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I think these 2 HM's are unique in that I have never seen girls behaving in this way in the house. And this year we have 2. We all know what Noirin was like. We know what Bea is like. And yet many FM's seem to want to blame the guys. Men, in my experience, tend to go on signals they pick up from women. If a woman is clearly giving "all systems go" signals and then turns around and gives "back off buddy" signals I think I blame the woman in question more than the poor confused guy. Maybe you think differently.

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Originally posted by Shar:
This is just the age-old feminine wiles argument ... absolving men of any responsibility whatsoever ... It takes two to tango ... always ...

I think the argument works just as well the other way around if a guy was doing it to a girl. It is just in this case it is 2 girls who have done it to every guy.
Originally posted by squiggle:
Originally posted by Shar:
This is just the age-old feminine wiles argument ... absolving men of any responsibility whatsoever ... It takes two to tango ... always ...

I think the argument works just as well the other way around if a guy was doing it to a girl. It is just in this case it is 2 girls who have done it to every guy.

It certainly does work the other way round too ... as I said, it takes two to tango ... Thumbs Up
I think Bea is a horrible woman but she is horrible because of her sharp tongue to other HMS ,she is nothing like Noireen was Bea has told Freddie to his face what she thinks of him Freddie is not listening ,knowing he is favourite and popular has not stopped her from telling him things to his face ,perhaps he should give her some space and stop following her around ,I think the song he did for her was the last straw as she looked embarrassed by it I dont like either of them but dislike Bea much more.
Originally posted by Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ:
Bea under the duvet with Freddie every night (slagging him off by day)... under the wanket with Marcus... admits to flirting with Lisa... tried flirting with Siavash but failed.

Shhh Spidermonkey I don't think we're allowed to think like that! We have to accept that Bea is just SO sweet, nothing like Noirin at all, completely misunderstood and Freddie is just a horny animal who will not leave her alone despite being told from the very moment that she stepped foot in the house. wavey Big Grin
The way I see it is noirin was pursued by men...sree, marcus and siavash. She told sree and marcus that she wasnt attracted to them. They refused to listen because their ego told them otherwise. She managed to stay friends with them without resorting to a screaming match.

She did fancy siavash, she did kiss siavash and I reckon if isaac hadnt joined the house, she'd still be getting her cuddles from siavash, Once they left the house, would they be together? Probably not, as she told siavash.

Bea has pursued the men....Halfwit because she wanted to bathe in his popularity), she never fancied him and only now has decided to tell him, after weeks of snuggling every night.

Tom knocked her back and isaac jumped ship before she could start what would have been her most embarrassing campaign.

They both went into the house single. If noirin had slept with marcus or sree every night the 'she led him on' angle would have held water. She didnt.

Only one of them will be making any money from their exerience in BB. The men in the house didnt want Bea and the red top buying males probably wont be queuing up for topless shots once she leaves.

Bea has targetted who she percieves as weak housemates and will continue to do so until she is evicted.

They have both been great housemates.
Originally posted by evviva!:
Originally posted by Shar:
This is just the age-old feminine wiles argument ... absolving men of any responsibility whatsoever ... It takes two to tango ... always ...

Yeah but shar, you can only Tango if you're hearing the right music.......... Ninja

True ... then again Freddie just sings if he doesn't hear any music ... Laugh

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