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I think Bea knows exactly what she is doing. She tries to divide and conquer everyone in the house. Singles them out and either attatches herself to them for the day and plays all nicey nicey then drops them (ala Marcus, Siavash and freddie) or attacks them then cries wolf to everyone else to help her get the sympathy vote.

I honestly believe she has changed tactics now and instead of going for the unpopular easy targets such as Lisa and David, she is now going for the people she sees as having a big influence in the house or those who are a threat to her winning, I.E. Marcus and Freddie. I 100% guarantee you if she stays it won't be long before she tries the same shite with Rodders, Sophie and charlie. Nod She will just try to whittle them down one by one and divide the groups and cause unrest and uncertainty within the ranks. Exactly like she did the other night by stitching Marcus up over the ciggies. Stupid po faced bint! Mad

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by Kaytee:
If she targets Charlie....she can get on with it, if she lasts that long Big Grin

She hasn't a clue about self awareness though. Like in the diary room on two occassions recently when she said "I am a nice person" and "I am essentially a nice and friendly person" It's like she is trying to convince herself as much as she is appealing to the public. She is very (to quote her favourite saying) duplicitous.
All that last night "An Audience with Bea" was to save her from being nomed ,she had earlier done the maths trying to get Dave nomed and she realised she would have to get Lisa and Co on board to save her own skin.I can't wait for the twist and there better bliddy be one and Bea is up along with the rest ( apart from Roddy)and she is out!!!!
Originally posted by ozzycam:
Shes is good at what she id doing though.... Wink

I completely disagree. If she was even the slightest bit as good as what she thinks she is then none of the housemates would have sussed her out and she would have the public on her side. Lisa's lot won't tolerate her shite for long, as soon as they get rid of Marcus and Freddie (if their plan works out correctly) they will drop Bea like a bloody brick.

Sorry, she may be devious, duplicitous and manipulative, but clever she aint. Shake Head
Originally posted by erinp:
All that last night "An Audience with Bea" was to save her from being nomed ,she had earlier done the maths trying to get Dave nomed and she realised she would have to get Lisa and Co on board to save her own skin.I can't wait for the twist and there better bliddy be one and Bea is up along with the rest ( apart from Roddy)and she is out!!!!

That was funny "four of us know about gameplayer David.. that leaves six.. does Roddy know.."
Next shot, she's in Davids' arms crying! Laugh
Originally posted by langster:
Originally posted by Kaytee:
If she targets Charlie....she can get on with it, if she lasts that long Big Grin

She hasn't a clue about self awareness though. Like in the diary room on two occassions recently when she said "I am a nice person" and "I am essentially a nice and friendly person" It's like she is trying to convince herself as much as she is appealing to the public. She is very (to quote her favourite saying) duplicitous.

That's why she's been sacked so many times Laugh
Originally posted by langster:
Originally posted by Kaytee:
If she targets Charlie....she can get on with it, if she lasts that long Big Grin

She hasn't a clue about self awareness though. Like in the diary room on two occassions recently when she said "I am a nice person" and "I am essentially a nice and friendly person" It's like she is trying to convince herself as much as she is appealing to the public. She is very (to quote her favourite saying) duplicitous.

We can see just how two-faced she is Langster, unfortunately some of the HMs are far too thick to see it.....but there will be a lightbulb moment eventually Nod
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Mean, nasty and two faced. To think some of us were took in by her sweetness and light act when she came into the hosue but at least she's shown her true colours now Wink.

I don't think we were taken in Darlo...but we thought she'd be a better player than she's turned out to be...far too transparent
Originally posted by langster:
I think Bea knows exactly what she is doing. She tries to divide and conquer everyone in the house. Singles them out and either attatches herself to them for the day and plays all nicey nicey then drops them (ala Marcus, Siavash and freddie) or attacks them then cries wolf to everyone else to help her get the sympathy vote.

I honestly believe she has changed tactics now and instead of going for the unpopular easy targets such as Lisa and David, she is now going for the people she sees as having a big influence in the house or those who are a threat to her winning, I.E. Marcus and Freddie. I 100% guarantee you if she stays it won't be long before she tries the same shite with Rodders, Sophie and charlie. Nod She will just try to whittle them down one by one and divide the groups and cause unrest and uncertainty within the ranks. Exactly like she did the other night by stitching Marcus up over the ciggies. Stupid po faced bint! Mad
Nice one sis! Valentine Thumbs Up Clapping

She's come unstuck now though, cos I watched the LF ALL night long until they went to bed (to sleep cos they went to bed once and then she tore into Knobber VERY LOUDLY, to ensure they would hear her doing her Election Speech!) GRRRRRRRRRR Mad

But, after she got up and stomped around for a bit, Ming, Dave and Charlie all got up and joined her in the garden for a right royal Knobber Knobbling Wink After about 10 mins of that, both Lisa and Charlie suddenly changed tack and started saying how everything will look better in the morning , blah-blah-blah and I couldn't understand how they'd done such a complete swerve! Confused

Then, after they'd all gone back inside to slag Knobber off a bit more in the kitchen, the cameras went back to the garden and Marcus was lying out there in his usual spot! PMFSL! He MUST have heard it because he certainly wasn't asleep and they were all speaking quite loudly and were all revved-up and animated.

Can't WAIT until tonight's HLs and if Marcus stays true to form, he'll tell Bea what he heard and he'll tell Knobber too! Thumbs Up

Knobber has been behaving like a Knob (go figure Laugh) since he cosied up to Bea Roll Eyes
Originally posted by langster:
Hiya sis Valentine Big Grin

Thanks for that, I missed LF last night as I was watching the repeat of the footy and the golf Eeker

Can't wait for the HL show tonight now. I hope they show it all. Thumbs Up Big Grin

you missed live feed Eeker
she performed for the whole house it was look everyone watch me belittle freddie.
she did exactly what had been done to him in the early days and lisa david and charlie loved every minute.
Originally posted by Justafriend:
Originally posted by langster:
Hiya sis Valentine Big Grin

Thanks for that, I missed LF last night as I was watching the repeat of the footy and the golf Eeker

Can't wait for the HL show tonight now. I hope they show it all. Thumbs Up Big Grin

you missed live feed Eeker
she performed for the whole house it was look everyone watch me belittle freddie.
she did exactly what had been done to him in the early days and lisa david and charlie loved every minute.

...and then marched out with team Lisa for a cigarette. They loved every single second of it all.
cologne 1
you missed live feed Eeker
she performed for the whole house it was look everyone watch me belittle freddie.
she did exactly what had been done to him in the early days and lisa david and charlie loved every minute.

Crying Frowner

I flicked over for 5 mins and saw Freddie and Bea in bed under the covers and Marcus staring in to space outside by the pool and just thought everything was all quiet, so I watched the footy as I missed it in the day (wish I hadn't bothered Frowner) and then watched the golf as well. Darn!!!!!! Crying
Originally posted by langster:
you missed live feed Eeker
she performed for the whole house it was look everyone watch me belittle freddie.
she did exactly what had been done to him in the early days and lisa david and charlie loved every minute.

Crying Frowner

I flicked over for 5 mins and saw Freddie and Bea in bed under the covers and Marcus staring in to space outside by the pool and just thought everything was all quiet, so I watched the footy as I missed it in the day (wish I hadn't bothered Frowner) and then watched the golf as well. Darn!!!!!! Crying

langster you cant talk about footie hun i live in Norwich enough said ok Laugh
Originally posted by erinp:
Bea thinks she knows what she is doing ,she not that smart,on the BB web site Newsflash,Can of Worms,the last sentence says be careful what you wish for!

erinp a link was already posted but I don`t think that line registered, it didn`t with me anyway. Will I do another thread to point it out?
Originally posted by Kaytee:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Mean, nasty and two faced. To think some of us were took in by her sweetness and light act when she came into the hosue but at least she's shown her true colours now Wink.

I don't think we were taken in Darlo...but we thought she'd be a better player than she's turned out to be...far too transparent

I'm really disappointed by her.I thought she was strong,forthright and sassy at first.She had a playful glint when she made some of her off the cuff remarks.But ses become increasingly pofaced.The playful side has gone to be replaced by a passive aggressive beatch. Shake Head

She made a comment on lf last night to Fred along the lines.'When you're picking on me you're leaving the others alone'.Wanker he might be,but I flinched at that.
Sis, it was obvious by their 'about turn' that both Charlie and Lisa (Teh Ming) eventually spotted Marcus and that's the point at which they back-pedalled and stopped the 'trashing' of him Knob. Bea and David were oblivious and carried on for a bit and please understand that none of this made sense to me whilst I watched ........ cos I sat here thinking 'why have they suddenly shut up?' Confused

However, after they'd gone to the kitchen to stick the knife even futher into Knobber's back - the camera went out into the garden and there was Marcus, lying in his spot with his 'wanky blankie' wide awake! LMFAO! Thumbs Up Laugh Laugh

He deffo heard them and now has witnessed and heard enough of her old wank to simply bury that Bea! Thumbs Up Big Grin

For all of her so called 'intelligence' hasn't she realised that she's now 'sleeping with the Enemy?' FFS! Who TEH FOOK does she put her up last week?

It sure as hell wasn't those who she's now pissing all over at every opportunity! Mad

She's bin sussed! Mwahahahahahaha Nod and we can at least trust Marcus to not keep quiet about it all Devil Cool

Oh, and Knobber has been acting like a ***** - mainly in all things related to either Bea (defends her too much) or Lisa (attacks her too often) He needs to chill, or else he stands NOOOOOOOO chance, no matter how much many of us in here like him Ninja

If Knob doesn't fix-up pretty quickly - he's a gonna Frowner
I'm just completely shocked by the second vid. The first one wouldn't load, but I got the gist.

She is just a complete and utter hypocrite and extremely nasty indeed. She is horrible. Her hypocrisy astounds me. Does she forget she was the one who said she wanted David out and pretty much canvassed the entire house spouting about how the house would be better off without him. Plus all the diary room rants about Yorkshire puddings. Don't get me wrong, I cannot stand him, but I have never heard him mention them once.

Add that to the "how are we ever going to get Lisa out the house, she's just like a cockroach that wont go away" diary room rant. And all on the night before noms. Hatchet job indeed.

And I agree Freddie goes on about things too much, and yeah he does always slate Lisa, but she has never once given him a chance, she took an instant dislike to him, has always nominated him and always slates him behind his back and is rude to his face. I empethise with him on that one. Being nommed as many times as he has would take its toll.

I just hope Marcus sorts it all out. But I am astounded at Bea. She needs a good kick in her dodgy shaped eyes imho!!!!! Mad
Originally posted by Mazzystar:
Originally posted by Kaytee:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Mean, nasty and two faced. To think some of us were took in by her sweetness and light act when she came into the hosue but at least she's shown her true colours now Wink.

I don't think we were taken in Darlo...but we thought she'd be a better player than she's turned out to be...far too transparent

I'm really disappointed by her.I thought she was strong,forthright and sassy at first.She had a playful glint when she made some of her off the cuff remarks.But ses become increasingly pofaced.The playful side has gone to be replaced by a passive aggressive beatch. Shake Head

She made a comment on lf last night to Fred along the lines.'When you're picking on me you're leaving the others alone'.Wanker he might be,but I flinched at that.

I voted for her to stay last week, because she was stirring things up a bit, but I've really gone off the cah now...but I don't hate her as much as Charlie...yet. Nod
Originally posted by langster:
Originally posted by tupps:
*runs through the thread singing 'I love Bea.. tra-la-la-laleeee'*


LOL!!! Fair enough mate. I don't mind, each to their own. I understand what it is like to be in a minority. I really like Marcus and want him to win (if not then Freddie) so I don't care either. Tra-la-la-leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Laugh Big Grin

I'd probably string her up by her hair extensions if she was in my orbit RL.. but she is a genius HM.. imagine how boring it would be without her and how many knickers would be untwisted in the forum. Ninja
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by langster:
Originally posted by tupps:
*runs through the thread singing 'I love Bea.. tra-la-la-laleeee'*


LOL!!! Fair enough mate. I don't mind, each to their own. I understand what it is like to be in a minority. I really like Marcus and want him to win (if not then Freddie) so I don't care either. Tra-la-la-leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Laugh Big Grin

I'd probably string her up by her hair extensions if she was in my orbit RL.. but she is a genius HM.. imagine how boring it would be without her and how many knickers would be untwisted in the forum. Ninja

Laugh you can always make me laugh

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