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Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Habit isn't it, do you have to then get up?
I can happily lay in awake for about an hour, unless the sun is shining outside

As soon as I'm awake, I have to get up.


My battery is down to 5 per cent, so I better sign out.

Goodnight Summer, sleep well and sweet dreams.

Hugs for Moonie and Ros.



Good morning everyone, a nice bright morning for a change and the forecast is dry for most of the day


Thinking about that article about being green I am thinking back to when we were first married and when you went shopping you took your bags (or baskets) with you.  If you went to the greengrocers for potatoes you held out your bag and the greengrocer weighed the potatoes and put them straight into the bag, dirt and all.  And I know my hubby used to collect pop bottles with his mates and go and get the penny or halfpenny deposit back on them, a nice little earner   It's only in the last 30 years or so that so much waste has crept in.


Have a good day everyone, whatever you're up to.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

Good morning everyone, a nice bright morning for a change and the forecast is dry for most of the day


Thinking about that article about being green I am thinking back to when we were first married and when you went shopping you took your bags (or baskets) with you.  If you went to the greengrocers for potatoes you held out your bag and the greengrocer weighed the potatoes and put them straight into the bag, dirt and all.  And I know my hubby used to collect pop bottles with his mates and go and get the penny or halfpenny deposit back on them, a nice little earner   It's only in the last 30 years or so that so much waste has crept in.


Have a good day everyone, whatever you're up to.

 I can remember my mum having shopping bags and a basket.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
I wonder what year plastic carrier bags were introduced in shops & markets..? If only we could go back and tell them not to do it!

I'm having a lovely day, we've had a walk, done our chores and can relax all afternoon now

Plastic bags were introduced in 1973 and startted being used by supermarkets in 1977. The plastic bags with handles were introduced in 1982. The concept of shops recycling them came in 1990.



El Loro

Fairly quiet, Summer. I went to church this morning, did some local shopping. I saw someone who used to go to our church years ago but hasn't been in recent times. I did see him sometimes in the Cheltenham M&S but that was quite some years ago. The last time I saw him was a few years ago in the hospital when my dad was admitted a couple of weeks before he passed away. He was also a patient so I did talk with him a couple of times when I went to see my dad but he's never been an easy person to talk with.


He had been on our sick list in church for the last few weeks so when I saw him briefly this morning I asked after him and he said that he was much better. After we went our separate ways I went to the vicarage and let the vicar know. I suggested she talk with another parishioner who knows the man I saw a lot better than I do. They would have a better idea as to if the man really was a lot better as the vicar wouldn't want to take him off the sick list unless he really was a lot better.


El Loro

No, yesterday's was M&S, today was the local Co-op - milk, bread and some yoghurts. The Co-op is close to the church and tomorrow is forecast to be rainy (not heavy like the last few weeks).


I'm not sure the man I saw goes to C of E churches anymore. There are other churches in my area - baptist and methodist and he may go to one of those now. He's not a very communicative sort of person and I wasn't go to start asking. I don't know his address and he has a very common surname so trying to find it in a phone directory would be a bit pointless.


If I hear that his name is no longer on the sick list then I will know that he must be a lot better.

El Loro
Last edited by El Loro

Evening all. Your Indian food sounds good, Summer. I would opt for chicken or lamb rather than prawns though.

Remember I said youngest son and DiL were coming for dinner? Well hubby decided we should go out for dinner, so we went to a restaurant called World Buffet - Indian, Pakistani, Thai, Chinese, Italian, Carvery Roast and sushi were on offer. We are stuffed! It was lovely to spend some time with son and his gf - good company and good food.

El, it's probably best you mentioned to the vicar that you'd met the gentleman and to suggest that she checks with another parishioner before removing him from the sick list. Let's hope he really is well again.


Originally Posted by pirate1111:

they said madonna 'approved' of the twerking etc...

i said if billy ray cyrus said lourdes should act like a tart in public, madonna would go bonkers

bring on lots of little bullying 12yr olds lol

anyway i wasted the ringleader


the rest have gone to do their homework


Originally Posted by pirate1111:

little b@stards should be in bed anyway

 ROFL Pirate, I hope you sorted them out good and proper.

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