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they will not work

2 or 3 weeks ago

She would have been ranting to all about how dave is thick,nasty man,she would have been in diary room ripping him apart.

Running to poor fred to get him sucked in more about how she hates dave

But she knows now she has to change ways and be all mrs innocent and i was only trying to help you

No one wants to back her or agree with her as they can all see her for what she is now.

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Originally posted by erinp:
She tried to get the other HMS involved ,she wanted an arguement a reaction and she didn't get it as they see right through her,she even tried to push Marcus's buttons saying she could steal his cider and there is nothing he could do about it ,but Marcus never took the bait.Bea is so transparent.

she spoke to every single one of them about it,and i know dave went on,but she done her rounds as well

Marcus was very diplomatic with her i thought Laugh
Unfortunately I think her tactics are working cup Frowner

She's been trying her best to turn the house and the public against David since the nominations were announced Mad

It looks like it's worked on some of the HMs and its definitely worked on the public as there's been quite a few get Dave out posts on here after today's highlights.

For someone who's proved her nastiness over and over again, it's quite surprising to see how many people are repeating her viewpoint about David.....poor dab Frowner
Originally posted by DanceSettee:
Unfortunately I think her tactics are working cup Frowner

She's been trying her best to turn the house and the public against David since the nominations were announced Mad

It looks like it's worked on some of the HMs and its definitely worked on the public as there's been quite a few get Dave out posts on here after today's highlights.

For someone who's proved her nastiness over and over again, it's quite surprising to see how many people are repeating her viewpoint about David.....poor dab Frowner

David will never have the support that freddie did.

Lisa was slated for her treatment of him people never forget.

But it would seem when bea has been vile toward dave,and ripped him apart to anyone would listen,it is not as digusting as lisa and fred.

She has been awful to both fred and dave and the same rules should apply to both housemates or any other on the receiving end of a biatch like bea,or indeed lisa when she was a biatch to freddie.

No she is not fooling me she is so clever,desperate to stay and make dave look bad,its her only hope.

And i would hate her stay any longer.
Originally posted by JacksonB:
Originally posted by cologne1:
Originally posted by JacksonB:
david and freddie are both complicit in their ensnarement by bea.

Oh please, what utter nonsense.
of course they were, freddie got the horn and foresaw shenanigins and dave wanted to be friends to avoid a nom.

plain as day.

I think dave and fred were both sucked in by her like she was some superior god who is always right

sad look were fred is now and dave dear god Big Grin

Fred did fancy her and was blinded
Dave thinks because she uses big words and is educated she must be right.

Glad fred did not bother with her anymore towards end,and dave had a go at her.

Although fred will still be friends outside with her,and so would dave they seem the type to forget after show.
Originally posted by cup:

But it would seem when bea has been vile toward dave,and ripped him apart to anyone would listen,it is not as digusting as lisa and fred.

She has been awful to both fred and dave and the same rules should apply to both housemates or any other on the receiving end of a biatch like bea,or indeed lisa when she was a biatch to freddie.

No she is not fooling me she is so clever,desperate to stay and make dave look bad,its her only hope. it dead right there....poor Dave, wonder why people don't give him the same support Frowner
Originally posted by erinp:
Bea knew she would have been up this week that is why she nomed David, she believes the public would not evict her over the Yorkshire Pudding,and just for good measure she was intent in getting him to react or argue with her ,glad he didn't take the bait.
didn't take the bait?

he took it, held it to bosom and went on and on about it for virtually the whole of the highlight show.

thanks god it's only an hour long and we were spared the hours before and after.
Originally posted by JacksonB:
Originally posted by erinp:
Bea knew she would have been up this week that is why she nomed David, she believes the public would not evict her over the Yorkshire Pudding,and just for good measure she was intent in getting him to react or argue with her ,glad he didn't take the bait.
didn't take the bait?

he took it, held it to bosom and went on and on about it for virtually the whole of the highlight show.

thanks god it's only an hour long and we were spared the hours before and after.
Bea wanted a full blown arguement ,she wanted the others involved,all David done was ask her repeatidly! to drop it saying he was not bothered about what was shouted over the wall.Bea kept it going ,she even tried to shift the original grip to talk of nominations.
Originally posted by DanceSettee:
Originally posted by cup:

But it would seem when bea has been vile toward dave,and ripped him apart to anyone would listen,it is not as digusting as lisa and fred.

She has been awful to both fred and dave and the same rules should apply to both housemates or any other on the receiving end of a biatch like bea,or indeed lisa when she was a biatch to freddie.

No she is not fooling me she is so clever,desperate to stay and make dave look bad,its her only hope. it dead right there....poor Dave, wonder why people don't give him the same support Frowner

Well he has done nothing wrong in my eyes that would warrant the stick he gets.

So i will support him not bea

You can see right from wrong in all housemates who do right and wrong.

You cannot be blinded by one and not the other.
Marcus is tutoring her step by step~so she comes over better to the GBP

It was clear he began this tutoring before the monster task
to appear positive and cheery~like whistle and smile etc
and he must have told her to think before she speaks
and do the opposite of what she normally would do

and try to always think before you speak
and then say something positive ~

if a situation seems negative to you at first ~always find something positive in every situation
and to be caring and supportive to others
and on the HL Tonight he was in the pool reminding her to be good this week
and let other have the last word

He had already said he was a good influence on her and she should alter her ways unless she wants to be boo'd
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