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Apart from it getting more dramatic and darker, there have also been some very funny situations and funny lines.
(You have to see it really to get the context and the mood, but here goes anyway):
George saying "I'm glad my misery is proving useful."
Mitchell defiantly waving his Marigolds.
Annie - being tested on her ghostly powers - after correctly identifying a tumour does a triumphant "Yesss!"
George, (neat, tidy and organised) correcting the grammar of the graffiti.
It is also a programme that rewards me more on a second viewing.
I think it is improving all the time, especially now that each of them are facing their own problems, which are being interwoven in the script.
Great stuff!
This is taken from the Being Human Blog and is written by Jamie Mathieson who wrote last week's (4th) episode:

"" And it is also the thing I am proudest of.
Not wanting to belittle anyone else's contribution, as I realise a hell of a lot of talented people both in front of and behind the camera work like crazy to make each episode work. But can I just offer one opinion: Russell Tovey knocked this one out of the park. His acting is amazing, his comic timing is bang on, his tourettes attack, which I had pictured as simply comical, is desperate and tragic and heart-breaking. By the time he crawls into his cage at the end, we totally feel for him.
Thank you Russell, for making me look good. And thank you Toby, for giving me the chance to work on the show in the first place. ""

New episode tonight - BBC3 9 o'clock.
" And it is also the thing I am proudest of.
"And it is also the thing of which I am proudest.." as George would correct.

I don't understand how people can't warm to this new series...did they just want froth? Even Lenora (Annie) is looking good which given she's up against Russell Tovey and the extremely charismatic Aiden Turner is no mean achievement.
Ahhhh no. I really liked the Annie story. And how evil is Molly? She's going to have George on a paedophilia charge at this rate.
I loved the Annie story line & I think Molly see's things like dog breath & other things too
It was just a little slow & you can say goodbye to Ivan tweeting now Although me & the other looked at each other when he said it & laughed
Thanks brisket ....I'm sure Mitchell will be fine. They wouldn't shoot themselves in the foot by getting rid of Aiden Turner.  

Though looking at various blogs/message boards there does seem to be a consensus that the Annie story has come as far as it can go. But that's down to the writers surely? I don't think her story this week was weak or that she's the token froth in the mix. There are plenty of dark elements to explore - not least the manner of her death, although that's been resolved to a certain extent her OH is still about. Wonder if he's started beating up his new GF yet?

George seems to have dumped Nina very quickly and moved on but to my mind he's so desperate to be normal he'd jump at any chance - the truth is he's still hiding from what he truly is. I read that there was some werewolf action and Nina in the preview so maybe we're back on track with that storyline.

And I agree with Abo - Molly certainly sees more than anyone realises at this stage.

The bleating on the blogs/message boards seems to be about the absence of any vampire/werewolf/ghost action but to me the main crux of the story is about these people as characters and their "disabilities" are not the be all and end all of who they are.
Reference Cariad Today at 15:07:
 Thanks brisket ....I'm sure Mitchell will be fine. They wouldn't shoot themselves in the foot by getting rid of Aiden Turner.
 There are plenty of dark elements to explore - not least the manner of her death, although that's been resolved to a certain extent her OH is still about. Wonder if he's started beating up his new GF yet?
The "next time" snippet was definitely being deliberately vague. I won't go into spoiler territory, but Toby Whitehouse has given (slightly) bigger clues to Mitchell's fate on his blog. Besides: is it actually possible for an explosion to kill a vampire?

Owen is locked-up in an asylum - we saw this at the end of Series 1. If you remember, he confessed to Annie's murder, which allowed her to finally "pass on" (although she turned death down in order to help Mitchell.)
Eugene's Lair
Reference Cariad Today at 15:07:
The bleating on the blogs/message boards seems to be about the absence of any vampire/werewolf/ghost action but to me the main crux of the story is about these people as characters and their "disabilities" are not the be all and end all of who they are.
Well, quite. The clue is in the title: "Being Human". It's meant to be about what it means to be human, and how the 3 main characters try to lead "normal" lives as part of humanity. In that sense, I thought the latest episode kept more closely than most to the theme, with all three lead characters trying to move-on with their "lives".

I think a lot of the speculation about Annie comes from the fact that Series 3 will see a move to Wales (this was forced on Toby Whitehouse by a BBC production decision). There's therefore the question about whether Annie is tied to the Bristol house and unable to move. However, seeing as she was considering going on a tour with a psychic, I don't think this will be a problem...
Eugene's Lair
Who knows?  It seems these days anything goes. In Trueblood they can't go out in daylight without frying themselves, in Twilight and BH they can. Either way vampires are supposed to be tough as old boots so I'd be surprised if there was any physical damage. In myth bits that are hacked off pull back together rather like The Iron Giant.
We've a lot of decent productions here in Cardiff already EL so I'm not sure it's that much of a wrench. The wherewithal is already in place to cope with any special effects given Dr Who, Torchwood and Merlin are already here - as well as Casualty of course although I've not watched that for aeons. 

Production moving to Wales doesn't automatically mean filming will follow. Much of Dr Who is supposedly set in London although a lot of the outdoor scenes are in familiar places locally. And Merlin also shoots in part in France.

But it makes sense to have Annie more mobile. There is only so far a plot can go when one of the three are tied to the same 4 walls or immediate locality.
Reference Cariad 724 Forum PostsToday at 16:30 (Edited: ) :
We've a lot of decent productions here in Cardiff already EL so I'm not sure it's that much of a wrench. The wherewithal is already in place to cope with any special effects given Dr Who, Torchwood and Merlin are already here - as well as Casualty of course although I've not watched that for aeons.
I was meaning the implications to the plot and characters of a move (i.e. whether Annie can actually move house in the "Being Human" universe), not the technical aspects of the move. I'm well aware that there's a lot of TV work in Cardiff at the moment - you've got Russell T Davies to thank for a lot of that.

I don't really understand why so many programmes are being moved from Bristol to Cardiff, though (Casualty was another example). The official reason is to move work around the UK, but surely they should be moving work from London to Cardiff first - not programmes already made outside London...

My understanding is that the 3rd series will be set in Cardiff. Toby Whitehouse has said that the first episode will see the "group" (whoever they are...) settling into their new home and jobs.

As for the advantages of making Annie more mobile: I agree with you there...
Eugene's Lair
Reference brisket Today at 16:26:
 I don't know about explosions, but I read somewhere yesterday that vampires can be killed by fire. But I get a bit confused about reliable (and less reliable) ways of killing vampires.
I think you're right there, but I get confused about that one too.

The 3 main ways of killing a vampire are a stake through the heart, exposure to sunlight (which doesn't work in the "Being Human" universe) and decapitation (which is how George killed Herrick: he bit his head off! )
Eugene's Lair
I was responding to the rather emotive term you used - that Toby Whitehouse was "forced" into the move.  He may well have been given no option but the production facilities in Treforest (which is where I'm guessing they'll be) are certainly up to par. I'm not sure how Bristol fares comparatively speaking. The studios at Treforest/Upper Boat (just north of Cardiff) are the largest in Wales and may have more clout in terms of delivering special effects and whatnot. BH stared off very small scale after all and as it becomes more popular and mainstream they can justify and command a bigger budget I guess.

Having said that they don't seem to bothered about the TARDIS - I often see it parked out the back of Jacob's Antiques on my way into the office. 

Even if production moves to Cardiff there's no reason we have to lose the pink house, although they may well decide to cut loose completely to open up more storylines. We all know from Torchwood that Cardiff is right on a fissure in the space time continuum - which certainly explains St Mary Street on a Saturday night.

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