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Yogi19 posted:
Rocking Ros Rose posted:
Yogi19 posted:
Rocking Ros Rose posted:

fancy breaking down there

Baz posted:

You wouldn’t want to break down , or run out of petrol there 

I’d be scared stiff 

and me  - no AA there

No - do they even have a mobile signal out there? 

I’m guessing they might ....everywhere seems to these days

Yogi19 posted:
Baz posted:
Yogi19 posted:
Baz posted:
Yogi19 posted:
Syd posted:

I like her, she is a realist as well as a dreamer..........

I hope she is getting paid by the production mob 

I’m guessing she will be ....and probably Yosefs family too ...


I’m glad she is not totally alone.

Yes , must be very hard though 


 think I would come back home but I suppose she is living her dream

Rocking Ros Rose

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