This is what Emma asked on the BBBOTS and this was the reply
In Emmas interview with that story editor bloke, they said something like :
Emma - "So what do they need to do to pass the task"
Bloke - "The housemates were told they needed to scream less than 3 times, and the two in the crypt were told they had to make them scream more than 4 times"
Then in the news, it was announced they screamed 3 times and had passed the task.
It`s confusing but it was that the housemates were told they had to scream less than 3 times but in fact they had to scream more times in order to pass the task.
The crypt two were in control ( I think) of who they tried to make scream and were told it must be more than 4 times
It was like a double bluff... I think. Blooming heck my head`s spinning.