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Yes, i can see that...

The funniest thing is though that the public have bought into his pretentious rants - and BB have even handed him the DR as a soap box to broadcast from.

He bitches, plots and schemes as much as anyone... but he has it wrapped and presented for him in such a way that it comes across as righteous and true. Anyone that thought BB were stitching him up must surely have changed their mind after his personal thank you to the public was used to close the Saturday HL show. Individual bias beyond belief from BB...

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Thatcher was hated by most of the Country after the Poll Tax.  Ben is hated by most of the housemates.  That is the analogy I believe he was trying to make, and it happens to be correct.

The thing I liked is that in being saved by the public, he's now come to terms with the knowledge that very few people like him in the house and it will no longer bother him so much.  I'm hoping to see a much more chilled out Ben this week.

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