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Originally Posted by erinp:

This is what Emma asked on the BBBOTS and this was the reply

In Emmas interview with that story editor bloke, they said something like :
Emma - "So what do they need to do to pass the task"
Bloke - "The housemates were told they needed to scream less than 3 times, and the two in the crypt were told they had to make them scream more than 4 times"
Then in the news, it was announced they screamed 3 times and had passed the task.




It`s confusing but it was that the housemates were told they had to scream less than 3 times but in fact they had to scream more times in order to pass the task. 


The crypt two were in control ( I think) of who they tried to make scream and were told it must be more than 4 times  

It was like a double bluff... I think.  Blooming heck my head`s spinning. 


From the early hours....


0052: Aaron is the only person awake in the House - He's doing a bit of spring clean in the kitchen 


0055: When we say spring clean, we mean he washed one cup


0114: All the housemates have turned in for the evening and are on their way to the land of nod


0141: Anton and Jay are awake and are plotting by candlelight  


0146: The housemates have been woken up to the sound of a screaming girl 




From CH5 site.....


9 hours ago


Jay and Anton have spent just over 24 hours in the crypt, watching every single move the housemates make. The pair have taken their role very seriously and have been glued to their headphones ever since entering the room, making sure they get the dirt on their fellow housemates. During their time, they have seen their fair share of bitching not only about themselves, but also about close friend Louise, who Aaron and Harry mocked for being a bit dim.


Tonight in the garden, the duo started planning what would happen if they returned to the House. During their smoking break, whereby the other housemates are a locked in the House due to ‘maintenance reasons’, Jay exclaimed to Anton, “We’ve got to get back in there with this info”. Anton whole heartedly agreed, adding “It’s going to be explosive.” After returning to the crypt, Anton gave these words of warning “I got nothing to lose, I’m going to terrorise the placeâ€Ķ trust me I’ll be doing weird things, I’m front line of the battlefield.” Jay on the other hand, only seemed concerned about warning Louise, by “putting her right” about Faye and Aaron.


Strong words indeed. However, will they even be returned to the House? And if so, will they act out their warnings? One things for sure, their return to the House would certainly spice up the action amongst the rather cosy looking housemates. Stay tuned tomorrow to find out Jay and Anton’s fateâ€Ķ 



Last edited by Scotty
Lol. Are you sure that's not a misprint Scotty , which should read Anton was popular for the first 4/5 days ... Or even minutes Thanks again for the LUTing ... I keep popping in for updates between housework There have been some interesting speculations about how the twist/noms might be done ...and how changing them will backfire . However, I agree with Yogi (and everyone else ) about not wanting to watch the Jay McKray show!!! And if he (or Anton) are put up for eviction I will be breaking my No Vote rule , and putting in a few calls for whoever is against them!! Oh well, back to the hoovering
Originally Posted by Baz:
Lol. Are you sure that's not a misprint Scotty , which should read Anton was popular for the first 4/5 days ... Or even minutes Thanks again for the LUTing ... I keep popping in for updates between housework There have been some interesting speculations about how the twist/noms might be done ...and how changing them will backfire . However, I agree with Yogi (and everyone else ) about not wanting to watch the Jay McKray show!!! And if he (or Anton) are put up for eviction I will be breaking my No Vote rule , and putting in a few calls for whoever is against them!! Oh well, back to the hoovering

 I don`t know how I`m going to do this but here goes.  


1. Anton misprint. 


2. I`ve read about these speculations - I think it will backfire if they don`t sort it out. Too many people are unhappy about it.   


3.  Thanks Baz     I enjoy doing the updates. I`m hoovering, polishing, doing my son`s business accounts and making a chicken casserole in between.   

4. I agree with you, Yogi and everyone else!   


5. Your No vote rule...good for you!   If they`re up, my phone bill be through the roof for anyone up against these two cretins.  


6. My pal believes that hoovering calms you down.  Let`s go Baz!        



This is a comment from the CH5 site. I agree with it but I`m still screaming fix because it`s blatantly obvious Ch5 want to save Jay. They might have to back track now though - the backlash from BB fans has not been good.

We`ll see.  


"I don't think anyone has a problem with these two going into the crypt, that's not why people are screaming fix. We don't like the idea that they are 'rewarding' them for being nominated with the possibility of choosing who goes instead of them. That is not fair, that's not giving everyone the same chance, it's giving two people who should be up for eviction a major tactical advantage. On top of the obvious bias towards Jay and the smear campaign against Aaron, people are fed up."

Last edited by Scotty
Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Scotty Harryettie #4:

1310: The housemates are gathered in the living room for an announcement..


From the videos i've watched it looked like they are thinking of nominating Faye and Alex, the videos are very quiet for me so i could have heard wrong 

Yes, but at this point we don`t know what will be happening with the nominations...whether the cretins will still be up or will be able to nominated others.  


It`s annoying but exciting in a perverse kind of way.   



From Ch5 site...


R.I.P. Task?


As the housemates were released into the garden earlier, they found a surprise waiting for them: a tombstone with the letters ‘R.I.P’ written on it. The housemates aren’t yet aware of why the tombstone is there, though they’ve been theorising about it.


The general view seems to be that it’s part of a new task. Faye doesn’t think that a task can last for longer than 24 hours, though. It certainly seems relevant to yesterday's task, and as Harry quoted the rulebook, ‘Big Brother has the right to change the rules at any time’. We might find out why it’s there soonâ€Ķ

Last edited by Scotty

1 Day 41: Task - Supernatural activity day 3 24 mins ago
Today Big Brother is hosting the world premier of Paranormal Activity 3, and 4 lucky housemates will have the chance attend, going outside to watch the movie on the special live stage cinema.

Big Brother has told the housemates that four of them will be able to win tickets to tonight’s premiere. To do so, they must be judged as the most entertaining housemates by the viewers. What they won’t be told is that the viewers are in fact Jay and Anton, who are still watching from the crypt.

One by one, Jay and Anton will decide which housemate is being the least entertaining. Once a housemate has been chosen as least entertaining, they will called to the diary room and told that they are so brain-dead that they must now become a zombie. A professional make-up artist will give them a zombie make-over, and they’ll be sent back out to the garden where they must emerge from a grave in their new form as member of the living dead.

The four most entertaining housemates will be given tuxedos and dresses to wear to the film premiere, while the zombie housemates will be sent to the small task room where they must sit and tell ghost stories for the duration of the film.

Leading up to the start of the premiere a host of amazing celebrities will walk through the house on the red carpet that leads up the stairs to front door, and outside to the cinema. While this is happening, the winning housemates will be able to mingle with the celebs and enjoy a glass of champers. The losing zombie housemates will be confined to the bathroom, however, where they will only be able to watch on as their fellow housemates mix with the celebrities.

After the premiere, the housemates will be called to the crypt where all will be revealed. After that, Big Brother still has a big final twist in storeâ€Ķ    


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