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I've got to say Ben comes across as more and more of a subservient walking apology the more I see of him. He really is an embarassment to the male species. We already know what an utter cretin Dave is outside the house and he really should go for that reason alone but having initially decided Ben must stay and Dave must go I've got to admit I really don't care which of them disappears now.

His bumbling fey cringeworthy apology to Rachel when she was laying into him for no reason at all sealed it for me. By the way I haven't included JJ because I'm sure his legion of underage girlies will make sure he stays in.

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My take on Ben is that he just isn't used to conflict and has no idea how to deal with it.  

OR he grew up in an abusive home where the only way to avoid the abuse was to be subservient and over apologise, making the abuser feel big and important, a bit like some of those in the BB house.

( I really don't think it is the latter)
Prom - we only know about Dave's utter crap outside of the house - because its exactly THAT - utter sh*te - Dave is a thieving, 'God' bothering arsehole who deceives people and pretends to be drunk on the Lord and a wheelchair needing paraplegic, when in actual fact he IS most probably just drunk - the recovering alkie doesnt have a problem necking a can or two in the house does he? 
Ben on the other hand is an extremely affectionate, yes bumbling fool who is lazy, who is always apologising  and needs to grow a backbone. - but I know who I would rather have a meal with - and its certainly NOT a man who would most probably try to sign you up to his cause and bring his remote credit card machine with him
Prom - we only know about Dave's utter crap outside of the house - because its exactly THAT - utter sh*te - Dave is a thieving, 'God' bothering arsehole who deceives people and pretends to be drunk on the Lord and a wheelchair needing paraplegic, when in actual fact he IS most probably just drunk - the recovering alkie doesnt have a problem necking a can or two in the house does he? Ben on the other hand is an extremely affectionate, yes bumbling fool who is lazy, who is always apologising and needs to grow a backbone. - but I know who I would rather have a meal with - and its certainly NOT a man who would most probably try to sign you up to his cause and bring his remote credit card machine with him
cologne 1
Don't get me wrong guys, Dave is by far the more repulsive human being outside the house but inside the house (which is what we are watching after all) apart from a bit of bitching and his pathetic drunk on the glory of God nonsense I find him less offensive than Ben who I just want to shake and tell him to grow a pair of f*cking testicles and stop apologising to people who should be apologising to him and this is such a long sentence that I decided to make it a bit longer just for fun by putting this completely pointless bit in at the end.
I get what ur saying Prom - but Dave IS just pure nasty - hidden behind his veneer of 'the Glory' - Ben on the other hand, flaws n all - is NOT!
I know this Barmy, I know. I wouldn't like to see Dave being rewarded in any way for his fake God persona and because of his shameful antics outside the house, BUT, he will be rewarded with mag deals anyway whether he goes this week or next week. He'll never win. In BB terms it's kind of irrelevant how long he stays now.

Ben on the other hand is infuriating to watch. He has some very dodgy ideals and beliefs almost bordering on facist by the way, he's no angel, but ultimately I just hate to see what a complete and utter wimp he is, it's painful to watch. I don't care which one goes to be honest, I should be gutted if Ben goes but I'm just being honest and saying I won't be, not a jot.

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