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Not been since the move when the C4 forum closed and took me a minute to even remember what the website was. But I used to be one of the LUTTERS on the C4 site. (if you were one or read it you will know what that is, but for those that don't the LUT was the live update thread)


I was wondering how many if any of those who did or read the LUT were still here. Hard to remember names but a few that stick in my head are angel of the north, oly, sossy (sosad), the doctor, who used to do great stats on the LUT. 


I have seen a brisket but don't know if it is the same one. (is that you brisket) I was neil3841 back in those days but messed up when I joined here so had to become neil3842.


But weather or not you were involved with the LUT or the C4 forum what do you think of BB going to C5

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thanks for the welcome I don't remember either of you but it good to know you know what I am talking about and were on C4 otherwise I might have looked a bit crazy. This place never really had the same community feel to it that C4 did but it looksa like it has got much better than it was a launch.


Shame Angel has gone though but good to here others are around hopefully when the show starts she will come back.


Hello neil.

Yes I am the same brisket.

neil 3842,  I can tell you that you look very much like neil 3841

It is lovely to see you here neil.

I remember your fondness and enthusiasm for the LUT.

You have also jogged my memory about the doctor and the great statistics. I had forgotten that.

Angel of the North came back to do part of the final series of Big Brother which was nice.


I'm afraid I am one of those who feel the best of Big Brother is in the past, so I'm not too hopeful that resurrecting it will work. However we shall see.


I am very pleased you have returned here from the wilderness neil. Big welcome to you.


Hi ditty I remember you. Good to see you here  Yes the LUTting addiction is still there and if we got a 24 hour live feed. I would be up for it past couple of series it has been impossible to do a LUT and I didn't really bother with the show as it ended for me when the live feed did but moving to C5 might bring bb back to good old days when they were allowed to have a drink have fun and be on live 24 7


I remember when the live feed on net had a choice of cameras but that might be asking too much. We want BB to be like it was in the first 5 years (except year 4) not the last 3, here is hoping


Hi brisket thought it would be you but you can never be sure on net. Good to see you. Sort of feels like I am comming home seeing these old names. I know what you mean with it felt past its best but a new channel with new people and brains on it, will give it the best chance to get back to good times it can have certainly better than it would have got staying on C4. If the live feed does indead comee back and it seems  it could be good bringing back the saturday live task would be a good idea too.


hope we are not disappointed

Originally Posted by Syd:

 oooooh a Luter, I love Luters, lets hope there is Live Feed to Lut to.....welcome back.....

Sorry syd I missed your post thanks for the welcome. Just found the quote button it not bad. If there is a Live feed and rumour has it there will be I am up for resuming the LUT. Hopefully others will be too though as I couldn't do it alone.


Now who here remembers if it was fluff or a hole

Originally Posted by Croctacus:

On the cushion?


It was fluff.


I had a different name then but not sure which one it was...Croc or FGG maybe. I didn't loot then but I am sure it was you who pointed me in the direction of a website I used to get my husband off a parking ticket.

Yes it was that would be peppioo so glad to hear you got off. It is a useful site. Think your old name was croc. I don't remember if it was a council ticket or a unenforceable private ticket but if more people would challenge them less unfair tickets would get issued.


I was on about the fluff/a hole  on the cushion if you remember the debate got so big it got mentioned and settled  on bblb think it was a hole but not even sure myself any more


oooooooh  ello Neil  good to see you



I dunno how I feel about C5 doing BB. .I kinda got fed up of it cos of the increasing imbecility of the contestants each yr but after so many yrs of watching it still couldn't stop watching it in the later yrs. .am fairly sure the same thing will happen when Five get it. .just more monster looney toon  wannabe type people for me to growl at


don't think I'd LUT anymore tho. .get tired too easily now and with a much smaller forum there was never the permanent ongoing cover anyway so it was always full of gaps, tho people like Brisket and Aimee and a few others kept it going as best they could when they had time..  I'm more or less a retired LUTter now


if Five had a Forum set up I'd maybe try it there where there'd be a much larger membership I reckon, maybe even like C4, but they don't do forums by the looks of it. . the DS WHATM thread was never the same. .was always more comments in it than a proper LUT so that never tempted me to try it there when C4 shut down.. 


Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

oooooooh  ello Neil  good to see you



I dunno how I feel about C5 doing BB. .I kinda got fed up of it cos of the increasing imbecility of the contestants each yr but after so many yrs of watching it still couldn't stop watching it in the later yrs. .am fairly sure the same thing will happen when Five get it. .just more monster looney toon  wannabe type people for me to growl at


don't think I'd LUT anymore tho. .get tired too easily now and with a much smaller forum there was never the permanent ongoing cover anyway so it was always full of gaps, tho people like Brisket and Aimee and a few others kept it going as best they could when they had time..  I'm more or less a retired LUTter now


if Five had a Forum set up I'd maybe try it there where there'd be a much larger membership I reckon, maybe even like C4, but they don't do forums by the looks of it. . the DS WHATM thread was never the same. .was always more comments in it than a proper LUT so that never tempted me to try it there when C4 shut down.. 


Hi olly so glad to see you here, after so long I am suprised so many are. (does little dance) I know what you mean by it being a much smaller membership that would affect things quite allot and DS never got the idea that conversations weren't supposed to take place that is why we had the welcome thread. But getting the set up we had with the LUT on C4 would be hard if not impossible.


What we need is more members but as this isn't a officail site it isn't the first place people go when looking for bb stuff. (only reason I got back here was because I knew that was where everyone went) I seem to remember you had more or less retired in the last couple of years on the C4 forum. You came in allot with helpful pointers though.


I wish I had a record of the LUT's we did on C4 though as half the time it was better than the show. Would be good to read though after all this time.  I asking allot now but what are the chances when it goes it C5 of a livefeed on net and a officail big brother website including a forum?


Originally Posted by neil3842:


I wish I had a record of the LUT's we did on C4 though as half the time it was better than the show. Would be good to read though after all this time.  I asking allot now but what are the chances when it goes it C5 of a livefeed on net and a officail big brother website including a forum?


The LUTs were brilliant! 

Originally Posted by neil3842:

Hi ditty I remember you. Good to see you here  Yes the LUTting addiction is still there and if we got a 24 hour live feed. I would be up for it past couple of series it has been impossible to do a LUT and I didn't really bother with the show as it ended for me when the live feed did

Yeah, I know what you mean...     I didn't really have enough enthusiasm to LUT the last couple of series...  and because of the limited air time there wasn't the shortage of Lutters like there had been when it was 24/7


tis good to see you back Neil


Now all we need is to find the rest of the night shift...  


Originally Posted by justafriend:

i used to love getting up early in the morning going straight to the lut thread to read what had happened over night if id fell asleep while watching, i used to suffer badly from lack of sleep like many of us  the luters were great.

first thing i used too do in the morning as well  doing the LUT is very hard though

Originally Posted by neil3842:
Originally Posted by Croctacus:

On the cushion?

It was fluff.

I had a different name then but not sure which one it was...Croc or FGG maybe. I didn't loot then but I am sure it was you who pointed me in the direction of a website I used to get my husband off a parking ticket.

Yes it was that would be peppioo so glad to hear you got off. It is a useful site. Think your old name was croc. I don't remember if it was a council ticket or a unenforceable private ticket but if more people would challenge them less unfair tickets would get issued.

I was on about the fluff/a hole  on the cushion if you remember the debate got so big it got mentioned and settled  on bblb think it was a hole but not even sure myself any more

I'm pretty sure it was a hole.


Hello Neil, I'm a C4er since 2006, but watched from BB3 onwards.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:

Hello neil. 


I used to be Bizzie Lizzie, but I doubt if you remember me.

I was usually off, arguing about HMs, in the other threads.  

Yes I remember you Bizzie not from the LUT though from when I was feeling brave and risked going to  to general. I am so pleased I came back here there are many more of the old names he than I expected.  

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by neil3842:

Hi ditty I remember you. Good to see you here  Yes the LUTting addiction is still there and if we got a 24 hour live feed. I would be up for it past couple of series it has been impossible to do a LUT and I didn't really bother with the show as it ended for me when the live feed did

Yeah, I know what you mean...     I didn't really have enough enthusiasm to LUT the last couple of series...  and because of the limited air time there wasn't the shortage of Lutters like there had been when it was 24/7


tis good to see you back Neil


Now all we need is to find the rest of the night shift...  


I didn't even watch the last couple of series only saw a few episode it wasn't the same without 24 7 viewing as I know full well that C4 had tried to badly edit things in favour of there favorite when there was a live feed but the LUT always gave the game away. Without live feed might as welll have had a script.Last BB I saw right was when rachel won.

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by neil3842:

 But getting the set up we had with the LUT on C4 would be hard if not impossible.




It probably wouldn't be impossible..   Lori is very amenable like that.   


That's good to hear (Lori if you reading a Live update thread and a welcome thread stickys would be very welcome) If we get the LF back 24/7 it is looking we should be able to put a LUT together here just fine. Hopefully we would be able to recuit some new LUTter along the way. Would be nice if Angel came back though can't imagine the LUT without her. Must have wrote half of it herself

Originally Posted by neil3842:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

I'm pretty sure it was a hole.


Hello Neil, I'm a C4er since 2006, but watched from BB3 onwards.

You had the same name  as I remember you had quite allot of posts, funny how you remember those things.


I am going to have to bookmark this forum now I have found it again.

Haha, my post count! Yes, I achieved my first Twirly just before we were all turfed out.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

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