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I had to turn LF off last night - they must be so bored in there arguing about nothing all of the time.
I started off feeling sorry for Ben but he went on and on and on and on.....
Sunshine is acting like a victim - FFS what about all the other people who nominated her who are probably being nice as pie to her?
Nope - they are both hugely insecure people who need constant reassurance and it is not nice to watch all the time.

Can we see more of lovely Corin instead who is just there to have the BB experience and is very unintentionally funny.
Oh and I never thought I would say this as i don't normally agree with it BUT lets put another HM or 2 in.
I'm not saying Ben deserved the treatment but this is why they were given him grief:

Throughout the first week of BB Ben was talking about how he is loyal to his friends. During that week he formed close friendships with Dave, Mario, JJ and Sunshine, who in turn all get on together forming a group of sorts.

Obviously Ben nominated Sunshine and told Shabby , who told the group. This upset the group as they thought Ben was being disloyal when he was the one going on about loyalty the previous week. JJ wouldn't let it lie as he hates 'disloyalty'.

Sunshine even said that she doesn't care if the majority of the house nominated her but finding out Ben did (who she considered a friend) has hurt her feelings. JJ and Dave feel the same way.
Sunshine even said that she doesn't care if the majority of the house nominated her but finding out Ben did (who she considered a friend) has hurt her feelings. JJ and Dave feel the same way.
Its just another stick to beat Ben with.  Why doesn't she ask the others who they nominated, surprise surprise most of them nominated her.
Its just another stick to beat Ben with. Why doesn't she ask the others who they nominated, surprise surprise most of them nominated her.

but not her group of friends. It all goes back to Ben talking about loyalty to his friends in the house and then nominating one of them. I suppose in an environment like the BB house that's a big deal.
As I remember Ben agonised over it in the DR. Sunshine was being a right royal pain at the time, the first time of nomination its quite difficult to suss out who to nominate. I don't remember such recriminations about who nommed who in BB before.

But there were 14 other people in the house, he wasn't getting on with Shabby, Govan, Nathan, Rachael, Ife or Keever.

He spent most of his time with Mario and Dave, with JJ and Sunshine coming over to join in. He was even hugging her and telling her how 'interesting' she is.
squiggle, I have no problem with his nomination angst, but I can't bear to watch a grown man reduced to a blundering fool trying to worm his way out of it. He should just stick up 2 fingers and tell them all to naff orf  He doesn't owe JJ and Sunshine any explanation, however polite and well mannered he may appear (and lets be honest he's as much of a gossip as any of them there).
But I just wish Ben would learn to let things drop, and walk away, instead of his constant analyzing. He only makes the situation worse for himself

Baz I agree, he needs to shut up & let it go or tell them all to take a hike. One or the other because if he doesn't his time in there is going to be torture. Watching last nights show I felt terrible for him, it made for uncomfortable watching and I'm at the stage where I cannot watch that repulsive sly Josie and her thumb sucking anymore. I cannot bear her of JJ.

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