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Just exactly who the hell did that puffy-haired twonk think he was last night, commenting on what Josie wears?

Just because her figure doesn't meet with his approval, she apparently "shouldn't" wear certain clothes. Who the biddy hell is he, the fashion police? I'm not Josie's No1 fan, but she's a pretty girl, her figure suits her and if she's happy with what she's wearing, what the fuss has it got to do with Ben???

It's not often I agree with John James, but he was dead on with his reasons for nomming Ben. How dismissive and insulting, not only to come out with such crap, but to think it was OK to say it to the girl's closest friend in there.

No-one's told matchstick-legs Ben that he really shouldn't wear shorts, have they?


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Select housemates criticise Ben all the time for his hair style, his style of dress, etc. John-James being one of the worst offenders. I suppose that's okay though
They tease him, but they never suggest he 'shouldn't' wear certain stuff because he doesn't have the physique for it.
Effinell, it's no wonder so many women are paranoid about their weight, when idiots like Ben can casually come out with bollox like that.
It's been almost 24 hours since that was shown and only now has a thread been made about it, shows how hypocritical Ben fans that dislike JJ are, that jump on any opportunity to slag JJ but if Ben says it nothing gets mentioned.
If it bothered you that much RR, why didn't you start a thread about it?

Incidentally, this Ben fan thinks he was wrong to say what he did about Josie.
Reference: Maths
Select housemates criticise Ben all the time for his hair style, his style of dress, etc. John-James being one of the worst offenders. I suppose that's okay though.
And Ben labelled Keeley as Cruella, when she told him he needed a haircut.

He needs to look at himself in the mirror. (Not literally, of course. He does that quite enough)
Yeah he didn't upset Rachel at all.
Of course he upset her, he was a total barsterd to her. But it had nothing to do with her looks. The closest he's come to that kind of thing was when he said Keeley was like a Smurf because she was so little.
Not on the same level as calling a girl a heffalump, or suggesting she should cover herself up a bit more because she's not skinny enough for his liking.
But it had nothing to do with her looks.
We will have to disagree there, imo the only reason he picked on her was because he felt that girls as attractive as her were out of his league.  He said once or twice that he fancied her but he was convinced it would not be returned, some dissing of him when he was younger I think.
We will have to disagree there, imo the only reason he picked on her was because he felt that girls as attractive as her were out of his league. He said once or twice that he fancied her but he was convinced it would not be returned, some dissing of him when he was younger I think.
Did he actually say anything derogatory about her face or figure? No, he confined it to a (pretty spiteful, it's true) attack on her personality. Every single one of them in there attacks each other's personalities, but Ben's the only one to take it a step further and sneer at people's appearance as well.
What's with all the Ben v JJ stuff the last few days?

Deman makes a point about Ben and everyone jumps in with "What about JJ"...anyone else says something about JJ and everyone jumps in with "What about Ben"

It's perfectly sane and rational to make points, to like or dislike either or both of them at the same time or at different times.  This almost partisan stuff is dead childish.

And back on topic, yeah Deman, it was bitchy and bloody insensitive when he knows she has some issues about her weight.
It's perfectly sane and rational to make points, to like or dislike either or both of them at the same time or at different times. This almost partisan stuff is dead childish.
For the record, I don't like either of them. And your point is correct - it's a piss-poor excuse for bad behaviour to say that someone else behaves the same or worse.
Reference: spongey
ben is a queen bitch.......but practically everytime he bitches he starts it with......'this is not a criticism i love.....' then bitches......or.........'she/he is lovely and i think the world of them but.........'..........or.......'i adore........she/he is my friend but.........' doesn't make it any better.
Exactly how I see it. Sweetening the insult by saying the target is his 'friend' doesn't make it less insulting, IMO. If he loves/adores/thinks the world of them, why say such nasty things?

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