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All of that holds true for any supporter of any HM.
I disagree becasue of the numbers, Ben has loads of fans here, JJ doesn' the maths doesn't work.  For the Ben fans to moan everytime a FM posts a comment of thread about Ben and say he is being "picked on" is one says Dave is being picked on when most of us (and it IS most of us) slate Dave!
In here it's emotion....over on TiBB everyone's a psychiatrist....they've had JJ diagnosed with everything from schizophrenia to Aspergers Oh and then there are the 'fat' threads...and the Dave threads...
As much as I hate the amateur psychologists that pop up BB time I'd prefer that, or even a Dave has moobs thread too all this hormonal stuff
I must have missed something (I generally do) but I thought Ben was making a comment on the way that Josie has changed the way she dresses?  She never used to wear tight fitting clothes, etc., but when the new housmates (both batches) have arrived, she has tried to make herself look more appealing (to John James).

What happened to all her dresses?  Now it's just the tight T-shirts and trousers.
This is getting not only surreal but hysterical now. The biggest irony is, Ben has far more fans on this forum than JJ has.  Poor RR, Karma and Ditty are banging the drum for JJ mostly alone.  Hahahahahahaha Edited to add I think Soozy is a JJ fan too.

Hysterical thing is this doesn't translate the the greater public, JJ is far more liked than Ben hence Odds to win and odds to be evicted.
Can't a person support both Ben and JJ as HMs without really liking either of them?
They both have faults....big ones, but that's what amuses me about them.

Isn't it human nature to judge a person on appearance when you meet them? Be many of us haven't noted the appearance of someone inappropriately dressed for their figure when out and about? It doesn't help that every bloke thinks he looks like Brad Pitt, thus giving him free reign to crticise every passing female
Soozywoo offline 4,575 Forum Posts Today at 9:32 PM Last Edited: Reference: .how many of us haven't noted the appearance of someone inappropriately dressed for their figure when out and about? I think all of us have done that and possibly whispered to a friend. To say it in such a dogmatic way on live television and to the said persons best friend isn't really nice behaviour IMO.
Would it have been better if Ben had said it behind JJ's back?

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