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What did i say?!?!? i saw it coming Baby/puppy lol

Just watched the repeat as i always seem to miss the actual show!! (i know i cant believe it either) VERY good stuff, looking forward to next week with Robson Green wolf and son coming bacck into it, the relationship between mitchell and the new additions looks interesting!
Originally Posted by brisket:
Herrick has re-appeared!

Only a matter of time, I suppose: up till now, Herrick has been very much "the dog that didn't bark" this series...

Herrick excepted, one of the things this series has been notable for is the amount of foreshadowing going on, and I don't just mean Mitchell's "wolf-shaped bullet". For example, Sasha's death was mentioned on a news bulletin a week before she turned-up as a zombie. Last week, Cara was mentioned in passing by Mitchell's fangboy Graham, and guess what: she's back next week too...
Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by brisket:
I am very impressed Eugene's. 
Great attention to detail. I had not spotted the mention of Sasha's death.
It was mentioned in the context of her rugby-playing boyfriend. Remember when the newsreader went on to describe Mitchell's impending "match" with "Team Werewolf" in the style of a sports report?
Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by brisket:
If you wish to know nothing at all about tonight's 5th episode opf Being Human, then
I'm not going to look, I'm not going to look, I'm not going to look...

Obviously I saw the preview clip at then end of last week's episode, and I've read the Radio Times write-up, but that's it for me. Apparently this is going to be a really strong episode (and the competition's been fierce this series).

Just finished rewatching last week's episode in preparation!
Eugene's Lair
Oh I do love it!
Yet another gripping episode.
Lovely performance from Russell Tovey, and a beautiful one from James Fleet.

But - and I do have a reservation  - something spoilt it for me tonight.
The policewoman, Nancy,  had one of those shrill croaky voices (rather like ET) whicxh many American actresses have latched onto these days. Sadly it is being picked up on this side of the Atlantic too. Most of them are doing it. I think it's a horrible sound (possibly the latest fashion)  and now someone in Being Human is using it.  Oh woe, woe, woe is me.
I can't stand it.
I would have hoped Being Human would be safe from this silly and annoying way of speaking.
All is not well with my Being Human world.
This is the first time I have had  something to dislike about the programme.
Why, oh why, does Nancy, the policewoman have to sometimes speak with one of those ET-like croaks beloved of American actresses these days? It's a daft and annoying fashion and I can't stand it.
Ah well! I'll just have to be brave and hope she is not with us much longer.
George and Nina will have their werepuppy. They have to...
So glad this is all back on track plotwise - edgy and gorgeous. It lost its way I think ... love the Mitchell and Annie situation.

Tom has to save the day and McNair (it feels so WRONG to find Robson Green sexy ) cannot be dead surely. The actor playing Tom is SO like his sister in Misfits.
Originally Posted by brisket:
I am so pleased the policewoman with the piercing, shrill, croaky, girly voice has gone!
But has she?
Watching  the repeat  - she looked bloodied and gone, but there was a little movement.
I do hope we are not going to be forced to listen to her as a vampire now!! Spare us that.
Last episode of the series on Sunday.

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