but not causing more problems, and I think Northern Ireland is getting wet as well. I've had a look at the longer term forecast over the next month. Rainwise, there don't seem to be any major problems expected. However by the weekend, it will be getting colder and is going to stay cold and below normal for a long time. There will be the risk of some snow showers in the North and East, eventually over the whole country. Yes Winter has arrived..
El Loro
Morning everyone.    It's wet and dismal here today. 

Talking about brekkie as Squiggle was, I've just come back from having a birthday breakfast with my hubby.  It doesn't seem possible that a whole year has passed since I became eligible for my pension!!  Going out for a meal tonight too so I won't have any cooking to do today.

Hope to catch up again later. 
Thank you all for your birthday wishes.  Had some lovely flowers from my No.2 son.    Looking forward to eating out this evening.  Not done an awful lot today except sit and read my latest book.  Yogi, I finished the new Erica James book and it was great.  Did you manage to get hold of a copy yet?

Probably won't be back again today but will speak to all your lovely people again tomorrow. 
Good morning everyone

I was expecting to see thick fog this morning, but there is none here . It looks as if it's going to be quite a quier moderately sunny though coolish day. Though I see parts of NE Scotland look really wet, and I think there are some heavy showers late evening on the coast of South Cornwall, just where it's least wanted.
El Loro
Afternoon everyone.    Hope you are all well today.  It's dull and dismal here again but at least it's not raining!!

I had a lovely meal out last night but it's back down to earth for me today.  All back to normal, mores the pity.

If I were you El Loro I would put that tea bag in a frame and keep it fresh as an emergency supply.  One never knows when one will run out of tea bags, as Squiggle found to her cost not so long ago. 
I'll put out my iittle cups and saucers out which I had (well, would have if I'd be a girl), put on the kettle and make a pot of tea - one tea bag between all of us would just about fill those little cups

I'm a bit out of cake at present, I'll be stocking up tomorrow. At present, I'm surviving on penguin biscuits (I hope Lori's not looking in, as she would fly over from Seattle and scoff the lot ).

Of course, I'm assuming it is a tea bag. It could be something else. I could plant it in the garden and see if it grows into a tea bush. Or I could track down the people who used to live next door to me many years ago - they were white Rastafarians
El Loro
And in case anyone wonders how I did my upside text and smiley, it was a bit convoluted. I started an ordinary Post Reply and typed that text and smiley. Then I pressed PrtScn to take a picture of the entire screen. I cancelled the Post Reply as redundant. I then opened Paint twice. I then pasted the picture onto the first Paint. Used the select icon to draw a box around that part of the picture with my text. I then copied the contents of that box, moved to the second Paint and pasted the contents, so I just had my text without the rest of the screen. Then I used the Flip function to firstly rotate it vertically, then again to rotate it horizontally. Played about with the Attributes to get the result to a suitably sized picture. Save the result as a JPEG file. Go to Photobucket and upload my picture, then come back here, and create a reply with using the insert image icon. So what you see looks like text but is actually an image.

I know what I have said sounds convoluted, but I've given detailed instructions as with care, one can come up with some interesting results. Not with turning text upside down, but using Paint to draw pretty borders round your text for instance.

Because the result is an image rather than text, it is not possible to use it in a reply as with nornal text.
El Loro
Reference: squiggle
That sure was a powerful tea bag EL, the fumes filtered down from Gloucestershire to Devon
I had wondered as you seemed to have become fluent in Portuguese and El loro is Spanish for the parrot , but it's obviously just the fumes.

Or it's the BT fibre optic cabling outside your house which has scrambled the languages. I hope not, because that would be much more long lasting than a teabag

Maybe you suffer from polyglotomania?

By the way, I'm relieved that the siege of squiggle lane has been breached so that you have been able to get provisions in.
El Loro
Reference: Yogi
Ooooh, what's been going on in here?
It's all because of a tea bag

Good morning everyone

I think the weather will be quiet today, but the weather looks as if it is going to become exceptionally cold over the next few days, and by the following week struggling to get above 2 degrees in the day, and it looks as if it will be staying like that for weeks. What precipitation there is will of course be snow showers. So I hope your council is well stocked with salt and is on standby.
El Loro
Penguins in their hundreds have been seen flying in to this country and landing at Slimbridge (the major sanctuary for birds) in south Gloucestershire. They obviously think that something is up. There have also been reports of polar bears seen swimming towards this country.

It's just possible that I might be making this up as there is a flaw in this.
El Loro
Squiggle, I can't guarantee that you will see any penguins at Slimbridge as they aren't exactly known for their flying ability
They can walk very very fast though can't they? and no doubt they have come underwater most of the way (I have seen them swim underwater in Sea World Orlando and they virtually fly underwater) so I am going and you cannot stop me, might pop in while I am down your neck of the woods, for some of that lovely tea.
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