1.. Time now? 14.00
2.. Best nickname given to you? Tiger
3.. Worst nickname given to you? Twat
4.. Who do you live with? My mother, I look after her
5.. What book are you reading now? Scarpetta, Patricia Cornwell
6.. What's on your mouse pad? Dark blue with a yellow squiggle
7.. Favourite board game? Trivial Pursuit
8.. Favourite magazine? Don't read em
9.. Favourite smells? Fresia
10.. Least favourite smell? Muck spreading
11.. Favourite sounds? Babies giggling
12.. Least favourite sounds? Babies crying
13.. Best feeling in the world? Being content, happy with life and family
14.. Worst feeling in the world? Losing someone that you love dearly
15.. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning? Coffee
16.. Roller Coaster. Scarey or exciting? Scarey, I have a phobia about fairgrounds
17.. Favourite colour? Cream
18.. How many rings until you answer the phone? all depends...threeish
19.. What is the most important thing in life? My family
20.. What is your favourite food Sunday roast
21.. Have you ever had a car accident? Yes, was hit by a nurse

22.. Storms. Cool or scarey? Cool
23.. What was your first car? The first one I bought as a divorcee Rover 25
24.. Ii you could meet one person dead or alive who would it be? Denzil Washington

25.. Favourite alcoholic drink? Lager or Voddie
26.. What is your Zodiac sign? Sagittarius
27.. If you could have any job what would it be? Reporter
28.. If you could dye your hair any colour what would it be? Blondeish

29.. Have you ever been in love? Most definitely
30.. Who was your first crush on? Tony Joyce I was 11 and my first schoolgirl crush
31.. Is the glass half full or half empty? Half full
32.. Things you most want to say right now are? Give me a break
33.. Your favourite film is? the Big Easy
34.. Are you left or right handed? Right, hopeless with my left
35.. Do you type with your fingers on the right keys? fo cuosre I od
36.. What is under your bed? Storage boxes filled with stuff I can't let go of
37.. Your favourite number is? 7
38.. What is your favourite sport to watch? golf and cricket
39.. What is the thing you most desire? health and happiness for my children
40.. Things you have the most intolerance for? rude people
41.. Why have you answered these questions? I don't know, I've a zillion things to do
42.. Time now? 14.12