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Good morning everyone. Overnight, weather was very windy with heavy rain.

It's still very windy this morning. Dry atm, with showers forecast.

I feel so sorry for the people badly affected by the recent floods. I think it is going to be a very long time before things get back to normal for them.

Awaiting PB's arrival, so I have a busy and enjoyable day ahead.

Have a good day everyone.


Hi moonie how's your day going?
I heard the news about west brom beating Chelsea

Yes I did get my tyres- eventually!
I went back at the time specified, they said to sit & wait and someone would be right with me. 45 minutes later they had served 2 people before me who had walked in off the street AFTER me! At that point I got up & launched a moan at them (It takes a lot to wind me up that much), they apologised for overlooking me, did my car right away and knocked ÂĢ25 off the bill.
I still wrote an email complaint to their head office, I was fuming
~Sparkling Summer~

You may hear or see on the news about a severe flood warning having been issued for a part of Gloucester. This is for Alney Island. Just north of Gloucester, the river Severn splits into 2 rivers  and these 2 join again roughly a mile later. The land between these 2 rivers is called Alney Island, Alney Island is the lowest lying land in the area and is the area most at risk of being flooded. Much of it is a nature reserve but incredibly there are a couple of small roads where houses have been built. Some 100 troops have been called in to place sandbags around the houses at risk.


The Castle Meads power station is on Alney Island. Due to the July 2007 floods when the power atation was at risk of total flooding, the flood defences there were considerably improved.


The Severn is expected to peak tomorrow morning at about 20cm below the July 2007 level so about 8 inches. So there is no reason to think that the electricity supply is at risk.


The Severn has caused flooding on the A38 and that has been closed between Longford roundabout on the A40 and Down Hatherley. Properties in Longford and Twigworth are at risk of being flooded and people there have been making preparations for that. They haven't been helped by motorists ignoring the road closed signs, driving through the water on the Tewkesbury Road and causing a wave of water to hit houses. This area is a known flood risk area and this is not the first time properties there have been flooded and it won't be the last.


That part of Tewkesbury Road is about half a mile away from me but I'm not going there to see for myself. Typical height above sea level for that part of Tewkesbury Road is 10 to 13 meters. My house is 15 meters so a minimum of 6 foot higher. That's why my house is not regarded as being in the flood risk area.


El Loro
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Hi moonie how's your day going?
I heard the news about west brom beating Chelsea

Yes I did get my tyres- eventually!
I went back at the time specified, they said to sit & wait and someone would be right with me. 45 minutes later they had served 2 people before me who had walked in off the street AFTER me! At that point I got up & launched a moan at them (It takes a lot to wind me up that much), they apologised for overlooking me, did my car right away and knocked ÂĢ25 off the bill.
I still wrote an email complaint to their head office, I was fuming

Cheeky devils, I am glad you complained, and got ÂĢ25 knocked off


EL I hope that the water does not rise much more, people's lives are being ruined.

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Squiggle, I agree that people's lives are being wrecked with this flooding. Though I sympathise with those in my area affected, as far as I know it's only those who live on areas which are recognised as flood risk areas.

I think it's the people on the news that I find so upsetting.  One poor woman whose roof lifted right up and back down, but in a different position, she has 4 children and nowhere else to go.  And those people in the Somerset Levels who want the government to buy their houses because they can't stand the flooding any more and their house are practically unsaleable now


Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Hi moonie how's your day going?
I heard the news about west brom beating Chelsea

Yes I did get my tyres- eventually!
I went back at the time specified, they said to sit & wait and someone would be right with me. 45 minutes later they had served 2 people before me who had walked in off the street AFTER me! At that point I got up & launched a moan at them (It takes a lot to wind me up that much), they apologised for overlooking me, did my car right away and knocked ÂĢ25 off the bill.
I still wrote an email complaint to their head office, I was fuming

 Well done on getting some money knocked off the bill, and quite right to complain to their head office.

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Squiggle, I agree that people's lives are being wrecked with this flooding. Though I sympathise with those in my area affected, as far as I know it's only those who live on areas which are recognised as flood risk areas.

I think it's the people on the news that I find so upsetting.  One poor woman whose roof lifted right up and back down, but in a different position, she has 4 children and nowhere else to go.  And those people in the Somerset Levels who want the government to buy their houses because they can't stand the flooding any more and their house are practically unsaleable now


It's all so sad and those poor people must feel that there is no end to their misery in sight.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:

How was your PB day yogi?!

I feel gutted for all those people who couldn't possibly sell their houses now, that's all hope of retirement for some people gone

Hi Summer. PB day was really good. She is such a happy wee soul.


It's awful for the people who have been flooded. Goodness knows how long it will take them to get back to normal.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Brilliant, I love it. How many times did your heart melt today?

 Lots and lots.

My son (PB's dad) called in to collect some boxes we had for packing up stuff for the new house, and I got a great pic of him snuggled up on the sofa with PB. I won't tell you what he said when I got out the camera - he hates having his photo taken.


How is Bramble, is she back to normal yet?

Last edited by Yogi19
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Sorry yogi, I was on a super stealth valentines related mission I've left a little surprise in the kitchen for mr summer to find in the morning

Aw I bet he wasn't thrilled but will love the picture, well done

Sweetest of dreams enjoy your book too

Oh, something romantic planned for Mr Summer?

I showed son the pic and he smiled - believe me, that's a good response from him!

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Final thought of the day;
Don't play games with bramble whilst wearing short pj's!
I got scratched, big time

She's 50/50 I'd say at the moment yogi, one minute she's my bestest cuddly friend and the next I'm getting filthy looks of utter disgust

lol That reminded me of the time my son lifted Keira into the bath for me, wearing only his boxer shorts. Scratches everywhere.

Aww, sounds like she is still at sixes and sevens. Hope she is soon feeling back to her old self.

Originally Posted by Rosgirl:

sorry I keep missing every one - will make a better effort in half term week tomorrow - night yogi and summer

Yay, I look forward to it, catch up soon, Ros.


Good morning everyone, Yogi do be careful today, we have a storm forecast for down here and I hope it's better where you are.  I am glad you had such a lovely day with PB yesterday, I feel as if we could all do with a little peephole to watch her chair dancing and blowing raspberries


I might have a look at what cakes the little local shop has in while I'm there buying my bread


Sounds like Bramble is hormonal Summer, I am sure she will be her usual sweet self soon.


Our weather forecast for next week is a little calmer, I hope it is for everyone else too.


Good morning everyone


Very cloudy here and the next storm is approaching. At this time the local weather warnings, flood alert and road closures are as I posted yesterday.


The senior Met Office forecaster says they believe this is the last really bad storm and that after this the trend is towards more typical February weather. Still unsettled with rain and wind but not as bad.


Severn Trent has said that although the Severn is very high they do not believe that the Mythe water treatment base (at Tewkesbury) is at risk of being inundated. It was flooded in the July 2007 floods causing everyone is my area to be without water for a couple of weeks. As a result Severn Trent improved the flood prevention system there.


El Loro
Good morning overcast here so far

I hope you all slept well
Squiggle & El, I hope that storm doesn't cause either of you too much trouble later, I thought of you both when I heard the news this morning.

Bramble is hormonal she's just starting to want to play again so I'm hopeful she'll soon be back to her normal happy self again
~Sparkling Summer~

I had to go to have my eyes tested (they are looking for diabetic retinopathy) and the journey was really horrible, the car was being rocked by the wind and the rain was scouring the roads.  I am so glad to be home and intend to stay firmly put for a few days now.  I have had enough, I have been out almost every day this week.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

I had to go to have my eyes tested (they are looking for diabetic retinopathy) and the journey was really horrible, the car was being rocked by the wind and the rain was scouring the roads.  I am so glad to be home and intend to stay firmly put for a few days now.  I have had enough, I have been out almost every day this week.

Stay indoors in the warmth, Squiggle, and keep cosy. I hope everything is fine with your results, when you get them.


I've been shopping and bought cakes for all. 

Last edited by Yogi19
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