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Well done El Loro for getting that last post on page 100.

I've had a really productive morning.  I've ironed the bedding and it's ready to go back on the bed, once it's aired of course.  I've finished the Christmas cards!! - cannot believe I'm saying that, and I have even managed to cook myself a bacon sandwich for my lunch - yummy.

Now I'm going to sit back with my new Erica James book which has arrived in the post this morning. 
Joyron, I didn't realise that Erica James had a new book out, I must get it.
It's called "Promises, Promises" and came out yesterday.  I had it on pre-order from Amazon.  I've read the first couple of chapters and it looks as though it will be as good as all her other books.

I had about 60 cards to do this year.  I'm pretty organised with a list of names and addresses.  Once I've sorted out which card to send to which couple then it doesn't really take long to finish the job.  I always feel really satisfied once card writing is done and always try to complete the task before the end of November. 

Hope to be back later.   
Good morning everyone

It's a bit wet, grey and windy at present, but not as rough as threatened for the Northwest. Later on today NW England can expect gusts up to 80 mph, and snow is a risk for Scotland.

So if you have to go out today, wrap up well.Well, wellies will be doing well today, apart from the wallies who'll get wet.
El Loro
Goo morning Yogi
Good luck with the flu jab. They are combining it this year with the vaccine against swine flu. I'm not in any of the categories that qualify, though one of my clients does not because of age or existing ailments but because he works with poultry so is at much higher risk of infection if there's a crossover between poultry and people. And before you ask, my type of parrot doesn't qualify as poutry
El Loro
Morning everyone.    Well what a difference a day makes!!  Yesterday was a lovely day but today it's cold, wet and very windy.  It's also so dark that the lights are on permanently.  We are supposed to get some gale force winds in this area too, so I'm told.

I'm glad I have no need to go out today but I will have to venture out tomorrow.  Fortunately the forecast for the coming days is a little better.

I missed out on the flu jab this year as we were away when the open surgery was held.  I could make a special appointment to get it done but I don't think I will bother.

Catch up with you all later. 
It may have stopped raining here and there is a fair amount of blue sky, but it's howling a gale out there. And I need to go out as I have received a cheque which I don't want to leave until the weekend as it's big enough to justify going into town just to bank it.

So if you see me flying overhead in the next hour or so (it depends on which way the wind is blowing, but it's most likely to be Joyron as you're to the Eastish of me), don't be surprised.
El Loro
I'm back safe and sound, I think the wind has moderated a bit here. The cheque is safely deposited, though I'll have to wait until Wednesday before I can transfer it to an account which pays a bit of interest (about 12p a day on what I want to transfer )

Glad your jab went OK, Yogi

I've had so many blood tests done over the years that I'm quite used to needles.
El Loro
It sure is windy today, you could feel the car being blown sideways as you went over the high road near the sea, quite frightening so I am glad to be home and hopefully I don't have to go out tomorrow.  I had to walk down the lane and return a bag of rubbish that a neighbour had put out and which had blown all the way to my house.  I am glad you are all back home safely and EL that your cheque is safely banked.
There's just been a knock at my door. I opened the door and there was a man from a local mower repair shop. He was returning my 16 year old mower which he had taken from the shed a few days ago in error. The notice he had been given was just to collect the mower from the shed at number 61, but the 1 had become illegible so he took it from my shed.

It's just as well I didn't get the police involved or make an insurance claim. I asked him if they had serviced the mower, but they hadn't when they realised their mistake.

So I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry
El Loro
Reference: squiggle
You have to have a sense of humour to get through life don't you?
Reference: Yogi
Are you glad you weren't robbed after all, or annoyed that you'll have to get rid of it yourself.
And Yes

I'm putting an ad up, "Wanted, one friendly robber to steal my old mower and leave an old Chinese vase in return"
El Loro
"Wanted, one friendly robber to steal my old mower and leave an old Chinese vase in return"
Have just come down from loft, am now covered in cobwebs and dust and empty handed no vases at all let alone valuable Chinese ones, I reckon I could have coped with the shock (that poor woman had to be treated for shock at the auction).
Afternoon everyone.    I see there has been some nice banter going on in here.  It's great to come in a read what's been happening since my last post.  I really had to smile when I read your tale about the missing mower turning up El Loro!!

The weather didn't turn out too bad today.  I managed to get to the shops and back without getting wet.  It is supposed to be a reasonable day here tomorrow, then back to rain and strong winds on Sunday.  At least there's been no snow!!

Will try and get back later but if not I should be a round at sometime tomorrow as hubby is working on his boat all day. 
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