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Afternoon everyone.    Sorry I've not been about sooner.  Went Christmas shopping with No.1 son and it took a bit longer than I had expected!!  At least all the present buying is done now, except for those little odd bits and pieces.

It's been really dull and miserable here today.  Not too cold but a horrible day nevertheless. 
Reference: Yogi
You reminded me of the Speaking Clock on the telephone. Do they still have that?
Good afternoon Yogi and everyone

Yes, they do - 123 is the number, and it's now spoken by Sara Mendes da Costa on BT lines, though sometimes others provide the voice such as during last year's Comic Relief.

Don't know who does it for Virgin Media though, it could be the same person.
El Loro
Good morning to everyone, a crisp autumn day here with pale blue skies but really cold.  Han lovely to see you pop into the thread again, I hope that all will be well and that you will feel able to pop in more regularly.  You are missed you know, in fact we are missing lots of our old friends but we are huddling together and keeping going.  God Bless
Good morning everyone.    It's a cold and frosty morning here too.  I had a reasonable night after all my entertaining yesterday.  Woke at 4.30 am and decided to have a cup of tea.  Went back to bed and didn't wake again until nearly 10.00 am!!!  It's a good job my hubby went off to work early this morning.

Nice to see you back in the thread Justafriend.  Obviously I don't know what's been happening in your life but I sincerely hope it all works out well for you.  Much love 
Good afternoon Yogi , still sunny down here, though slightly misty and now that dusk is on us (we get a longer day than you do) there's a reddish tinge on the horizon.

When I had my major paper clearout earlier this year, I destroyed the shredder that I used to have as it was too much for it. So I got a much more powerful one which is more suitable for small office use. It can also shred credit cards and CDs (old back up ones with client data on, not music CDs ). The little ones you can but from places like Smiths are only intended for say 10 sheets at a time and you probably have to let them cool down every few minutes, so I'm not surprised yours keeps cutting out.
El Loro
To join in the shredding theme, I got my one from Staples, and I shred every time my lever arch file is full.   I swap over and empty the old one (from the previous swap) and shred all the old papers.  It does only take about a maximum of 10 sheets but it is pretty good and has never over-heated, it was only cheap.

Doing a huge huge job for the church, copying audio files, I have set myself a target of 40 CD's per day but it is very very tiring and I have done my 40 and am ready for a rest now.  We, as a church, are studying the New Testament on audio from the 1 January.  Catch up later.
Reference: El Loro
So I got a much more powerful one which is more suitable for small office use. It can also shred credit cards and CDs (old back up ones with client data on, not music CDs
I need to invest in one of those.

Reference: Squiggle
, I have set myself a target of 40 CD's per day but it is very very tiring and I have done my 40
Gosh Squiggle, how many CDs do you have to do, in total?
Reference: Yogi
I need to invest in one of those.
The shredder I bought is probably more expensive than you would want to pay. It's a Fellowes PS-79Ci which I got from Staples for ÂĢ223. To shred cards & CDs, which you do one at a time, there is a ilttle plastic box which fits on pegs and you have to put the box in only when you are going to need it.
El Loro
Yogi only 2 people have stepped forward to take on the task, we are doing 20 sets and the New Testament will take 40 days of listening for about half an hour a day.  So each of us 2 have to copy 200 discs.  I am aiming to have it finished by Saturday.  I feel shattered now though so I hope I will feel fresher in the morning.

Wow EL that's an expensive shredder, mine also came from Staples, it was a special offer and cost, if I recall, ÂĢ24.95.
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