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I know it may sound as if I am on a campaign - but it so annoys me.
Some of them go into the bedroom quite late when others are sleeping. Then they proceed to talk at normal volume clatter doors, laugh, even shout.
I think it is extremely selfish. Maybe thoughtless, maybe intentional.
(I remember Aisleyne used to do it every night quite deliberately.)
If they may a noise when people are sleeping I think it says something unpleasant about them.
I would try my hardest to make no noise. But they don't care, particularly Caoimhe, JJ and Josie.(Dave is often a culprit, but he's not there tonight.)
Then of course I have to remind myself this is a competition of sorts.

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I don't remember Aisleyne doing it, but I do remember her dragging weirdy Sam out into the living room for a chat because she kept crawling up to people in the night and touching their faces. I also remember that feckwit Jayne shrieking and bouncing on the bed in the dead of night like Christopher Biggins in panto

I can't stand a racket at night, but the worst offender is Steve and his snoring. I'd have chucked his own leg at him by now.
Brisket, I TOTALLY agree. I raised this subject last night on another thread and the response I got was' well what's the problem, itsn not like their have to go to work next day'.
I replied that if someone woke me up by throwing a ball at my head, or slam a person onto my bed I would go ballistic. It has bothered me every year the way they carry on. I could have smacked fat con artist Dave in the face for his Fauntleroy remarks and slovenly Jozee for her smart ass sarcky comments to Ben. Idiots the lot of them.
Reference: Blackpudlian
Which is demonstrated by how angry they get when BB sounds the alarm when they fall asleep during the day
Hahahaha, that's reminded me of Nikki trying to sleep during the day and BB keep making her and the other hms go and do the pledge of Susie or whatever it was called.

I think they stopped after about 3 or 4 times - I would have just kept making her do it until she combusted totally
I think it's quite deliberate, but that's just my opinion. Sometimes it's 3 or 4 when they are heading to bed and still insist on making a racket, but if the shoe was on the other foot, we's have tears and tantrums.
Exactly....Notice though how the guilty parties take issue with those who complain,another reason to bitch I suppose.
Josie and Caoimhe doing massage in the bedroom.
Ben asks them if they wouldn't mind being quiet. He quite rightly points out that mostly they spend hours doing that sort of thing in the bathroom (and they do have the rest of the house.)
So then, they obviously and quite deliberately made more noise.
Eventually, they left the bedroom.
But their defiance was so rude and mean.
I'm catching up on last night's LF, at the moment.
After Ben had asked them to stop making so much noise so he can sleep, Josie, JJ and Co. left the bedroom. However, an hour or so later, JJ, Rachel etc returned to the bedroom and chatted really loudly and woke Ben up. They really are the most selfish and inconsiderate bunch of people.
Ben has confronted the housemates responsible for his lack of sleep after discussing the situation with Corin and Keely earlier this morning.

He spoke with Caoimhe about someone throwing her onto his bed and waking him up and Caoimhe agreed that it should not have happened.

"I feel bad now, I promise I'll be quiet tonight," she said.

Ben admitted that it had made him miss Shabby as she had always made sure she was away from the bedroom when making noise or talking late at night.
I miss her also...
Cold Sweat
quite late when others are sleeping. Then they proceed to talk at normal volume clatter doors, laugh, even shout.
I've got neighbours like that ..... so inconsiderate!!!

I don't know why the others, who want to stay up dont go into the nest or the living area and leave those who want to sleep in peace .... it's bloody selfish, imo.
And they are at it again tonight.
JJ is being very loud, Caoimhe is snuggling close to him. Rachel is loud. Josie is also talking.
No effort to keep the noise down at all.
Even more unfair is that Josie, JJ and Caoimhe have taken over Mario's bed.
He has just entered and can hardly get into his own bed.
Such rudeness and extreme bad manners and selfishness.

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