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Good one Ben - and so true - but I don`t get how she can take offence just because someone says they can`t tell whether she`s acting or not.
She has taken offence for the attention and air time, it's that simple...she also wants to dis-credit Ben because apparently it's all his fault she's been nominated

She has to go....what a boot...
The Devil In Diamante
Reference: Baz
And now she can't even accept ben's apology with grace..... HORRID girl!!
She`s milking it big time..knowing that Ben`s a soft touch. She`s aware of what she`s doing.

Her words are just words..they mean nothing much. She loves the sound of her own dramatic voice and thinks what she says means something and has an impact. They don`t, because she acts a part..she`s not sincere, even to herself. She needs to get a grip on life and stop pretending.

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