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I think we should know the figures (in and out) and make sure resources follow to areas affected. I also think the world should be fairer, so that people wouldn't feel desperate enough to give up their own countries to travel thousands of miles to get a decent wage, or just to survive.
Bloomin heck Blizzie, are you on sommat? That's deep.
I also think the world should be fairer, so that people wouldn't feel desperate enough to give up their own countries to travel thousands of miles to get a decent wage, or just to survive

I think you've made an excellent point. TBH in my neck of the woods immigration isn't really a huge issue - no one wants to live here. I am well aware that people have concerns but I do feel that it's the old scapegoating thing going on in times of hardship.

As I say - I'm not bet placed to comment but I feel people would be happier to see the stats .................and how it is being administered (for want of a better word).
Soozy Woo
Jack Straw bumbled through his reply using the classic politicians line of not directly answering the question.

As some one who lives in a area where many immigrants have come to over the years, I don't really have a problem, there's good and bad in all races, colours and creeds, but I would like to see the relevant statistics for both immigration and migration and see if the Government is telling the truth for a change.
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
Immigration needs to be controlled. But alas the government of the day will not introduce this - fearfull of loosing voters IMO.
Very true Whichever Party comes up with a tighter immigration policy will get my vote. EXCEPT THE BNP. The Country is full and the doors need closing.

To me there are 2 'types' of Immigration, the first being people from EU Countries coming here to live and work, that's ok by me as long as they're contributing to the system that will provide them with Schooling and Healthcare etc. I quite like the diversity of different cultures etc.

The second 'type' of immigration are the people, through no fault of their own, having fled war torn countries for a better life, that's also fine, however, if they are not contributing to the system it is a drain. Why the UK? Why not the first 'safe' country they come to?

What if the Immigrants are too old to work and arrive here in bad health, we would never (quite rightly) turn anyone with Health Issues away, but, if they have not paid into the system and will not be paying into the system, how can we afford it? The doors need closing and Immigration Laws need to be tighter...I know alot of people may disagree with me and the Human Rights comes into play, but we CANNOT carry on as it is, something has to be done, and soon...before more people start voting for the BNP.
The Devil In Diamante
Some would argue that we should have the opposite priorities, especially when unemployment is rising.

Maybe we should be limiting those coming here to work and still allow those who are coming here as Asylum seekers, who are, after all, in a more desperate situation. We are not the only country taking in Asylum seekers and the vast majority of refugees in the world are in border countries.
It's one of those things where people hear something enough and they assume it's true.  So we hear that there is too much immigration, yet how many of us know the figures?  I certainly don't.  I've heard that the birth rate is dropping and the age expectancy increasing.  We're going to have a much larger older population.  We are going to continue to need an influx of people from abroad so that we have people to keep everything going.
Right - for a start, let's get rid of all our immigrant doctors, nurses and care staff - and see how long it takes for all our health services and hospitals to collapse.
I think any party would be better occupied in getting some of our "indigenous" population off their arses first, before picking on people who have, for the most part, come here to work hard.
Right - for a start, let's get rid of all our immigrant doctors, nurses and care staff - and see how long it takes for all our health services and hospitals to collapse. I think any party would be better occupied in getting some of our "indigenous" population off their arses first, before picking on people who have, for the most part, come here to work hard.
So, back to his comparison between indigenous Britons and the Maori and Native Americans ... what's the reason for the difference in approaches?

Also, I think he was a bit unfairly treated when he said that skin colour is irrelevant.  Everyone jumped on it but what he meant, I presume, is that it's the indigenous bit, whether Native American or British, that matters not whether the indigenous have white or reddish-brown skin.

I don't know whether he's a white supremacist or not.  I think people assume he is of course.
But the term "indigenous" is a bit of an odd one for a nation comprised of invaders - Romans, Vikings, Normans, etc.
I mean I'm presupposing some sort of coherent ideas of his here, which is probably a mistake, but I'm imagining he's talking about a culture on the one hand and race on the other.  It's as though he thinks Maori culture (for example) is mostly static and can only survive as a culture if held by pure blood Maori people.  I'd love to question him properly on it.  He's right in a way that we (Western liberal democracies) seem to consider cultures like the Maori in some sort of special way and he's right that we (Britian, but perhaps not France) don't, on the whole, regard our own culture as special and worthy of protection from change.  Perhaps it's part of British culture to embrace change ... as long as it's not too quick.
My cousin is married to a Maori lass...they have blue eyed blonde haired kids
Anyway I digress...this point certain sections make about races/ethnicities/gene pools or whatever being diluted...I don't really get it   I mean I know what he's saying...but for every Maori woman who marries a European (or Chinese bloke or African or whatever they fancy) surely there's another who will marry another Maori.

Plus...(just taking NZ as an example) all the kids are taught stories/legends and poetry from the Maori culture at I don't belive for one second that the culture has to be contained and protected as a sort of living museum piece to survive.  Aside from all the touristy stuff, which is a different kettle of fish...

I dunno what I'm saying really, I'm just waffling.

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