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Just got back from the BB final was ecstatic that Aaron won but was hard to hear my cheers in the hostile crowd. Says a lot when we all cheered the other housemates out felt so ashamed to be part of the crowd giving Aaron such a dreadful reception he looked like a rabbit in the headlights. Cant wait till he finds out he is truly appreciated and fondly thought of by so many people (me included)


Facebook Voting Figures

Last Friday 

Louise is SAFE with 58% of the online vote!


Faye is EVICTED with just 42% of the online vote!



Tom was evicted with just 3% of the online vote.




Louise has finished 4th with just 10% of the online vote. (out of 4!)



Alex has finished third with 30% of the online vote (out of 3!) SO CLOSE.



Jay is SECOND with 42% of the online vote. (Out of 2!)


AARON IS THE WINNER!!! - With 58% of the online vote! (out of 2!)










hi all
let's just say i was not impressed last night having turned up at elstree studios for the final with ticket's to support Aaron and to boo the she-boy lou, only to be turned away being told that they where filled to capasity. the audience was fixed up front was nothing but a barrage of jay fans that where allowd in and when it came to we loyal Aaron fan's we where told that there was no room for us and where escourted away from the building by police. i mean what type of crap is that poppet


 Edward Gleave 
Aaron is the first game-playing winner BB has had! Is this good?! 
Aaron's fans must be very passionate to have voted him winner
Interviewing the housemates shortly - lots of questions for Aaron 
about to fall asleep but will tweet thoughts about them all tomorrow - lots of goss!
Wasn't a fan of BB's Aaron before but when I interviewed him I really liked him. Glad he won over Jay
Louise was also really nice in the press conference. But Alex looked super nervous the whole way through
Jay came across really well. He denied putting a poo in the BB freezer but two other housemates have said he did it. Who to believe?
Lots of chat with Aaron to fit in to tomorrow's paper - I'll tweet any good quotes that don't make it for Aaron's many fans
Pete Burns trending on Twitter - is that because of his mean question to Aaron on last night's Bit On The Side?!
Big Brother copy all filed. Full interview with Aaron in tomorrow's paper plus bits with Louise, Alex and Jay
he talks about Faye, of course. And lots more
Big Brother final pulled in 2.1million viewers last night
Also, Louise talks dogging, Jay talks bananas and Alex talks marriage with Tom. Plus, find out which finalist went to hospital while in BB
sorry, phrased that wrong. He reveals all about the claims he was playing a game. He doesn't claim he was playing a game. K?
In tomorrow's paper BB winner Aaron talks Faye, responds to claims he was playing a game, reveals what he'll spend cash on and lots more
In the press conference Jay said he didn't hide a poo in the freezer. But minutes later Aaron said Jay managed to get one into a matchbox?!
When I interviewed BB's Aaron they were filming The Winner's Story which airs on Wednesday night. Make sure you tune in!
Aaron still dividing opinion among BB fans - much more fun having a controversial winner!
 I told him he had a lot of fans online and they said All Hail Aslan and he said he loved that
 Will tweet lots of Aaron goss that didn't make the paper later on or tomorrow
BB's Aaron told me he's never introduced a girlfriend to his son and has no immediate plans to introduce Faye. But think they'd get along.
Aaron said Faye does a range of "hilarious" impressions which his boy would love
BB's Aaron also revealed when he went off on his own he wasn't in a huff he just didn't want to ruin others' experience of being in BB
he seemed happy and overwhelmed. But said boos tainted the feeling of winning.
BB goss: Louise and Jay both denied having sex in the house. And Louise said Jay will still have to wait even now they're out the house
Jay revealed he wants to take her for a holiday to a log cabin or to Barbados to spend time together in private
No idea if they had a photoshoot together today - we did photos of Aaron, one in tomorrow's paper

this seems to be the current link to Aarons since he left the house


Jay Merrick

@JJmessiah Weston-super-Mare
Myself and your big brother 2011 winner as chosen by his amazing fans. He thanks you all so much for your support.

For all asking No twitter account for Aaron as yet. He knows how much support their was for him on here though and is very grateful & happy.

Bill said when he turned his phone on the first text he had was from one of those loan companies. Haha.
So...going outside for a cigarette now takes a lot longer than it did a few months ago.

Still up at mine. Bad times for mr busy photo shoot in a few hours. Looking good tho. 

NOW mag shoot was done with Faye Saturday. Watch out for him on Ok TV, Gabby Logan show and Radio 1 this coming week.
Tues he's on OK tv not 100% tho, can't remember. There is NO twitter for Aaron. I was showing him 7am this morn & he has no idea how2use it.
People doing Fake Aaron accounts he finds amusing though. He's just a normal chap from the 'mean streets' of Weston.

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