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Slim, not much new of interest to you on the Talking Pictures tv channel during the coming week other than next Sunday in the early evening, a 1940 British film called "Law and Disorder". A comedy crime thriller set on the evening of WW2 about a young lawyer infiltrating a gang of foreign saboteurs. He was played by Barry Barnes and his wife in the film was played by his actual wife Diana Churchill (a distant relation of Winston and not to be confused with the film actress Sarah Churchill who was his daughter), The senior solicitor was played by Alastair Sim.

The 1958 British comedy film of the same name (Michael Redgrave and Robert Morley) which gets shown on television from time to time was not a remake.

El Loro
@El Loro posted:

Slim, not much new of interest to you on the Talking Pictures tv channel during the coming week other than next Sunday in the early evening, a 1940 British film called "Law and Disorder". A comedy crime thriller set on the evening of WW2 about a young lawyer infiltrating a gang of foreign saboteurs. He was played by Barry Barnes and his wife in the film was played by his actual wife Diana Churchill (a distant relation of Winston and not to be confused with the film actress Sarah Churchill who was his daughter), The senior solicitor was played by Alastair Sim.

The 1958 British comedy film of the same name (Michael Redgrave and Robert Morley) which gets shown on television from time to time was not a remake.

Okay thanks El

Tis a maybe

@El Loro posted:

Been clear blue sky here all morning, Slim

Yeah, we have the same now El...tis still jolly cold outside though.
Folk must have thought I was mad...dodging the shade walking too & from the quay shop

@slimfern posted:

Yeah, we have the same now El...tis still jolly cold outside though.
Folk must have thought I was mad...dodging the shade walking too & from the quay shop

The other week I was walking down the Regents Arcade in Cheltenham. I noticed a man walking past me going the other way. The ground is paved with a mic of square paving stones and smaller rectangular ones. He was looking down at them, stopped and then went on. I think he may have been trying to avoid walking on any of the edges between the stones.  May have been someone with OCD.

El Loro
@El Loro posted:

The other week I was walking down the Regents Arcade in Cheltenham. I noticed a man walking past me going the other way. The ground is paved with a mic of square paving stones and smaller rectangular ones. He was looking down at them, stopped and then went on. I think he may have been trying to avoid walking on any of the edges between the stones.  May have been someone with OCD.

That takes me back to my childhood El


Gates have been reintroduced to Eastgate Street in Gloucester and kept shut on Friday and Saturday nights to stop traffic going down.

I think they are positioned where the old historic gates used to be (which were taken down in 1778) There used to be gates in Northgate Street, Southgate Street and Westgate Street as well, hence the names.

El Loro
@El Loro posted:

Good morning everyone

Another sunny day here with a frosty start. Tonight may not be as cold as recently and could stay above zero.

I hope everyone has a good day

It's forecast to be 'Mostly Sunny' here El...and so far they are correct!

Have a good one folks!


Mention in the BBC news about a handwritten Shakespearean sonnet being found in Oxford:
This in not by Shakespeare but a changed version of his sonnet 116.

The version isn't a true sonnet as it is 3 verses of 6 lines each. A Shakespeare sonnet has 14 lines, (1st & 3rd rhyme, 2nd and 4th rhyme, and so on until the 13th and 14th lines which rhyme).

A Youtube clip of Judi Dench reciting the true sonnet 116:

El Loro

El, quick forum query .I have email notifications on when I’m not on the forum , but turn it off when I’m on here . Last night , as always , I turned it back on again just before I signed off . This morning I had 189 emails ….all the postings I made yesterday afternoon etc  ….in my inbox ! Any idea if it was a forum glitch ?

Last edited by Baz
@Baz posted:

El, quick forum query .I have email notifications on when I’m not on the forum , but turn it off when I’m on here . Last night , as always , I turned it back on again just before I signed off . This morning I had 189 emails ….all the postings I made yesterday afternoon etc  ….in my inbox ! Any idea if it was a forum glitch ?

Baz, I'm not aware of anything
@Lori do you know?

El Loro

What's really weird is that you shouldn't even be receiving notifications for your OWN posts, @Baz! You're sure you were getting email notifications for posts you made yourself, and not responses to your own posts?

@Lori posted:

What's really weird is that you shouldn't even be receiving notifications for your OWN posts, @Baz! You're sure you were getting email notifications for posts you made yourself, and not responses to your own posts?

Hi Lori Yes , sorry I meant replies to my posts

@Baz posted:

Hi Lori Yes , sorry I meant replies to my posts


There may have been something going on with the server that Gaga is on--I had the opposite situation on the same day: someone posted a few minutes before midnight (our time), and there was NO email sent out.🤷🏻‍♀️

If it continues to be an issue, let me know and I'll do some trouble-shooting, but maybe it's a one-off?

@Lori posted:


There may have been something going on with the server that Gaga is on--I had the opposite situation on the same day: someone posted a few minutes before midnight (our time), and there was NO email sent out.🤷🏻‍♀️

If it continues to be an issue, let me know and I'll do some trouble-shooting, but maybe it's a one-off?

Ok Lori .


Good morning everyone

A mix of blue sky and clouds here today, mild for March, may stay dry.
Forecast to remain mild until Tuesday when a return to cooler days and cold nights with the wind coming from the north or east.

I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

@slimfern I hadn't spotted a film which you may want to see on the Talking Pictures tv channel. "The October Man" (1947) is a British psychological thriller about a suicidal man (John Mills) who thinks he may have killed someone. Also stars Joan Greenwood. It's on tomorrow evening and again next Friday afternoon. It's been shown on television before and it's worth watching.
Trivia points - there's a scene on the bus where Mills is talking with a young girl - that's his daughter Juliet.
There's an uncredited appearance by Sid James (his second film rile) as a man crossing the railway bridge.

El Loro
@El Loro posted:

Good morning everyone

A mix of blue sky and clouds here today, mild for March, may stay dry.
Forecast to remain mild until Tuesday when a return to cooler days and cold nights with the wind coming from the north or east.

I hope everyone has a good day

Just cloud here so far today El..

Stay safe folks!

@El Loro posted:

@slimfern I hadn't spotted a film which you may want to see on the Talking Pictures tv channel. "The October Man" (1947) is a British psychological thriller about a suicidal man (John Mills) who thinks he may have killed someone. Also stars Joan Greenwood. It's on tomorrow evening and again next Friday afternoon. It's been shown on television before and it's worth watching.
Trivia points - there's a scene on the bus where Mills is talking with a young girl - that's his daughter Juliet.
There's an uncredited appearance by Sid James (his second film rile) as a man crossing the railway bridge.

Okay, thanks El


Slim, I haven't spotted much of interest to you on the Talking Pictures tv channel during the coming week.
There are a couple of low budget poor comedies. On Wednesday morning there's an American film called "Ghosts on the Loose" (1943) which was one of the "East Side Kids" series of films. They come across some Nazi spies who presumably are trying to keep people away fro their base by pretending that it's haunted, Bela Lugosi is in that which is why the film was also known as "The East Side Kids Meet Bela Lugosi". The only notable piece of trivia is that this was the first credited role by Ava Gardner.

Next Sunday afternoon is a British comedy called "The Runaway Bus" (1954) which was intended to be a star vehicle (pun intended) for Frankie Howerd who is the bus driver. The only reason for mentioning it is that one of the passengers was played by Margaret Rutherford. Piece of trivia in that when the film had been completed and cut it was realised that it was only 72 minutes. To qualify as a feature film at the time it had to be at least 75 minutes. So Howerd improvised a scene in a phone box talking to his girl friend.

El Loro

Good morning Buddies

Cloudy here though the sun does keep breaking through. The weather forecast is for sunny afternoon with a gentle breeze

Temperatures are supposed to plummet here on Tuesday too El

Enjoy your day everyone

@El Loro posted:

Good morning everyone

Forecast to be another warm sunny day here though quite cloudy at present.
Temperatures plummet by Tuesday.

I hope everyone has a good day

Tis a glorious day here....sunshine everywhere with a gentle breeze

Have a great day folks!

@El Loro posted:

Slim, I haven't spotted much of interest to you on the Talking Pictures tv channel during the coming week.
There are a couple of low budget poor comedies. On Wednesday morning there's an American film called "Ghosts on the Loose" (1943) which was one of the "East Side Kids" series of films. They come across some Nazi spies who presumably are trying to keep people away fro their base by pretending that it's haunted, Bela Lugosi is in that which is why the film was also known as "The East Side Kids Meet Bela Lugosi". The only notable piece of trivia is that this was the first credited role by Ava Gardner.

Next Sunday afternoon is a British comedy called "The Runaway Bus" (1954) which was intended to be a star vehicle (pun intended) for Frankie Howerd who is the bus driver. The only reason for mentioning it is that one of the passengers was played by Margaret Rutherford. Piece of trivia in that when the film had been completed and cut it was realised that it was only 72 minutes. To qualify as a feature film at the time it had to be at least 75 minutes. So Howerd improvised a scene in a phone box talking to his girl friend.

Thankyou El

Unfortunately, as much as I love Margaret Rutherford, I cannot stand Frankie that one will be a definite miss for me.
Dunno about the other film...we'll see

@slimfern posted:

Thankyou El

Unfortunately, as much as I love Margaret Rutherford, I cannot stand Frankie that one will be a definite miss for me.
Dunno about the other film...we'll see

Judging by a trailer I've just seen for that "Runaway Bus", Howerd was just the same as he was in later years, someone who thought he was funny but wasn't

El Loro

I wasn't impressed by the two teams in last Monday's "University Challenge" in the music round. Mozart and Schubert were the answers they gave for the Pie Jesu part of Faure's Requiem

El Loro
@El Loro posted:

I wasn't impressed by the two teams in last Monday's "University Challenge" in the music round. Mozart and Schubert were the answers they gave for the Pie Jesu part of Faure's Requiem

pie in the above is pronounced pea-ay, not pie

El Loro
@Baz posted:

Wow….never seen one of those before El

I don't think the one my mother used was quite the same. Baz. It had a lid which went on the top and the turning handle went through the centre of the top but the way it worked would have been the same as the one in the clip.

El Loro
@El Loro posted:

I don't think the one my mother used was quite the same. Baz. It had a lid which went on the top and the turning handle went through the centre of the top but the way it worked would have been the same as the one in the clip.

@El Loro posted:

Good morning everyone

Cloudy day here, no rain forecast. Nights for the next week may be subzero. Could be a bit sleety tomorrow morning.

I hope everyone has a good day

I don't like the sound of's nearly spring fgs

Stay warm folks!

@slimfern posted:

I don't like the sound of's nearly spring fgs

Stay warm folks!

One of the company audits I was involved with years ago had a subsidiary in Wales with its HQ in Cardiff. One day I had to go there to review the files. So I went there by Cardiff on the train and went to the HQ. Come lunchtime and we were taken out for lunch by the FD in his car. It was rather snowy by then.
It's easy to remember the date I went as it was March 17th, St Patrick's Day.

El Loro
@El Loro posted:

One of the company audits I was involved with years ago had a subsidiary in Wales with its HQ in Cardiff. One day I had to go there to review the files. So I went there by Cardiff on the train and went to the HQ. Come lunchtime and we were taken out for lunch by the FD in his car. It was rather snowy by then.
It's easy to remember the date I went as it was March 17th, St Patrick's Day.

Yeah I know our weather can be crazy....I remember celebrating my birthday in the blistering sunshine.


Good morning everyone

Sleeting here at present, forecast to stop around 10, may get some rain this afternoon, a high of 9°, a low tonight of around zero.

I hope everyone has a good day and stays warm

El Loro

Good morning Buddies

I’m told we had snow overnight but when I got up it had gone. Just looked like it had been raining. We should reach the great height of 8° today it’s bright sunshine atm

Enjoy your day everyone

Last edited by Moonie
@Moonie posted:

Good morning Buddies

I’m told we had snow overnight but when I got up it had gone. Just looked like it had been raining. We should reach the great height of 8° today it’s bright sunshine atm

Enjoy your day everyone

There would have been some snow in this area but at higher levels, Moonie though I think that would have gone by now

El Loro
@El Loro posted:

Good morning everyone

Sleeting here at present, forecast to stop around 10, may get some rain this afternoon, a high of 9°, a low tonight of around zero.

I hope everyone has a good day and stays warm

Sunny intervals here...

Stay safe folks!


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