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David is mortally upset now about being accused of being a bully, while Bea has sought solace in the manly armpit of Marcus. And really, once presented with that welcoming, gaping, hairy expanse, who wouldn't?

"He flew completely off the handle," she told Marcus, cuddling in. "Oh Marcus, he's horrible! Who the hell does he think he is?!"

"I don't think it's entirely him organising that," said Marcus.

Bea went on at Marcus, having found a sympathetic ear. Although Marcus was convinced it was Lisa pulling the strings.

"She mentioned the butter," he told Bea.

"He's not stupid. No-one can be that stupid," said Bea, a bit confusingly.

"She can't argue," began Marcus. "So she has to get other people to do it for her. She's like a dog with no teeth. You're the top woman at this end of the room and she's the top woman at that end, so you're a threat."

"I find David fake," said Bea. "Really fake!"

But Marcus was off on one now. "You're the biggest threat in the House to her."

Then Halfwit entered the Bedroom and told Bea that David was upset at being called a bully.

"He's not a bully," she said. "It was just heat of the moment. He's too stupid to be a bully."

Bea and Marcus carried on their discussion, with Marcus visibly becoming more and more angry. "I'll have a word with him. If he gets lairy I'll shout at him and make him turn white."

Yeah, that'll definitely calm things down.

Marcus stormed off to the Kitchen to have a go at David, but David listened and shrugged, dousing Marcus' flames.

David went back into the Bedroom and started talking to Bea again.

"I don't think you're a bully," she told him. "I just think you're mean."

"I think bully is a very harsh word," he replied.

"I think you've bullied me," she said. Make your mind up, love.

"How?" I wasn't in your face. I was calm," stressed David.

"You don't need to be threatening to be a bully," she whined.

"You should keep your distance if that's what you think," he told her. "I'm past caring."

"I think you are mean and unpleasant," said Bea, going at him again.

Talk about a dog with a bone...

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Originally posted by Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ:
I notice the words Bea uses to describe her fellow housemates: Bully; Sleazey... they are words which would cause maximum damage in the eyes of viewers.

No doubt she'll be accusing someone of racism, next.

On the cards Spider. Someone may ask what the point of Hira is?...and be accused of racism Laugh

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